Dystocia: August Gay C. Militante
Dystocia: August Gay C. Militante
Dystocia: August Gay C. Militante
* * *X -Caput 1x1 cm
- Placenta located anterofundally
* * - Both ovaries and fallopian tubes
grossly normal
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G1P1 (1001) Pregnancy Uterine Delivered to a Live Term Baby Boy with BW 3900g AS 9, 10 CAOG 37 weeks in
cephalic presentation via Primary Low Segment Cesarean Section for failure of descent (midplane contraction)
under RA SAB
A.U. G1P0 Pregnancy Uterine 37 2/7 weeks Age of
Gestation Cephalic in Labor
o a h h
x m y y Intraop findings:
y n o o - LUS well-formed
t i s s -amniotic fluid clear and adequate
o o c c -baby delivered full term
c t i i -baby boy
i o n n -Occiput posterior position
n m e e - birth weight 4200g
y - AS of 9,10
* * ** * ** X X X X X X - CAOG of 39 weeks
-placenta located anterofundally
-Both ovaries and fallopian tubes normal
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G1P1 (1001) Pregnancy Uterine Delivered to a Live Term Baby Boy in Cephalic Presentation with BW 4200 g, AS
9,10,CAOG 39 weeks via Primary Low Transverse Segment CesareanSection under Spinal Anesthesia for Arrest of
Cervical Dilatation,
The diagnosis of any arrest disorders warrants CS
Before an arrest disorder can be diagnosed in the first
stage of labor, the latent phase should be completed,
with the cervix at least 4 cm dilated and the uterine
contraction pattern exceeds 200 Montevideo units for
2 hours without cervical change
It is more reasonable to wait until cervical dilatation
ceases after reaching 5-6 cm dilation before an arrest
disorder is diagnosed
Amniotomy should be done if rupture of membrane
has not occurred
Oxytocin should be used to achieve adequate
contraction before operative delivery is considered
X-ray pelvimetry alone as a predictor of dystocia has
not been shown to have benefit and therefore is not
The end