Class PPT - Team Dynamics Module1
Class PPT - Team Dynamics Module1
Class PPT - Team Dynamics Module1
Module 1: Introduction to Teams
1. Understanding Teams – Definition,
2. Types of teams,
3. Teams vs groups,
4. Components of a team,
5. Benefits and problems from teams,
6. What makes teams unique;
7. Understanding team work – Team work,
8. Decision making process,
9. The role and importance of shared identity, trust,
10. Ethics and values in teams;
11. Team life cycle.
Understanding Teams
What is Teams
There are some key areas of excellence that separate top-
performing companies from those that struggle to keep their heads
above water. One key factor shared by high-performing teams across
all industries is that they recognize the importance of positive team
dynamics, and take steps to foster them. By investing resources in
promoting a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, companies can
help their employees thrive in terms of engagement, productivity
and achievement.
• A group is two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships.
• Formal group, created by the management to perform a particular task
• Informal group, formed naturally by employees for different reasons
A team is a special type of group in which
people work interdependently to
accomplish a common goal.
Characteristics of a Team
• There is a common or shared goal that will make them work together.
• All teams exist to fulfill some purpose, such as creating an industrial mold, assembling a product,
designing a new social welfare program, or making an important decision.
• Team members are held together by their interdependence with regard to the resources , information
and skills
• A need for more coordination and collaboration in achieving the common goal
• They have complementary skills
• High levels of cohesion - Unity
• All teams require some form of communication and interaction, so that members can coordinate and
share common objectives
• A team exists when its members perceive themselves to be a team. They feel connected to each other
through a common interest or purpose. i.e. Team members have a shared identity and sense of
• Team is well structured and members clearly know their roles
• Team members have the authority to manage their own work and internal processes
Teams vs Groups
Teams Groups
Leadership Shared roles Formal established
Accountability Shared and individual Individual
Performance Collective and synergistic individual outcomes
Skills Complimentary Diverse
Orientation Common commitment Common goal
Components of a Team
Components help us in understanding the operations of a team and
to allow leaders and members of teams to identify interventions
that serve to improve the functioning of the team.