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Class PPT - Team Dynamics Module1

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Module 1: Introduction to Teams
1. Understanding Teams – Definition,
2. Types of teams,
3. Teams vs groups,
4. Components of a team,
5. Benefits and problems from teams,
6. What makes teams unique;
7. Understanding team work – Team work,
8. Decision making process,
9. The role and importance of shared identity, trust,
10. Ethics and values in teams;
11. Team life cycle.
Understanding Teams
What is Teams
There are some key areas of excellence that separate top-
performing companies from those that struggle to keep their heads
above water. One key factor shared by high-performing teams across
all industries is that they recognize the importance of positive team
dynamics, and take steps to foster them. By investing resources in
promoting a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, companies can
help their employees thrive in terms of engagement, productivity
and achievement.
• A group is two or more individuals who are connected by and within social relationships.
• Formal group, created by the management to perform a particular task
• Informal group, formed naturally by employees for different reasons
A team is a special type of group in which
people work interdependently to
accomplish a common goal.
Characteristics of a Team
• There is a common or shared goal that will make them work together.
• All teams exist to fulfill some purpose, such as creating an industrial mold, assembling a product,
designing a new social welfare program, or making an important decision.
• Team members are held together by their interdependence with regard to the resources , information
and skills
• A need for more coordination and collaboration in achieving the common goal
• They have complementary skills
• High levels of cohesion - Unity
• All teams require some form of communication and interaction, so that members can coordinate and
share common objectives
• A team exists when its members perceive themselves to be a team. They feel connected to each other
through a common interest or purpose. i.e. Team members have a shared identity and sense of
• Team is well structured and members clearly know their roles
• Team members have the authority to manage their own work and internal processes
Teams vs Groups
Teams Groups
Leadership Shared roles Formal established
Accountability Shared and individual Individual
Performance Collective and synergistic individual outcomes
Skills Complimentary Diverse
Orientation Common commitment Common goal
Components of a Team
Components help us in understanding the operations of a team and
to allow leaders and members of teams to identify interventions
that serve to improve the functioning of the team.

• Core : Unconscious elements that bind the team together and

enable it to operate as a cohesive unit. vision, values, leadership
• Structure : The actual physical makeup of the team as manifested
by the diversity of its members. Subgroups like experienced vs
Components of a team
• Pattern : Relationships between the components of the team, the
ways of interaction, process employed in order to complete the

• Performance: Just having a vision doesn't mean the team will

fulfill the vision. Breaking down of work into clear objectives, goals
and aims. Output and the Control exercised are its essence
Components of a team
• Culture : This refers to intangible or invisible aspects of team like
the level of trust, the cohesion, emotional state , boundary etc.

• Context : Environmental setting and the specific organizational

Benefits of team
For the organisation:
• Promotes unity within organization
• Promotes diverse thinking
• Promotes innovation and creativity
• Improves productivity
• Improves quality (QC)
• Facilitates cross training
Benefits of teams
For the Individual:
• Generates motivation
• Improves morale
• Sharing of workload
• Opportunity to get recognition and reward

For the stakeholders:

• Better products and services
Challenges of teams
• Some people dominate
• Loss of efficiency
• Interpersonal conflicts
• Social loafing
• Requires extra effort from management
• Problems of group like group think
• Dysfunctions of team like coordination
• Right size: Two heads are better than one vs too many cooks spoil the broth
What makes teams unique
Potential Synergism
• Synergism is cooperative action of discrete entities, so that the total effect is
greater than the sum of the effects taken independently.
• Potential group performance= Individual performance + Synergy
• Actual group performance= Potential performance-Faulty group process
Synergistic gains from groups may be offset by operating failures within the group, if
there is intergroup conflict, communication breakdown, insufficient interaction,
political manoeuvring, lack of role clarity, inept leadership, etc.
Understanding Team Work
Positive contributions to organisation

Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group

to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in
the most effective and efficient way.
Understanding Team Work
• Knowing how your team works inside and with other teams is the
• How your teams makes decisions, responds to change, individual
interactions with in a team and how one team interacts with other
• Dynamics refer to the forces or properties which stimulate growth,
development, or change within a system or process
Team Success
A successful team completes its task, maintains
good social relations, and promotes its
members’ personal and professional
development. All three of these factors are
important for defining team success.
Requirements for teamwork success
To perform effectively, a team requires the right
types of people, a task that is suitable for teamwork,
good internal group processes, and a supportive
organizational context. Team members need both an
appropriate set of task skills and the interpersonal
skills to work as a team.
Team Decision Making Process
1. Recognize the problem
2. Define the problem
3. Gather information
4. Develop alternative solutions
5. Evaluate alternatives
6. Select the Best alternative
7. Implement the best alternative
8. Evaluate the outcome
Team Decision Making
Approaches and Methods
"Decision" implies the end of deliberation and the beginning of action.
Trust Definition
• Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something

• Trust is a positive expectation that another individual will not act

opportunistically at another’s expense.
Role and Importance of Trust in Teams
• Trust is essential for an effective team, because it provides a sense of
• Team members can take appropriate risks
• It creates an environment in which morale increases
• Team members feel comfortable to open up
• Team members can enjoy a culture of honesty
• It improves mutual respect among team members
• Fosters team relationships, faster decisions, communication, productivity
Shared Identity
Shared Identity represents team member's sense of
oneness with the group and is made up of belonging,
emotional attraction , joint effort toward goal
Role and Importance of Shared Identity
• Shared team identity minimises conflict
• Team members prioritize the welfare of team
• Creates a feeling of inclusion within diversity
• Improves group cohesion and focus
Collaboration is the action or process of working
with one or more people to produce something, such
as finishing a project, developing a shared idea or
completing a task
Role and Importance of Collaboration
• A Stanford study found that people working collaboratively stuck
at their task for 64% longer than those working individually on the
same task.
• It also reported higher levels of engagement and success
• It also reported lower levels of fatigue.
• Brainstorming ideas, group discussions, reaching consensus need
collaboration in the context of group decision making
• Improves role clarity
• Helps in easier integration of team efforts
Ethics and Values
Ethics and values "refers to a claim about what
is worthwhile, what is good, what is right. It
represents something as being desirable for
human beings."
Role and Importance of Ethics and Values
• It acts as a guide about the culture we should encourage,
• It helps us in building standards that teams should have,
• It lays out the principles that should underpin the team’s efforts.
• Ensures justice in distribution of work etc
• Helps in resolving conflict
• Forms the foundation for ethical and value centered leadership
Team Life Cycle
When a number of individuals begin to work at interdependent jobs,
they often pass through several stages as they learn to work
together as a team.
The stages of team life cycle are forming, storming, norming,
performing, and adjourning. This model of team development was
first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, who maintained that
these phases are all necessary and inevitable and allow team
Thank you

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