Rupture Disc and Rupture Pin
Rupture Disc and Rupture Pin
Rupture Disc and Rupture Pin
Rupture Disk
• A Rupture Disk is a non-reclosing pressure relief device actuated by static differential pressure between the
inlet and outlet of the device and designed to function by the bursting of a rupture disk.
• Rupture disks are used where instantaneous and full opening of a pressure relief device is required. These
devices protect vessels, piping and other pressurized systems from excessive pressure and/or vacuum.
• The rupture disk is oriented with the process fluid/gas against the concave side of the disk. As the pressure
of process fluid/gas increases beyond the allowable operating pressure, the rupture disk starts to grow. This
growth continues as the pressure increases until the tensile strength of the material is reached, and rupture
Overpressure occurs
Overpressure occurs