Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy
• A] Cerebral palsy
• B] Others: Eg Muscular dystrophy, Craniostenosis, Congenital
hydrocephalus etc
2. Athetosis 6. Atonia
a) Tension 7. Mixed
b) Nontension 8. Unclassified
c) Dystonia
d) Tremor
4. Rigidity
B] By Hardy
(i) Disorders of muscle tone: extent of tension maintained in muscle group
Hypotonia → Atonia, Flaccidity
Hypertonia →Spasticity, Rigidity and Tension
II General variety
Myoclonus and spasmodic disorders
b) Hypokinesia: LMN lesion (reduced movements, rare in
7] Therapeutic classification
•Class A: Not requiring treatment
•Class B: Requires minimal therapy
•Class C: Requires team approach
•Class D: Requires long term institutionalization and treatment
Motor Development: Typically
developing Vs Cerebral palsy
Motor development in typically developing children and in children
with cerebral palsy
• Typically developing children
• Based on neural commands from motor areas,
the structures of the body act-i.e. muscles,
tendons and joints
• Various degrees of (a) flexion and extension (b)
cocontraction (c) force physiology possible
(precision, range, speed, force)
Definition of
A] Milestones-motor, sensory, social and adaptive, speech and
language, visual, auditory etc.
B] Critical period (optimum age) : A period during which acquisition
of skills or behaviors are at their optimum. Generally identified as
0-5 years.
C] Sensitive period (periods when a child may learn particular skills
more easily than others) E.g: One word utterance by 1 year
Motor milestones
1] Gross motor development
2] Fine motor development
How does the gross motor and fine
motor development occur??
Neural correlates of milestone acquisition: maturation of
nervous system
1] Synaptic connections
2] Myelination (increase in thickness for faster
3] Neurotransmitters (quantity and function change for
faster conduction)
4] Cell morphology (increase in cell size and morphology)
5] Dendritic arborization
Motor development (control) in normal children continued….