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R.A 6969: Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste and Nuclear Wastes Control ACT OF 1990

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A 6969:
ACT OF 1990
So why do we need to manage

To ensure the safe handling, storage,

transportation and disposal of toxic
chemicals and hazardous
…on the environment



…on human health


Birth defects

• To protect the public and the environment

from risk or potential dangers in the use of or
exposure to chemicals from long-term damage
brought about by careless handling or disposal
of hazardous wastes.
• The law regulates the use, movement, storage
and disposal of toxic chemicals, hazardous and
nuclear wastes in the Philippines.
Classification, Labelling and Packaging /
CLP hazard pictograms

Explosive (Symbol: exploding bomb)

Flammable (Symbol: flame)

Oxidising (Symbol: flame over circle)

Corrosive (Symbol: Corrosion)

Acute toxicity
(Symbol: Skull and crossbones)

Hazardous to the environment

(Symbol: Dead tree and fish)
Health hazard/Hazardous to the
ozone layer (Symbol: Exclamation

Serious health hazard

(Symbol: health hazard)

Gas under pressure

(Symbol: Gas cylinder)
How to avoid?
• Contingency Plan Preparation
Guidance – is designed to minimize
hazards to human health or the
environment from fires, explosions, or any
unplanned sudden or non-sudden release
of hazardous waste or hazardous waste
constituents to air, soil, or surface water.
The Contingency Plan is organized and
worded as is best suited the facility and
should be specific regarding what to do,
who to notify, and in case of off-plant
assistant, what those groups will and will
not do during emergency.
• Contingency Plan Implementation – is a
document which sets out an organized,
planned, and coordinated course of action to
be followed in case of fire, explosion, or release
of hazardous waste or its hazardous
constituents which could threaten human
health or the environment. Must address all
product spills and spill contained materials. The
plan was designed to deal with threats to the
workers, environment and people outside. The
strategies involve outlining a series of steps to
be taken in response to an incident.
I. Emergency Response Organizational Structure

Waste Management Emergency

Officer Response Team

Production Maintenance Production Production

& Warehouse Office Staff 1 2
Warehouse Maintenance
1 1 1 1
Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep.

Packing Office

1 1
Rep. Rep.
a. Roles and Responsibilities of a team member:
PCO- he/she is the head of the Emergency Response Team.
He/she is responsible to direct the Waste Management
Officer to make sure that the Emergency Response Plan,
including training for the emergency response team are
appropriately implemented during in the event of an
emergency response. And in the absence of office
staff(external communication), he/she is responsible of
informing the concerned gov’t agencies and recordkeeping
in case of emergency response.

Waste Management Officer – this team is composed of Prod.

Manager, Maintenance & Warehouse Manager and Office
Staff. Each team member will lead the actual
implementation of the emergency response plan.

Prod. Manager – he ensures the proper implementation in the

production area.
Maintenance & Warehouse Manager – he ensures the proper
implementation in the maintenance & warehouse area.

Office Staff – she makes sure the proper implementation in

the office. She is responsible to notify the concerned gov’t
agencies such as fire dept., police and DENR-EMB7. Her
responsibilities include recordkeeping of emergencies.

Emergency Respond Team – best selected individuals in each

department who are in- charge of preventing possible
emergency scenarios. Ensures the safety of employees,
environment and outsiders.

b. List of possible emergency scenario/s:

 Fire  Chemical Contamination
 Chemical Leakage

 Chemical Intake
c. Key Emergency Contact Phone Numbers

No. Authority/ Company Name Telephone/Cellular No.

1 Fire Department (032) 344 4747

2. Police Station 3, Basak- Mandaue City (032) 343 9891

3. DENR-EMB7 Office (032) 345 3905

4. PCO (+63) 9262288960

5. Production Manager (+63) 9392075468

6. Maintenance & Warehouse Manager (+63) 9752133591

7. Office Clerk/ Staff (+63) 9334006693

8. Shift Supervisor Mosquito – (+63) 9362220448

Baguio – (+63) 9159383837
II. Specific procedures for responding to spills and chemical releases.
Used Flammable & Toxic • In Case of spill or leak takes place: only authorize
Industrial Oil personnel are allowed to enter the area until it is
(I101) completely cleaned. The personnel will find the origin
of leak and stop the flow. If the leak can’t be
controlled, transfer the oil into another container.
Containment can be accomplished by using absorbent
material such as sawdust or sandbag to absorb oil.
DO NOT switches ON the lights or any other electrical
equipment. Remove all possible sources of ignition.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Assist the person to sink, wash or

flush the eyes or affected skin area with water
thoroughly and continuously for a minimum of 15
minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. If the injured
person requires immediate attention, seek immediate
help from PCO or from available person in charge.

• In case of Fire: Assist all personnel away from the

affected area bring them to evacuation location. Use
Fire Extinguisher, CO2 powder or chemical foam to
extinguish fire.

• In case of Inhalation: remove victim to fresh air. If

necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital
functions. Get medical attention immediately.
• Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) to the personnel in-charge.
Busted Toxic • In case of breakage: Evacuate people from the area
Fluorescent and avoid walking through the breakage area.
lamps (Mercury Uncontrolled release should be responded to by trained
and Mercury personnel using pre-planned procedures. Personnel
Compounds) doing clean-up of broken lamps need to wear gloves,
(D407) eye protection and shoe covers to protect the skin and
eyes and minimize contamination on shoes.

• In case of a Mercury release: clear the affected area,

protect people and respond with trained personnel.
Clean all equipment used in response thoroughly, if
such equipment cannot be adequately decontaminated,
it must be discarded with other spill residue.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Assist the person to sink, wash or

flush the eyes or affected skin area with water
thoroughly and continuously for a minimum of 15
minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. If the injured
person requires immediate attention, seek immediate
help from PCO or from available person in charge.

• In case of Inhalation: remove victim to fresh air. If

necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital
functions. Get medical attention immediately.

• Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) to the personnel in-charge.
Busted LED Toxic • In case of breakage: Evacuate people from the area
lights (Arsenic and avoid walking through the breakage area.
and its Uncontrolled release should be responded to by
Compounds) trained personnel using pre-planned procedures.
(D402) Personnel doing clean-up of broken lamps need to
wear gloves, eye protection and shoe covers to
protect the skin and eyes and minimize
contamination on shoes.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Assist the person to sink, wash

or flush the eyes or affected skin area with water
thoroughly and continuously for a minimum of 15
minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. If the
injured person requires immediate attention, seek
immediate help from PCO or from available person in

• In case of Inhalation: remove victim to fresh air. If

necessary, use artificial respiration to support vital
functions. Get medical attention immediately.

• Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) to the personnel in-charge.
Used Batteries Toxic • In case of Inhalation: Provide fresh air, if required,
(D499) provide artificial respiration. Keep patient warm.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Immediately flush eyes

thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, lifting
upper and lower lids until no evidence of the chemical
remains. Remove contaminated clothing and wash
skin with soap and water. If a chemical burn occurs
or if irritation persists, seek immediate help from
PCO or from available person in charge.

• Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) to the personnel in-charge
Containers Flammable & Toxic • In case of Fire: Assist all personnel away from the
Previously affected area bring them to evacuation area. Use Fire
Containing Extinguisher, CO2 powder or chemical foam to
Toxic Chemical extinguish fire.
(J201) • After Inhalation: Supply fresh air, if required,
provide artificial respiration. Keep patient warm.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Immediately flush eyes

thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, lifting
upper and lower lids, until no evidence of the
chemical remains. Remove contaminated clothing and
wash skin with soap and water. If a chemical burn
occurs or if irritation persists, seek immediate help
from PCO or from available person in charge.

•Provide appropriate Personal Protective

Equipment(PPE) to the personnel in-charge
Grease Waste Toxic • In case of Spillage: Contain the spilled material by
(H802) using adsorbent such as sawdust.

• In case of Inhalation: Move affected person to fresh

air and keep warm and at rest in a position
comfortable for breathing. Maintain an open airway.
Loosen tight clothing such as collar, tie or belt.

• Eyes/Skin Contact: Rinse immediately with plenty of

water. Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids
wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes.
Remove affected person from source of contamination.

• Provide appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) to the personnel in-charge.
III. Training

Training is necessary and required to ensure that the correct actions are
taken during an emergency. The emergency responders should receive
specialized training for this role in preparation of dealing with an

The responders should know their roles and responsibilities in

implementing the plan, location of emergency response equipment,
communication during an emergency and awareness of specific procedures
of handling hazardous waste.

The PCO will conduct seminars/ training annually. Topic discussions are
relevant in spill emergency response issues shall include, but not limited to:

a. Applicable Environmental Law

b. Response procedures including initial response, clean- up and disposal

c. Organization of emergency response team

d. Individual spill action plan

e. Personal protective equipment

f. Properties of hazardous materials handled and stored

g. Evacuation procedures and designated assembly places

h. Fire safety equipment training

V. Reporting and Recordkeeping

If incident occur, the PCO will inform the DENR-EMB7 satellite office
within 24hrs. Record all response activities and submit Environmental
Incident Report.
Name of Establishment


Name of Managing Head

Name of PCO

Date of Incident

Time of Incident


 Breakdown of the water treatment plant

 Breakdown of air pollution control device

 Release of chemicals to environmental media

 Release of hazardous wastes to environment

 Exceedance of effluent standard

 Exceedance to emission standard

 Others, please specify

Description of Incident:

Estimated Cost of chemicals, hazardous wastes, emission, and/or effluent released to the receiving environment:

Probable Cause of Accident:

Interim or Contingency Measures to Mitigate any potential Impact:

Completed by: Signature of PCO/EO Date

Noted by: Signature of Managing Head Date

IV. Updating Contingency Plan
Update and submit to EMB if there are changes of
the following:
1. Change in process Operations
2. Change in Emergency Response
3. Organizational Structure
4. Actual release of chemicals
5. Significant changes in response procedure
VII. Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities
Sanitation Fabrication Power
Room Area

Small r Building
Plaza a

W#6 W#5 W#4 W#3 W#2 W#1


WDF Tool O
Room f L
f o
S MMFP Storage i C c
T c a k
A  e e
F Loading r
F Storage t A
Area Area e r
H S e e
O t n a
o C
S r
E a
Packing Storage Rest
Water g Storage
e Room

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