The Importance of Studying Community Dynamics and Community Action

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t o o o
u u ur
Colegio de Sto. Niño de Bustos,
D e a r L o r d a n d F a t h e r o f all

W e t ha nk you f or ga t hering

us .

As we surrender ourselves in P R AY E R
a dora t ion w e a sk t ha t You

would come our

a nd inspire by Your
hea rtHoly Spirit
s t oda y .

Fill our lives w it h Your endless

love .

Inspire our conversations with

Your t rut h Fill our hea rt s

w it h Your presenc e W e a sk .

t his f or Your glory a nd pra ise .

A m e n.

Let us learn
I n my c l a s s ,
we do o u r b e s t
and s u p p o r t one
a n o t h e r as we
l e a r n t o g e t h e r.
Cl a s s r oo
m Rules
My 5
Cl ass r oo
m Rules
Quick list so you know what to
expect from attending my
Rule 1: Be
o n time.
We start our class on
time so we can end on
time. .
Rule 2:
Raise your
hand i f
you have a
Rule 3:
Listen t o
your classmate
talking in front.
Rule 4: Wa i t
f o r your t u r n .
Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged.
Rule 5: Keep
y o u r space t i d y .

Only the things required for

class should be on your desk.
01 Be honest.

Our 5 Golden 02 Be responsible.

Remi n der s
03 Be respectful of others.

For a fun and

productive class!
04 Be kind, polite, and

05 Be a good listener.
To make our virtual classroom a healthy
and productive environment, let's keep these in mind.

We need to remember We need to practice proper
and follow these simple behavior and good
rules during class. manners in our online
Attendees has 20
days to download meeting Wear you daily uniform (MWF) and PE
video. Presenter to decide appropriate courses uniform (TTH) while having virtual
need download and to share in Microsoft classes and weekly assemblies.
in stream. education center

Regular access to M365 via

Review your notes. Stick to a study, specifically
Press exit or hang up after the routine so you won't get behind
your outlook, before the start of
meeting. Presenter to ensure with class assignments.
the day
everyone left the meeting.

Take breaks Support

Submit from being online each
assignments correctly other
Follow your teacher's rules and Find time to recharge and
instructions on how to submit engage in offline activities. Find
your work online.
balance and make time for your
Keep Video On
hobbies as well.
• “Together we stand, Divided we
fall.” John F. Kennedy

• Though many are one body, so also as

Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12.

• “Alone we can do so little, together we can do

so much.”- Hellen Keller.
Community Engagement,
Solidarity and Citizenship

Module 1 – Quarter 1
The Importance of Studying Community
Dynamics and Community Action
Module 1 – Quarter 1
The Importance of Studying Community
Dynamics and Community Action

Objective or Our
Goal to achieve  Competency 1A: Explain the importance of studying
community dynamics and community action in relation to

in my class
applied social sciences and the learners’ future career
options, HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1 (2 hours)
Objective or Our At the end of this lesson, the learners are
expected to:

Goal to achieve 1.understand the meaning of community;

2.identify the types of community;
in my class 3.appreciate the importance of studying the
community dynamics; and
4.learn the social science for future career
Exercise 1.0 I Dream

Instructions: Complete the statement below and answer the questions that
follows: (10 minutes)

I, , dream to be a/an in the future. (Name) (Dream)

1.What influenced you to form this dream?

2.How do you think this dream will help your future family and the
3.Why do you think that this dream is essential?
4.Is your dream still reachable in your current standing as grade 12
Image uploaded by Kurt
What is
A community is a group of people who share something in
common. You can define a community by the shared
attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the
connections among them. You need a bunch of people who are
alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or
interpersonal connection.
A community is a social unit (a group of living things) with
commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity.
Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given
geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or
in virtual space through communication platforms. Durable relations
that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of
community, important to their identity, practice, and roles in social
institutions such as family, home, work, government, society, or
humanity at large. Although communities are usually small relative to
personal social ties, "community" may also refer to large group
affiliations such as national communities, international communities,
and virtual communities.
Community Dynamics is the process of change and
development in communities of all living organisms—
including plants, microorganisms, and small and large
creatures of every sort. Populations of an organism will appear
in an environment as its requirements for establishment are
What could it be used for?
For commissioners, policy-makers and anybody else involved
in the design and delivery of local services, Community
Dynamics data can be used to bring additional depth into the
understanding of your local areas.
However, the meaning of community is complex. Insufficient understanding of what a community is and its role in the lives of
people in diverse societies has led to the downfall of many well-intended “community” efforts.

Types of Community

• A formal group is formed when people come together to accomplish

specific goals an objectives.

• An informal group is formed when two or more people come together to

accomplish a specific task which is mainly socially geared.
• An urban area is the region surrounding a city. An area with high
density of population.

• A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or other
buildings, and not very many people. A rural area’s population density
is very low.

• A global community are the people or nations of the world, considered

as being closely connected by modern telecommunications and as
being economically, socially, and politically interdependent.
Sectoral means relating to the various economic sectors of a society or to a particular
economic sector.

A social space is physical or virtual space such as a social center, online social
media, or other gathering place where people gather and interact.

There are, broadly speaking, five common features of communities.

You can classify every type of community by the purpose that brings them together.
1. Interest. Communities of people who share the same interest or passion.
2. Action. Communities of people trying to bring about change.
3. Place. Communities of people brought together by geographic boundaries.
4. Practice. Communities of people in the same profession or undertake the same
5. Circumstance. Communities of people brought together byexternal
 Importance of Understanding Community Dynamics and
Community Action

Community Dynamics is the change and development involved in a

community that includes all forms of living organisms.
Community Action is putting communities as the center of the services
development and services delivery.
This initiative aims to cater the primary needs of the communities before
implementing it. In such way, community action will help the community
dynamics or the degree of improvement of the community.
It is important to understand these two because these will propel the
success and stability of the communities. They go hand in hand and are
proportionally related.
What is community action?

Community action is any activity that increases the understanding, engagement

and empowerment of communities in the design and delivery of local services. It
includes a broad range of activities and is sometimes described as ‘social action'
or ‘community engagement'. These activities can vary in their objective, the role
the community plays, the types of activities involved, their scale and their
integration within the council. What they have in common is that they all involve
greater engagement of local citizens in the planning, design and delivery of local
Why is community action important?

Community action is about putting communities at the heart of their own local services.
Involving communities in the design and delivery of services can help to achieve a number
of objectives, including:
Building community and social capacity – helping the community to share knowledge, skills
and ideas.
Community resilience – helping the community to support itself.
Prevention – a focus on early access to services or support, engagement in design, cross-
sector collaboration and partnerships.
Maintaining and creating wealth – for example helping people into employment or
developing community enterprises.
Role of the Community

The role the community includes community consultation, joint planning, joint
design, joint delivery and community-led activities.

Applied Social Sciences

These are social science disciplines, professions and occupations which seek to
use basic social science research and theory to improve the daily life of
communities, organizations and persons.
Social science is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships
among individuals within those societies. The term was formerly used to refer to the field of
sociology, the original "science of society", established in the 19th century. In addition to
sociology, it is now encompasses a wide array of academic disciplines, including anthropology,
archaeology, economics, human geography, linguistics, management science, media studies,
musicology, political science, psychology, welfare and nursing studies[1] and social history.

Sociology is the study of human social life. Sociology is a branch of the social sciences that
uses systematic methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop and refine a
body of knowledge about human social structure.

The perspective of sociology involves seeing through the outside appearances of people’s
actions and organizations (Berger, P. 1963). It is the way of looking at the society and the social
behaviour—the subject matter of sociology. It goes beyond
D e a r L o r d a n d F a t h e r o f all

Thank you that you promise us


That when t w o or m ore c o m e
t o g e t h e r in Your name You are
w it h us Tha nk y o u Lo r d t ha t
. , ,

you have been with us

through out this lesson And that
y o u a r e w it h us r ig ht no w .

Ins p ir e us a s w e lea ve t his

p la c e .

ToIn lo ve a nd s er ve Y o u a lw
t he na m e o f Jes us A m ena y
s .

Amen .

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