1.9 Forces Acting On A Rail Vehicle System: 1. Constraint Forces Between W/R
1.9 Forces Acting On A Rail Vehicle System: 1. Constraint Forces Between W/R
1.9 Forces Acting On A Rail Vehicle System: 1. Constraint Forces Between W/R
The vertical relative distance d(x,y) between the two bodies can be written
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
5. Shear stress
rz / V
Oxyz and vibration vel. of wst w.r.t. Xw
Oxyz at contact point
spin _ creepage:3 z 44
Rail speed : circumference speed of
instant rolling round at contact point
is the longitudinal creep force, is the lateral creep force, and is the creep
moment, (which can be ordinarily neglected).
The coefficientsare given by (see Kalker (1979)):
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
7.Creep forces
7.1 Creep forces for small creepage
7.1.a Determination of Creepages using wheel rail geometry
• The Creepages can be determined using wheel rail geometry illustrated in
Figures 2.32 and 2.33
7.Creep forces
7.1 Creep forces for small creepage
7.1.a Determination of Creepages using wheel rail geometry
• The velocities can be expressed as (refer to Fig 2.32 and 2.34):
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
7.Creep forces
7.1 Creep forces for small creepage
7.1.a Determination of Creepages using wheel rail geometry
Other words is the lateral velocity in the original plane of wheel rail contact
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
7.Creep forces
7.1 Creep forces for small creepage
7.1.b Determination of contact forces from Creepages in relation with wheel rail
• The forces and , , on the wheels due to Creepages can be established by
substituting relations (48)-(53) into relations (45)-(47)
• These forces can be projected to the wheelset axes (see Figure 2.34) as:
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
7.Creep forces
7.1 Creep forces for small creepage
7.1.b Determination of contact forces from Creepages in relation with wheel rail
(46 )
(4 9)
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
7.Creep forces
7.2 Creep forces for large creepage
• For large Creepages such as the case of wheel flange in contact with the
rail, the creep forces are approximated using Johnson and Vermeulen as:
• for
for ,
and for ,
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
Fig. 2.35 Gravitation stiffness
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
9. Derivation of the equation of the wheelset lateral motion
o The stiffness of lateral and yaw springs are neglected.
o For small displacements and conicity.
The second assumption results in the following relations
(57) a,b,c
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
Equate lateral forces acting on the wheel ( Eq. (56) and Eq.
(63) ) to the lateral inertia:
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
Equating all Yaw torques acting on the wheel set to the inertial yaw torque(69)
1.9 Forces acting on a rail vehicle system
9. Vertical Forces
The vertical forces that develop between the wheel and rail are made up
of a force that supports the static load of the vehicle and a dynamically
varying force in response to the vehicle motion along track with
irregularities. These forces are:
: the static load on the wheel
: the high frequency dynamic force where the wheel vibrates on the
contact stiffness
: the lower frequency dynamic force caused by the wheel and rail
vibrating on the substructure stiffness (pad, sleeper, ballast)