Inductive Bible Study Vii
Inductive Bible Study Vii
Inductive Bible Study Vii
In studying narratives, we employ the three
basic steps of the inductive method:
1. Observation
2. Interpretation
3. Application.
After putting the story in its proper context,
read the passage several times. Note the explicit
facts (open, clearly stated) as well as implicit
facts (hidden, implied). Some of the implicit facts
are gathered by relating explicit facts to one
Seven questions will draw out the facts in a
story: who, what, where, when, how, why, and
what are the results?
Read Luke 19: 1 – 10.
1. WHO?
• Very popular, v.3 (Read the previous
chapters to find out why)
• Granted salvation to Zacchaeus and his
household, v.9
• Called Himself the “Son of Man” who
came to seek and save the lost – v.10
• Chief tax collector, v. 2
• A short man, v.3
• Eager to see Jesus, v. 3
• Received Jesus gladly into his house, v.6
• Called a “sinner” by the people (This designation
is related to his being a tax collector. Research on why
this is so)-v. 7
• A “son of Abraham” also, v.10, implying that he is
a Jew like the rest of his critics.
Jesus visits Zacchaeus’s house and bring
salvation to it.
In Jericho. Jesus was going to Jerusalem from
Bethany and Jericho was along the way.
When Jesus entered Jericho and made His
way through the town.
5. HOW
Jesus saw Zacchaeus up on the tree trying to
catch a sight of Him and reached by inviting
Himself into Zacchaeus’s house.
6. WHY
Jesus responded to Zacchaeus’s eagerness to
see Him. A deeper reason could be that Jesus
saw a spiritual need in this (“Sinner”) man.
• Jesus was criticized for his action (v.7)
• Zacchaeus was saved (vv. 9 – 10)
• Zacchaeus showed repentance by
promising to give to the poor and to pay back
with interest what he had stolen in his tax
collections (v.8)
Summarize your observation: Who is saying
or doing what in which circumstances and
with what results?
? ? ? ?
Using Luke 19: 1 – 10, the following is a suggested
procedure for interpretation:
Possible Application:
Jesus is aware of my deepest needs. All I
need to do is to allow Him to satisfy them.
Write your reflections in a notebook or
diary. You can also summarize your
application: What practical actions can I do
to apply the main teaching of this passage?
You can use this application to remind
yourself from time to time of the lessons
you have learned, and to check your daily
obedience to them.