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1-About chetna organic
2-Organizational structure
3-Location and area of business
4-Aims and objectives
•Farmer certification
•Marketing channel
•Waste management
6- Associated to programs
7- impact on society
8- Partners
9- Problems
•Faced by farmers
•Faced by company
10- conclusion
About chetna organic
•started in years of 2004 as a composite pilot on NPM & fair trade supply chain development.

•chetna organic is a unique 360 degree development intervention for small holder farmer.

•chetna enhancing their livelihood option through making their farming system more
profitable & sustainable.

•chetna is not including in charity but also venture in philanthropy.

•ethical supply chain for cotton supported by international collaboration through its triple
bottom line objective.

Organizational structure

•Chetna organic farmers Association(COFA)

•COFA is an non profit formers organisation that
engages in dissemination of Technical and social
extension activities, SHG building support facilitating
watersheds, promotion of CSR (corporate social
responsibility) investment in local level communities for
infrastructure building owned by farmers community.

• it is funded and supported by various International

•Chetna organic agriculture producer Company Limited
•It develop sustainable market linkage for fpo and
international Markets and also involve in training and
capacity building of farmers community on quality
management, local level market development,
maintenance of organic standard and certification etc.
•there are over 5000 farmers involved in cotton

•addressing the poverty related distress of small &

marginal cotton farmers in the region
•chetna emphasis farmers towards giving them training.
•Produce collected, brought &weighed at Chetna
•Payment through bank transfer.
•Till date ,Organic Certification of 5000 farmers.
•Follows APEDA guidelines for Certification.
•Follows IC 1,IC 2,IC 3 & major non-compliance by farmer then demoted to IC 1.
•Auditing-Seed testing for Bt seed, Flower & leaf testing,heap testing,bell testing
and dispatch testing before export.
•Inspection of Farmer's field-1)Internal inspection-Cry 1 liquid test
(2)External inspection-Sample tested in Lab for
GMO,result positive then lot rejected.Farmer certificate
cancelation as traceability.
•Traceability as Farmer's information in chetna's database.
•Processing-Removal of lint & seed
•Pressing of cotton & Cost per bell is Rs.155
•Procurement (4000 q) then turnover for 2021 ( 4 crore).
•Price per quintal =Rs.7000 to 8000
•MSP =Rs 6025 per quintal
•Chetna farmer minimum return =Rs.8500 per quintal
•Marketing Channel-Suppliez to Rajlaxmi Cotton mill(100% Organic
garment mill) for garment preparation.
•Waste Management-Seed waste for oil cake purpose to Haryana.
•Lint waste sold locally.
•Pollution testing done.
•Jaggery to workers for dust problems.
•Research & development-Done by Matrubhumi Organic Producer
•Seed production research in cotton (G. arboreum,G. hirsutum)
•Cattle shed for manure
•Hi tech Horticulture practices
•Nursery raising in polyhouse.
•Has 2 Certification as follows-1)Organic Certification
2) Fair trade Certification
•Others- Basumatha & Matrubhumi Cooperative (as part of Chetna
Organic Cotton Intervention Program) established
• warehouse cum processing unit for Rice & Dal. Funded
by,Netherlands based organic garments brand "Jackpot".
The following program implemented by Chetna:
•WADI Project in Odisha
•Sustainable Farms, Sustainable Futures (New Program)
•Green Cotton (New Program)
•Seed Guardians (New Program)
•Chetna Organic & Fair Trade Cotton Intervention Program
•Enhancing the capacities of the producer organizations for market development
•Jackpot Community Development Program
•Indo-German Watershed Development Project
•Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP)
•Peace By Peace Cotton Project
• Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Program Plus(OTELP +)
•Pratima Organic Growers Groups – ProCotton Program
•Convergence of Agriculture Initiatives in Maharashtra (CAIM)
•Revitalizing Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRA)
•Seed Guardians (New)
•Green Cotton (New)
•Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran pariyojana(MKSP) (New)
impact on society
•Chetna gives secure loan to farmers
•Access pre finance of over 50℅ of cotton harvest
•Active participation of brand community support to develop schools, vocational
training center, eco- centers, women enterprises,
creating revolving funds ect..
•The results of integrity in remote areas is commendable.

•Rcml purchase almost all cotton produced by chetna
•Rcml picked stake up to 10℅ in 2008 in chetna
•Work on international level :-
•Netherlands, uk, max juvenile, fair trade, fair trade usa, jackpot denial, japan,
indian cooperation agency
•Icco nd robo bank & the ford foundation promote market for organic nd
inorganic, fair trade cotton garment
•Ffid working for non profitable organization
•Ffid provide guidance to support cofa & coapcl

Problem faced by the farmers

1- depended upon rain water.
2- cotton ball breakage or damage, it was effecting the quality.
3- dealing with insect and disease issues like leaf roller and Pink
Ball worm .

Problem faced by the company:

1- as cotton is a seasonal crop, they get comparatively less raw
2- middle man or intervention of private players.
3- Working environment of FPO.
Chetna orgnics is associated with lot of small holder farmers. They are
Enhancing their livelihood option through making their farming system more
Profitable nd sustinable. It is also providing market linkage to them.

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