Mann Whitney U Test
Mann Whitney U Test
Mann Whitney U Test
If the data are available in pairs, the Wilcoxon test must be used instead of the Mann-
Whitney U test.
Hypotheses Mann-Whitney U-Tests
The hypotheses of the Mann-Whitney U-test are very similar to the
hypotheses of the independent t-test. The difference, however, is that in
the case of the Mann-Whitney U test, the test is based on a difference in
the central tendency, whereas in the case of the t test, the test is based on a
difference in the mean values. Thus, the Mann-Whitney U test results in:
Depending on how large the sample is, the p-value for the Mann-Whitney U-
test is calculated in a different way. For up to 25 cases, the exact values are
used, which can be read from a table. For larger samples, the normal
distribution can be used as an approximation. So, in the present example one
would actually take the exact value, here nevertheless the way over the normal
distribution. For this, the z-value simply needs to be introduced into the z-
value to p-value calculator
If the calculated z-value is larger than the critical z-value, the two groups
Calculate Mann-Whitney U test with tied ranks
If several people share a rank, connected ranks are present. In this case, there is a change in the
calculation of the rank sums and the standard deviation of the U-value. We will now go through both
using an example.
Since the rank ties are clearly visible in the upper table, a term is calculated here that is needed for the
later calculation of the u-value in the presence of rank ties.
Now all values are available to calculate the z-value considering connected ranks.
Now all values are available to calculate the z-value considering connected ranks.
Again, noting that you actually need about 20 cases to assume normal distribution of u values.
Interpret Mann-Whitney-U-Test
The reaction time female group had the same high values (Mdn= 39) as the reaction time male group (Mdn= 39). A Mann-
Whitney U-Test showed that this difference was not statistically significant, U=26.5, p=.862, r=.045.