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 Presented To:
Mam Tayyaba
 Presented By:
Shooaib (18251598-005)
Luqman (18251598-012)
Ashar (18251598-045)
 Topic Name:

 Introduction:

 Minikube is a “all in one” Kubernetes “cluster”. It

runs all the components of Kubernetes in a single
node, usually a virtual machine, for development
 Kubectl is the command line tool to control
Kubernetes clusters, from a control host or your
 Kubelet is the agent running on each Kubernetes
node to manage the containers locally based on the
information provided by the control plane.

 Service resource is the one which is used to create a single,

constant point of entry to a group of pods
 Each service resource has an IP address and port that never
changes while the service resource exists
 By using that IP and Port provided by service resource, we can
access our application
Types of Service Resource

 Service resource has many types, few of them are

Cluster IP
Node Port
Load Balancer
External Name
Types of Service

 ClusterIP (default) 
 Exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster
 This type makes the Service only reachable from within the
 We can check it by minikube ssh and than clusterIP:port
 NodePort 
 Exposes the Service on the same port of each selected Node in the
 Port range is 30000 to 32767
 Makes a Service accessible from outside the cluster using
Types of Service

 LoadBalancer
 Creates an external load balancer for traffic
 Assigns a fixed, external IP to the Service
 ExternalName
 To create a service that serves as an alias for an external service
 Let’s say your database is on AWS and it has the following URL
 By create externalName you can have let’s say my-db diverted to
Service commands

 my-svc.yaml
 apiVersion: v1
 kind: Service
 metadata:
  name: my-service
 spec:
  ports:
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 80
  selector:
    app: myapp
  type: LoadBalancer

 Kubernetes provide use way to check health of you

 One of the main benefits of using Kubernetes it keep our
containers running somewhere in the cluster
 If app container crashes because of bug in your app,
Kubernetes will restart your app container automatically

 You can specify a liveness probe for each container in the

pod’s specification
 There are three types of probes
 EXEC Probe

 This type of probe send request on the container’s IP address, a
port and path you specify 
 Probe is considered a failure and Container will be automatically
restarted if
 Probe receives error response code 
 Container app doesn’t respond at all

 TCP Socket probe tries to open a TCP connection to the
specified port of the container
 If the connection is established successfully, the probe is
 Otherwise, the container is restarted.
EXEC Probe

 EXEC Probe
 An Exec probe executes some commands you provide inside the
container and checks the command’s exit status code
 If the status code is 0, the probe is successful
 All other codes are considered failures

 Similar to liveness probes, Kubernetes allows you to also

define a readiness probe for your pod
 The readiness probe is invoked periodically and determines
whether the specific pod should receive client requests or not
 When a container’s readiness probe returns success, it’s
signaling that the container is ready to accept requests
Types of readiness probes

 There are three types of readiness probes:

 This type of probe send request on the container’s IP address, a
port and path you specify 
 Probe is considered a failure and Container will be treated as not
ready and no traffic will get diverted to it

 TCP Socket probe tries to open a TCP connection to the specified
port of the container
 If the connection is established successfully, container will
marked as ready and it will receive traffic
 Otherwise, Kubernetes will wait and rerun the probe to check the
status again
EXEC Probe

 EXEC Probe
 An Exec probe executes some commands you provide inside the
container and checks the command’s exit status code
 If the status code is 0, the probe is successful
 All other codes are considered failures

 Volumes in kubernetes can be thought of shared directory for

the containers in a Pod at a Pod level
 Pod level mean the life of that volume is dependent on Pod’s
life, If Pod restarts all the files will be lost
 Volumes aren’t a standalone Kubernetes object and cannot be
created or deleted on their own
Types Of Volumes

 There are many types of volumes

 emptyDir 
 configMap , secret , downwardAPI 
 persistentVolumeClaim 
 gitRepo
 gcePersistentDisk 
 awsElasticBlockStore 
 azureDisk

 To access the container:

 kubectl exec my-pod-with-vol -it -c container-one -- sh 

 kubectl exec my-pod-with-vol -it -c container-two -- sh 


 To solve this issue Kubernetes provides us option of Persistent

 Persistent Volume add a volume at a cluster level instead pod
 Kubernetes Persistent Volumes remains available outside of the
pod lifecycle
Persistent Volume Access
 Type of accessModes
 ReadWriteOnce  
 Only a single node can mount the volume for reading and writing
 ReadOnlyMany 
 Multiple nodes can mount the volume for reading
 ReadWriteMany
 Multiple nodes can mount the volume for both reading and writing
 RWO , ROX , and RWX pertain to the number of worker
nodes that can use the volume at the same time, not to the
number of pods!
Persistent Volume Reclaim
 The lifetime of a Persistent Volume is determined by its
reclaim policy
 Reclaim Policy controls the action the cluster will take when a
pod releases its ownership of the storage
 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy tag can be used in YAML
configuration file at the time of creating PV

 ConfigMaps allow you to separate your application

configurations from your application code, which helps keep
your containerized applications portable
 ConfigMaps are useful for storing and sharing non-sensitive,
unencrypted configuration information which you can change
at runtime

 Secrets are also used to pass key/value data to application

dynamically like configMaps
 Secrets are secure objects which stores sensitive data, such as
passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys, in your clusters
 The Secret values are Base64 encoded in Kubernetes
Environmental Variable

 Uptil now we have seen how we can pass environmental

variables to containers using envFrom Tag using configMap
and Secrets
 We also can pass environmental variables hardcoded in pod

 We have two ways of updating all those pods

 Delete all existing pods first and then start the new ones
 Start new ones and, once they’re up, delete the old ones
 This could be done either by adding all the new pods and then
deleting all the old pods at once
 Sequentially, by adding new pods and removing old ones gradually

 Using multi-dimensional instead of single-dimensional labels

 Labels may include things like
-The name of the application
 Making manageable container images
 Describing each resource through annotations
 Handling application logs

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