Climate Change in Pakistan

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Climate change in


 One of the biggest problem of the earth.

 Effects are indisputable.
 It causes social, economic and environmental problems.
 The year 2016 was the hottest year on record.
 The temperature of world increases another 4 ºC in 2100.
 In December 2019, Lahore temp. is record 2 ºC which break 35 years past record.
Climate Change:
 Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.
These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.
 But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate
change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.
 Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket
wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.
 Examples of greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change include
carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline for driving a car or
coal for heating a building, for example. Clearing land and forests can also release
carbon dioxide.
 Landfills for garbage are a major source of methane emissions. Energy, industry,
transport, buildings, agriculture and land use are among the main emitters.
Global Warming:
 The rising average temp. of Earth climate system, is called Global Warming.
 Global warming is a phenomenon in which the earth temp. warm up due to
Carbon dioxide.
 Global warming is driving change in rainfall patterns, extreme weather, arrival of
seasons and many more.
 Collectively, we says that global warming and its effects is called climate change.

Causes of Global Warming:

 According to international penal of climate change report, scientist were certain
that most of the climate change was being caused by increasing concentration of
green houses gases.
Climate and environment:

 Climate change and environmental pollution are two different things.

 Environmental pollution such as land pollution, water pollution, air pollution and
plastic pollution, these four type of pollutions are different from climate change.
 The carbon level in atmosphere is 415 parts per million
 In past the presence of carbon is 0.03 but now it is 0.04.
 It might look like its not a big difference but actually it’s a big difference.
Impact of Climate Change in Pakistan:

 Pakistan is an agricultural country.

 Overpopulated country
 A middle to low income country.
 People does not have enough resource to protect themselves from the effect of
climate change.
 Although, the govt. claims that we are not producing so much carbon dioxide and
we are only producing less then 1% globally.
 But the statistics shows that Pakistan’s carbon emission would increase by 300
 This is something that the govt. itself has calculated and submitted in the Paris
Global Climate Risk Index Annual
According to Global Climate Risk Index Report 2021, Released by think tank
 Pakistan lost 9,989 lives.
 Suffer economic losses worth $3.771 Billion.
 173 events are record from 1999 to 2021.
 Pakistan ranked 5th in the most effected countries by climate change.
Effect of climate change:
Intensification of extreme temperature:
 As more evaporation leads to more moisture in the atmosphere, rainfall
intensifies. Which leads:
1. Storms
2. Floods

Heat waves:
Due to heat waves, Pakistan lost 9,989 lives from 1999 to 2021.
Glacier Melting:
On the northern side of Pakistan, the hamilias range is present due to high
temp. the Glaciers melt quickly and we have no water reserves to safe the water.
Which result is storms and floods.

Water security Problems:

 National levels
water crisis between Punjab, Sindh & Baluchistan.
 International levels
Indus Water Treaty Between Pakistan & India.
Food security:
 Decline in crop yield
 Decreasing production from Agriculture.

Desertification of Land:
 Land Degradation
 Decline in quality of land.

Direct and indirect Economic losses

Significant losses of Bio-diversity

Possible Solution:
 Climate change is a serious issue in contemporary era. To avoid its hazards it is
essential to communicate and to give awareness to the public.
 Policies regarding mitigation and adaptations
 Toxic emission is major reason of climate change. There must be cut down to the
use of such vehicles.
 Discouraged the use of fossil fuel.
 Good governance
 Construction of dams to assess and address the additional water problem
 We should change our life style.
 Developing countries like Pakistan are highly affected by the perils of climate change
despite sharing little amount of greenhouse gasses as compared to the developed
 Pakistan will be skeptical to the challenges of climate change because its economy is
highly dependent on Agriculture.
 The effects of climate change over Pakistan can be mitigated if above mentioned
recommendations can be adopted in letter and spirit. Adaptation and mitigation
policies along with good governance would be helpful to cope the challenge of
climate change.
 In 2018 a five-year plan was launched by Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran khan, in
this plan extensive tree plantation campaign was started to combat rising temperature,
floods and other climate related events.
 This is well planned program which should be adopted at school, college, university
and at public and private level.

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