223 2-1 Reports Felipe, B
223 2-1 Reports Felipe, B
223 2-1 Reports Felipe, B
Filipino Music
Filipino Music
Filipinos are widely known as music lovers. Our culture and tradition is very rich with
music which is for daily used, may it be for special occasions, for celebrations,
courtship and marriage, lullaby, for work, for religious practices and the like. Us
Filipinos always have something to sing or play in every situation we are in.
Music has been a great part of our lives, especially in expressing how we felt, in
showing our love for our country, in showcasing our talents, for entertainment and in
making the world know who we are, for our music also serves as our identity as
Filipino Music Eras/Traditions
1. Ethnic Tradition
2. Spanish Colonial
3. American Colonial
4. Contemporary Tradition
Ethnic Tradition
The diversity of ethnic musical traditions arises from
several significant historical events. The Philippines
had proto-Malays as the first inhabitants, followed by
settlers from mainland and insular Southeast Asia. In
essence, the separate regional settlements in the
country were a result of this wave of migration
(Anupol, 2007).
Ethnic Tradition
The Chinese, Malay, Indonesian and Arab merchants
started dynamic trading with the people of Mai (now
Mindoro). With the trading, the merchants not only traded
goods but also religious and social ideas. Indian culture
was very much evident and had a strong imprint on the
14th century in the Island of Sulu.
Variouscommunities adopted this new religion, which
very much influenced their culture and music (Anupol,
Ethnic Tradition – Musical
Indigenous music can be instrumental or vocal, and the
early Filipinos used it to commemorate rites of passage
and life-cycle events.
a. Instrumental – uses a solo instrument and is common
played during courtship or self-entertainment.
b. Vocal – using voices of people to express and transmit
thoughts, beliefs, lifestyles, character and way of life.
Ethnic Tradition – Musical
Ethnic music in the Philippines was founded by several groups
and is based on a respect for native instruments that are
employed in various rituals and worldly activities. Native
instruments are classified into four groups, which are the wind
instruments, chordophones or stringed instruments, idiophones
or percussion instruments (struck with a hammer, against each
other, or against another object), and the membranophones or
percussion instruments (using animal skins or membranes).
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
1. Wind instrument
– vertical flute (Pinatubo Ayta). – lip-valley flute (Kalinga)
– nose flute (Kalinga) – bamboo flute
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
2. Chordophones
– a two-stringed boat
lute from Mindanao.
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
2. Chordophones
– part of a rondalya
ensemble, it is of
ultimatelySpanish origin.
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
3. Idiophones
– set of four large
hanging knobbed gongs
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
3. Idiophones
•– set of eight tuned gongs placed
horizontally in
an ornate frame, tuned pentatonic
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
4. Membranophones
– goblet drum (Maranao)
Ethnic Tradition – Musical Characteristics
4. Membranophones
The blues, folk, R&B, and rock and roll were all
brought by the Americans. They also included
music into the educational system. This improved
the Filipinos' musical abilities, which they
exploited to imitate Western music and produce
localized versions of it.
American Colonial Tradition - Musical
At a later era, the Philippines promoted its own
artists, such as Lea Salonga. Jukeboxes, AM radio,
American dance halls, vaudeville, jazz, Broadway
musicals, and vinyl recordings where they listened
to American rock bands were all popular at this
period (Anupol, 2007).
American Colonial Tradition - Musical