Special Topics in Animal Science
Special Topics in Animal Science
Special Topics in Animal Science
In July 2018, the Food and Drug Administration warned about a possible relationship
between dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs and the consumption of dog food
formulated with potatoes and pulse ingredients. This issue may impede utilization of
pulse ingredients in dog food or consideration of alternative proteins. Pulse ingredients
have been used in the pet food industry for over 2 decades and represent a valuable
source of protein to compliment animal-based ingredients. Moreover, individual
ingredients used in commercial foods do not represent the final nutrient concentration
of the complete diet. Thus, nutritionists formulating dog food must balance
complementary ingredients to fulfill the animal’s nutrient needs in the final diet.
There are multiple factors that should be considered, including differences in nutrient
digestibility and overall bioavailability, the fermentability and quantity of fiber, and
interactions among food constituents that can increase the risk of DCM development.
Taurine is a dispensable amino acid that has been linked to DCM in dogs. As such,
adequate supply of taurine and/or precursors for taurine synthesis plays an important
role in preventing DCM. However, requirements of amino acids in dogs are not well
investigated and are presented in total dietary content basis which does not account
for bioavailability or digestibility. Similarly, any nutrient (e.g., soluble and fermentable
fiber) or physiological condition (e.g., size of the dog, sex, and age) that increases
the requirement for taurine will also augment the possibility for DCM development.
Dog food formulators should have a deep knowledge of processing methodologies
and nutrient interactions beyond meeting the Association of American Feed Control
Officials nutrient profiles and should not carelessly follow unsubstantiated market
trends. Vegetable ingredients, including pulses, are nutritious and can be used in
combination with complementary ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of the dog.
Recently, it has been suggested that pulse ingredients in commercial dog foods are
associated with a limited number of cases of DCM. Although pulse ingredients have been
implicated for having negative effects on the taurine status in dogs (deficiency of which is
a known cause of canine DCM) based on the available evidence, the relationship between
pulses and canine DCM remains undefined. However, the FDA statement may harm
consideration of protein alternatives, such as pulses, as quality ingredients in pet foods and
undermine attempts to diversify ingredients used across the food chain as the global
population continues to grow. Ingredients do not represent the nutritional composition of
the diet, and therefore, nutrient deficiencies should not be attributed to individual
ingredients. The authors of this commentary recognize the important role of endogenous,
and perhaps exogenous, taurine in the prevention of DCM in some dogs. The assurance of
appropriate concentrations of all indispensable sulfur AAs, including methionine and
cysteine, is crucial for ensuring adequate endogenous synthesis of taurine and to meet the
metabolic demands of dogs. Additional dietary factors, such as methyl donors required for
sulfur AA metabolism, carnitine for energy production in muscle, and dietary fiber, as well
as animal factors, such as breed, size, and health status, should also be investigated when
nutrient deficiency-related DCM is suspected.
It is the responsibility of animal nutritionists to formulate balanced diets for dogs,
and other animals, by looking beyond the goal of meeting AAFCO
recommendations or satisfying unsubstantiated market trends. Pulses and other
plant-based ingredients can be used to formulate nutritionally adequate dog foods,
and final product formulations should be assessed for nutrient balance and
bioavailability, especially when using a limited number of ingredients. Although
dietary factors are important in the prevention of sulfur AA deficiency and
development of DCM, empirical data and mechanistic studies are required to better
understand the indispensable AA requirements of dogs and preventing DCM. In
diets that contain high concentrations of dietary fiber, compensative inclusion of
dietary indispensable sulfur AAs, including exogenous taurine, might be required to
offset the possibility of increased fecal excretion or microbial assimilation of taurine
in the large intestine. Processing conditions may also require adjustments to ensure
the presence or effects of antinutritional factors are minimized and nutrient
bioavailability is not compromised. Greater awareness of AA balance is crucial for
ensuring that AA requirements are met for dogs consuming static diets.
Two experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of bismuth subsalicylate (BSS)
and calcium-ammonium nitrate (CAN) on in vitro ruminal fermentation, growth, apparent
total tract digestibility of nutrients, liver mineral concentration, and carcass quality of beef
cattle. In Exp. 1, 4 ruminally cannulated steers [520 ± 30 kg body weight (BW)] were used
as donors to perform a batch culture and an in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD)
procedure. Treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial with factors being BSS [0 or
0.33% of substrate dry matter (DM)] and CAN (0 or 2.22% of substrate DM).
In Exp. 1, 4 ruminally cannulated steers [520 ± 30 kg body weight (BW)] were used as donors to perform a batch
culture and an in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) procedure. Treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial
with factors being BSS [0 or 0.33% of substrate dry matter (DM)] and CAN (0 or 2.22% of substrate DM). In Exp. 2, 200
Angus-crossbred steers (385 ± 27 kg BW) were blocked by BW and allocated to 50 pens (4 steers/pen) in a
randomized complete block design with a 2 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors included BSS (0 or
0.33% of the diet DM) and non-protein nitrogen (NPN) source [urea or encapsulated CAN (eCAN) included at 0.68 or
2.0% of the diet, respectively] with 0.28% ruminally available S (RAS). A low S diet was included as a positive control
containing urea (0.68% of DM) and 0.14% RAS. For Exp. 1, data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS
with the fixed effects of BSS, CAN, BSS × CAN, and the random effect of donor. For Exp. 2, the MIXED procedure of
SAS was used for continuous variables and the GLIMMIX procedure for categorical data. For Exp. 1, no differences
(P > 0.230) were observed for IVOMD. There was a tendency (P = 0.055) for an interaction regarding H2S production.
Acetate:propionate increased (P = 0.003) with the addition of CAN. In Exp. 2, there was a NPN source effect (P =
0.032) where steers consuming urea had greater carcass-adjusted final shrunk BW than those consuming eCAN.
Intake of DM (P < 0.001) and carcass-adjusted average daily gain (P = 0.024) were reduced by eCAN; however, it did
not affect (P = 0.650) carcass-adjusted feed efficiency. Steers consuming urea had greater (P = 0.032) hot carcass
weight, and a BSS × NPN interaction (P = 0.019) was observed on calculated yield grade. Apparent absorption of S
decreased (P < 0.001) with the addition of BSS. Final liver Cu concentration was reduced (P = 0.042) by 58% in cattle
fed BSS, indicating that BSS may decrease Cu absorption and storage in the liver. The results observed in this
experiment indicate that BSS does not have negative effects on feedlot steer performance whereas CAN may hinder
performance of steers fed finishing diets.