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MTH 2203 Numerical Analysis

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MTH 2203 Numerical Analysis

Course content
 Errors and their propagations
 Numerical solutions to non-linear equations
 Numerical solutions for systems of linear equations
 Numerical differentiation
 Langrange’s Interpolating Polynomial
 Iterated interpolation
 Finite difference interpolating polynomials
 Adoptive iteration
 Numerical Integration
Reading Material
 Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires,
Wardsworth, 1993.
 A.K. Kaw, E.E.Kalu and D.Nguyen(2008) Numerical Methods with
Numerical Analysis
 The study of algorithms that use numerical approximation for the
problems of continuous mathematics
 Numerical Methods:
Algorithms that are used to obtain numerical solution of a mathematical
 Why do we need them?
1. No analytical solution exist
2. Analytical solution is difficult to obtain
What do we need
 Basic Needs in the Methods used:
 Practical: can be computed in a reasonable amount of time.
 Accurate: Bounds on the error can be obtained.
Errors and their Propagations
• The study of errors forms an important part of numerical analysis.

• There are several ways in which errors can be introduced in the solution
of the problem.

• And this is what this topic will cover.

What is an Error?
 The term error represents the imprecision and inaccuracy of a numerical

 Measurements and calculations can be characterized with regard to their

accuracy and precision.
 Accuracy refers to how closely a value agrees with the true value.
 Precision refers to how closely values agree with each other.
Sources of errors are
1. Truncation Error
2. Roundoff Error
3. Propagation of Errors
4. Error fluctuations
Truncation Error
 This refers to the error in a method, which occurs because some series
(finite or infinite) is truncated to a fewer number of terms.
 Such errors are essentially algorithmic errors and we can predict the
extent of the error that will occur in the method.

 Example: Considering the infinite decimal expansion form of the number

π = 3.14159265…… so if we truncate to four significant digits, then we shall
have π = 3.141.
Truncation Error cont’d
• This occurs when infinite process is terminated

• Truncate2/3 to 3 s.f
• =0.6666666666666=0.666(3sf)

• Find approximation value of e^0.6 to 2dp

• e^x= 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3!+….
• e^0.6=1.82(2dp)
Round off Error
 This occurs because of the computing device's inability to deal with inexact
 Such numbers need to be rounded off to some near approximation which
is dependent on the word size used to represent numbers of the device.
 Example: Still considering π = 3.14159265…… so rounding off to four
significant digits, then π = 3.142.

 Round off errors are normally corrected to a number of decimal places or

significant figures. An error usually arises because most values used in the
computations are normally approximations of true values and such are
reffered to as round off errors.
Round off Error
• Round off 3.896234 to four decimal places
• =3.8962(2dp)
• Round off2/3 to 3dp
• = 0.6666666666666= 0.667(3dp)
• Round off 0.00652673 t0 3 significant figures
• =0.00653(3sf)
• Round off 7.00214 to four significant figures
• =7.002
• Round off 5415000 to 3 significant figures
• =5420000
Computer Arıthmetıc And Errors
Truncation error
• Occurs when the summation of an infinite series is
approximated using a finite (or truncated) series.
• Consider the Taylor series for ex. We might approximate ex by
the polynomial P(x).
x 2
x 3
x 4 x
• (e x  1  x     ...) andP ( x)  1  x 
2! 3! 4! 2!  x n

• Hence, the approximation P(x) is inexact. The error is n 3 n!
• and is called a truncation error.
• Round-off error
• A direct consequence of the finite representation of floating
point numbers using fixed word lengths employed by
computers. Any calculation that produces a non-rational result
has to be rounded off by the computer.
• Other errors
• Imprecision of the data, model assumptions, human error

Numerical Analysis 16
Absolute Error
 The error between two values is defined as

abs  x  x

where x denotes the exact value and ~

its approximation.
Absolute Error cont’d
•Dx = X-x = True value – approximate value
•Dx is absolute error= |X-x|
•Eg a)round off 32.52632 to 2dp and determine absolute error
•b)Compute absolute and relative error of 3^1/2
Relative Error
 The relative error of ~
x is the absolute error relative to the
exact value.
rel  x 100
Arithmetic computation of errors
and ~
 Example 1: If x  0.3000 X 10 3 x  0.3100 X 10 ,
Calculate both the absolute error and the relative error.
Absolute error

~ 3 3 4
abs  x  x  0.3000x10  0.3100x10  0.1x10
Relative error

x~x 0.1x10-4
rel  x 100  -3
x100  3.33 3
x 0.3000x10
Significant digits
 We can also use the relative error to give the measure of significant digits
of accuracy for an approximation.

rel  0.5 x10
where m is the number of significant digits
Review Questions
3 2
• Evaluate f ( x)  x  6.1x  3.2 x  1.5 at 4.71 using three digit
arithmetic. Compute relative error using i) three digit chopping arithmetic
and ii) three digit rounding arithmetic.
Examples cont’d
Error Propagation
 A term that refers to the way in which, at a given stage of a calculation, part of the
error arises out of the error at a previous stage.

 Error propagation in numerical analysis is just calculating the uncertainty or error of an

approximation against the actual value it is trying to approximate.

 Random fluctuations in one or more measured variables produce random fluctuations

in anything you calculate from those variables. This process is called the propagation
of errors. You need to know how measurement errors propagate through a calculation
that you perform on a measured quantity.
Error Propagation cont’d
• error propagation is independent of the further roundoff errors inevitably
introduced between the two stages. Unfavorable error propagation can
seriously affect the results of a calculation.
• The investigation of error propagation in simple arithmetical operations is
used as the basis for the detailed analysis of more extensive calculations.
The way in which uncertainties in the data propagate into the final results
of a calculation can be assessed in practice by repeating the calculation
with slightly perturbed data.
Why is error propagation important?
• It's generally important, when you're trying to convey the result of a
measurement or calculation, to say both what the value is and how
certain you are about it.
• Error propagation is a way to work out how certain you can be, given that
you have these known sources of error that can contribute to error in
your result.
Why error propagation contd
• A programming error is a state that violates that specification. Conditions
for error propagation are expressed in terms of the relationships between
the implementation and design specification of Software S, which defines
the role of S in the overall design of application P.
• Errors propagate is due to the dependencies between program entities. It
is shown that “classical” static dependencies, developed for the purpose
of code optimization, are inadequate for the analysis of error propagation
since they do not capture events that occur on individual paths through
the program.
Why error propagation contd
• A novel path analysis method is proposed to identify variables potentially
corrupted on a same path due the existence of the fault. The method is
based upon error propagation axioms. The axioms are used to define path
relations for structured programming constructs. The relations provide a
conservative structural approximation to the semantical theory of error
creation and propagation and are shown useful in testing, debugging and
static analysis.

• This propagation error is usually shown as either an absolute error, which

shows how far away the approximation is as a number value, or as a
relative error, which shows how far away the approximation is as a
percentage value.
Propagation error
a) Addition
b) Subtraction
c) Multiplication
d) Quotient
e) Terms involving Powers
a) Addition and Subtraction:
z = x + y   or    z = x - y
Derivation: Assume that the uncertainties are arranged so as to make z as far from
its true value as possible.
Average deviations  z = |x| + |y| in both cases.
With more than two numbers added or subtracted we continue to add the
1. Using simpler average errors

z  x  y  .....
2. Using standard deviations
2 2
z  (x)  (y )  ....
Propagation of errors in addition

Thus maximum absolute error in x = maximum absolute error in a + maximum

absolute error in b

•Thus, when a result involves the sum of two observed quantities, the absolute
error in the result is equal to the sum of the absolute error in the observed
b) Propagation errors in subtraction
• Suppose a result x is obtained by subtraction of two quantities say a and b ie.
X = a – b Let x and b are be absolute errors in the measurement of a and b and x be
the corresponding absolute error in x

• Thus the maximum absolute error in x = maximum absolute error in a + maximum

absolute error in b
• Thus when a result involves the difference of two observed quantities, the absolute
error in the result is equal to the sum of the absolute error in the observed
c) Propagation of errors in Product
Propagation of errors in Product
• Rule when two quantities are multiplied or divided the relative error in the result is
the sum of relative error in the multipliers
d) Propagation errors in quotient
Propagation errors in quotient
Propagation errors in quotient
Product or Multiplication, Quotient or division
Multiplication and Division:
z = x y  or  z = x/y
Derivation: derive the relation for multiplication easily. Take the largest values
for x and y, that is
z + z = (x + x)(y + y) = xy + x y + y x + x y
Usually x << x and y << y  x y << 0
so that the last term x y is much smaller than the other terms and can be
 Since z = xy, z = y x + x y
which we write more compactly by forming the relative error, that is the ratio of
z/z, namely

z x y
   ....
z x y
e) Propagation of errors in product of powers
of observed quantities
Propagation in product of powers
Propagation of error in Product of powers
Propagation error in powers

Error of a physical quantity raised to a power

Rule: The relative error in a physical raised to the power k is the k times the
relative error in the individual quantity
Explanation: Suppose Z = A2 
Hence the relative error in A2 is two times the error in A 
In general, if
The physical quantity z with absolute error is then expressed as
Products of powers: z =xmyn
Products of power
Products of power: z = xm. yn
• The results in this case are


• Because of the uncertainty begins with a 1, we keep two significant figures and
around the answers to match
Examples cont’d
Examples 3 and 4
Review Questions

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