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Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1: Lecture # 3

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Lecture # 3
21st Feb 2013


By Manoj Balakrishnan
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Specified Compressive Strength Concrete, fc’
“28 days cylinder strength of concrete”
 The cylinder has 150mm dia and 300mm length.

 According to ASTM standards at least two cylinder

should be tested and their average is to be taken.

ACI 5.1.5: for concrete designed and constructed in

accordance with ACI code, fc’ shall not be less than
17.5 Mpa (2500 psi)
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Specified Compressive Strength Concrete, fc’
BSS specifies the compressive strength in terms of
cube strength.
 Standard size of cube is 6”x6”x6”

 BSS recommends testing three cubes and taking their

average as the compressive strength of concrete.

Cylinder Strength = (0.75 to 0.8) times Cube

Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1

Concrete Cylinder Concrete Cube

Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Relevant ASTM Standards
 “Methods of Sampling Freshly Mixed
Concrete” (ASTM C 172)

 Practice
for Making and Curing Concrete
Test Specimens in Field” (ASTM C 31)

 “Test
Methods for Compressive Strength of
Cylindrical Concrete Specimen” (ASTM C
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Testing of Samples for Compressive Strength
Cylinders should be tested in moist condition
because in dry state it gives more strength.
ACI Samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed
each day shall be taken :
 Not less than once a day

 Not less than once for each 115m3 of concrete.

 Not less than once for each 450m2 of concrete.

Code allows the site engineer to ask for casting the test sample if he
regards it necessary.
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Acceptance Criteria for Concrete Quality
ACI Strength level of an individual class
of concrete shall be considered satisfactory if
both of the following requirements are met:
 Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive
strength tests equals or exceeds fc’.
 No individual strength test (average of two
cylinders) falls below fc’
 by more than 3.5 MPa (500 psi) when fc’ is 35 MPa (5000
psi) or less; or
 by more than 0.10fc’ when fc’ is more than 35 MPa
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Acceptance Criteria for Concrete Quality (contd…)
For Required fc’ = 20 MPa, if following Are the test results of 7
 19, 20, 22, 23, 19, 18, 24 MPa
Mean 1 = (19 + 20 + 22) / 3 = 20.33 MPa
Mean 2 = (20 + 22 + 23) / 3 = 21.67 MPa
Mean 3 = (22 + 23 + 19) / 3 = 21.33 MPa
Mean 4 = (23 + 19 + 18) / 3 = 20.00 MPa
Mean 5 = (19 + 18 + 24) / 3 = 20.33 MPa
1. Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests
equals or exceeds fc’.
2. Non of the test results fall below required fc’ by 3.5 MPa.
Considering these two point the quality of
concrete is acceptable
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Mix Design
 Ingredients of concrete are mixed together in order to
get a specified Required Average Strength, fcr’ .

 If we use fc’ as target strength during mix design the

average strength achieved may fall below fc’.

 To avoid under-strength concrete fcr’ is used as target

strength in-place of fc’.

fcr’ > fc’

Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Mix Design (contd…)
ACI-5.3.2 Required Average Strength
Table Average Compressive Strength when Data Are
Available to Establish a Sample Standard Deviation

Specified Compressive Strength, Required Average Strength, fcr’

fc’ (MPa) (MPa)
fc’ ≤ 35 Larger of value computed from Eq. (5-1) & (5-2)
fcr’ = fc’ + 1.34 Ss (5-1)
fcr’ = fc’ + 2.33 Ss – 3.45 (5-2)
fc’ > 35 Larger of value computed from Eq. (5-1) & (5-3)
fcr’ = fc’ + 1.34 Ss (5-1)
fcr’ = 0.9fc’ + 2.33 Ss (5-3)

Ss = Standard deviation of compressive strength test

Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1

Mix Design (contd…)

Table Average Compressive Strength when Data
Are Not Available to Establish a Sample Standard Deviation

Specified Compressive Required Average

Strength, fc’ (MPa) Strength, fcr’ (MPa)
fc’ < 21 fcr’ = fc’ + 7
21≤ fc’ ≤ 35 fcr’ = fc’ + 8.5
fc’ > 35 fcr’ = 1.1fc’ + 5
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Stress Strain Curve of Concrete
• The first portion
of curve, to
about 40% of the
Crushing strength fc’, can
Stress be considered
fc’ 0.85fc’ linear.
• The lower the
strength of
0.4 fc’
concrete the
greater will be
0.0028 to 0.0045, the failure strain
generally 0.003 Strain
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Modulus of Elasticity
Concrete is not an elastic material therefore it does not have a fixed
value of modulus of elasticity
Initial tangent
Tangent Modulus


Secant Modulus

Tangent and Secant Moduli of Concrete
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Modulus of Elasticity (contd…)
Secant modulus (Ec) is the one which is being used in design.

Ec = 0.043 wc1.5√fc’
wc = density of concrete in kg/m3
fc’ = specified cylinder strength in MPa
For normal weight concrete, say wc = 2300 kg/m3

Ec = 4700√fc’
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Reinforcing Steel
Steel bars are:
 Plain
 Deformed (currently in use)
Deformed bars have longitudinal and transverse ribs. Ribs provide a good
bond between steel and concrete. If this bond fails steel becomes in
The most important properties for reinforcing steel are:

 Young's modulus, E (200 GPa)

 Yield strength, fy
 Ultimate strength, fu
 Size and diameter of bar
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1

Steel Bars
Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Reinforcing Steel (contd..)

Stress Strain Curve for Steel

yielding Strain Hardening


Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Reinforcing Steel (contd…)
Steel Grade Designation FPS
 Grade 300, fy = 300 MPa Grade 40
For hot rolled
 Grade 420, fy = 420 MPa Grade 60 steel bars
 Grade 520, fy = 520 MPa Grade 70
Cold twisted
Grade 520 steel bars are
available in
Grade 450 grade 420

Stress Grade 300

For hot rolled steel bars

Plain & Reinforced Concrete-1
Reinforcing Steel (contd..)
For simplification the stress strain diagram is consider bilinear because after yielding
cracks appear and concrete becomes in effective.

Bilinear Curve



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