Strict & Absolute Liability
Strict & Absolute Liability
Strict & Absolute Liability
• In this case, defendant was owner of a mill. He got a reservoir built on his land.
In fact the reservoir was built by the engineers who were independent
contractors. When reservoir building process was going on, certain shafts
were found old disused under the site of reservoir. Contractors got those
shafts filled and constructed the reservoir. When the reservoir was filled with
water then the water communicated to the mines of the plaintiff who was a
neighbour of the defendant. While constructing, reservoir filled with marl and
sand. On account of the reservoir and its leakage of water, plaintiff suffered.
He brought an action against the defendant. Defendant took defence he was
not negligent because the reservoir was built by an independent contractor.
• In the judgment J. Blackburn said, ‘we think that the true rule
of law is that the person, who for his own purposes brings in
his land and collects and keeps there anything likely to do
mischief it escapes, must keep it at his peril; and if he does
not do so is prima facie answerable for all the damage which
is in the natural consequence if it escape.
• In this case, following principles were laid down...
1. If a person brings dangerous substance upon his land which
commits mischief and injures the neighbour, then the person who
brings dangerous substance is answerable even if he was not
2. In case of strict liability a person shall be held responsible even
if he was not negligent.
3. A person may use his land in natural way. But if he constructs
something upon that land which commits mischief the person who
does something upon his land shall be responsible.
Who is not liable for negligence?
• It is general principle that a person who is negligent
shall be answerable for his negligence. And a
person who acts like a prudent man is never
answerable for act done by him.
• In Ryland v. Fletcher case for first time (1868) an
exception to this is introduced. This is known as rule of
strict liability. This liability may be fixed without
For application of this rule following
conditions are required
1. Some d angerous thing must have been brought by a
person on his land.
2. The thing thus brought or kept by a person on his land
must e scape.
3. It must be n on natural u se.
1. Dangerous thing