Kate - Ben Folds Five Pitch: Max Mccabe
Kate - Ben Folds Five Pitch: Max Mccabe
Kate - Ben Folds Five Pitch: Max Mccabe
- Ben
Folds Five
Max McCabe
The Breif
Annotation of lyrics
She plays wipe out on the drums
The squirrels and the birds come
Gather around to sing the guitar
Oh I... have you got nothing to say
When all words fail she speaks
Her mix tape's a masterpiece
Walks through the garden
So the roses can see
Oh I... have you got nothing to say
House setting – Bedroom/kitchen/living These shots will be taken mostly at the Casual clothing – the person in love with
room start of the video, with a more homely "Kate" is already a bit strange himself but
feel to it. Mostly displays the person in wears casual / smart clothing.
love with "Kate" in his home.
Outdoor settings – along a street, park, Performative shots follow the main Kate wears eccentric and "weird" clothing
beach, high street, train station character of "Kate" go about her – equivalent to a hippie or grunge style.
errands. Different shots cut in to display Must be able to stand out with other
how unglamourous her life actually is. members of the general public.
Garden A large majority of where the Similar casual clothing to the house
"band" will play, mostly during the setting – no change in dress code for
chorus parts of the song, with protagonist, other band members wear
occasional cut shots to display the band similar casual clothing – inspired from
once more at appropriate times, with a late 90s fashion.
change in quality from different video
Weezer - Take on Me
- A switch between different
qualities of video to mimic a
nostalgic 80's/90's feel.
- Follows a narrative – a
younger Rivers Cuomo (lead
singer of weezer) playing with
his band in his teenage years
and creating a music video
- Includes intertextual
references to the iconic original
Take On Me music video –
paying homage to the original