Household Waste Management

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 Introduction
 Historical perspective
 Types of wastes
 Wastes collection
 3Rs
 Waste management at home
 Waste management for community
 Community project
 Solid waste management policy and rules in India
 Waste management at rural level
 Construction of drainage system
 Landfills
 Methods for improving drainage system
 References

An increasing urbanisation, population
growth, and economic expansion are
generating a mounting quantity of waste in
many developing countries. Waste
management is one of the critical problems
in India. Currently, more than 100 million
tonnes of waste have generated from
various sectors in India. Per capita waste
generation from 0.2 kg to 0.6 kg from
varies depends on household and
economic size of the Indian population.
History of Waste Treatment and Disposal

The need for adequate treatment and disposal of waste by man, arose
as populations moved away from disperse geographical areas to
congregate together in communities. The higher populations of towns
and cities resulted in a concentration of generated waste, such that it
became a nuisance problem. Waste became such a problem for the
citizens of .Athens in Greece that, around 500 BC, a law was issued
banning the throwing of rubbish into the streets. It was required that
the waste be transported by scavengers to an open dump one mile
outside of the city. The first records that waste was being burned as a
disposal route appear in the early years of the first millennium in
Palestine. The Valley of Gahanna outside Jerusalem contained a waste
dump site .where waste was regularly dumped and burned. The site
became synonymous with hell.
Throughout the Middle Ages, waste disposal continued to be
a nuisance problem for city populations. Waste was often
thrown onto the streets causing smells and encouraging
Generation of Municipal Solid Wastes generalise is
essential due lo discarding of unwanted materials away for
disposal. It is a continuous activity which is not very
controllable. Huge quantities of municipal solid wastes are
generated in all the mega cities of the world. The volume of
municipal solid waste generated varies with the Lifestyle of
the people

The wastes could be classified into three types –

•Vegetables waste such as fruits and vegetables peels
•Batteries ,old medicines ,motors
•Tins ,bottles ,plastic bags and containers 
•These wastewaters come from our day-to-day living and include those from food preparation, washing, bathing and toilet
•Black water and grey water are produced from domestic dwellings with access to a piped water supply
•The quantity and type of liquid waste generated in a residential area depends on several factors, such as population size,
standard of living, rate of water consumption, habits of the people and the climate.
• Gaseous waste is mostly generated by human activity. The gaseous wastes include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4), chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), oxides of nitrogen (N), carbon monoxide (CO) etc.
Waste collection

Solid waste management has three basic components, namely,

collection, transportation and disposal.
BOARD), average collection coverage ranges from 50% to 90%.
In India, the system of primary collection of waste is practically
non-existent as the system of storage of waste at source is yet
to be developed, door-to-door collection of waste from
household, shops and establishments is insignificant and
wherever it is introduced through private sweepers or
departmentally, the system does not synchronise further with
the facility of waste storage depots and transportation of waste.
The 3R Initiative
The 3R Initiative aims to promote the "3Rs" (reduce, reuse
and recycle) globally so as to build a sound-material-cycle
society through the effective use of resources and materials.
It was agreed upon at the G8 Sea Island Summit in June
2004 as a new G8 initiative. In order to formally launch the
3R Initiative, it was also agreed to hold a ministerial
meeting in Japan in the spring of 2005.

What are the 3Rs ?

The principle of reducing waste, reusing and recycling
resources and products is often called the "3Rs." Reducing
means choosing to use things with care to reduce the
amount of waste generated. Reusing involves the repeated
use of items or parts of items which still have usable
aspects. Recycling means the use of waste itself as
resources. Waste minimization can be achieved in an
efficient way by focusing primarily on the first of the 3Rs,
"reduce," followed by "reuse" and then "recycle."
Waste management at Home
The best place to start making a difference is right in your own
home. How we can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials to
decrease household waste.
Lawn and Garden
• Use food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic wastes to
create a compost pile. Adding the compost we make to soil
increases water retention, decreases erosion, and keeps
organic materials out of landfills. 
• Raise the cutting height of our lawnmower during hot
summer months to keep grass roots shaded and cooler,
reducing weed growth, browning, and the need for watering.
Home Improvement
• Use insulation made from recycled paper, glass, and other recovered
• Clean and properly store tools, toys and outdoor furniture to protect them
from damage and keep them out of landfills.
• Turn off or unplug lights during the day. Doing so will save energy and
help our lights last longer

Safe disposal of garbage during the pandemic

If you are under home quarantine or have someone at home who could be
infectious, make sure that your garbage is safely disposed of in a plastic garbage
bag that has the neck tightly tied up to avoid spillage. While plastic is generally to
be avoided, in such cases, it is essential to use good quality plastic bags that will
contain the infection and not allow it to spread.
Waste management for Communities

Citizens in every community can do many activities to work

together and reduce waste. Each of us can make a difference
by reducing, reusing, and recycling materials throughout our
communities-and encouraging our neighbours to do the same.
• e-Cycling
• Donate your old computers and tablets to a school. Many
schools will be able to make good use of your old machine.
• Before replacing a computer that no longer fits your needs,
consider enhancing the computer’s capacity by upgrading
the hard drive or memory. This can save you money too.
Community Projects

• On Earth Day, April 22, show your commitment to a clean environment by

volunteering for a clean-up effort in your community.
• Organize a recycling drive in your neighbourhood or at school. Collect
bottles, glass, plastic, newspapers or books and take them to your local
recycling centre or a charity in need.
• Create a community drop-off site for old computers at a neighbourhood
• Set up a composting program for your neighbourhood or school. It only
takes a small amount of land space to collect organic waste into a compost
pile. The compost can be bagged and sold for community and school funds.
• Hold a “donation picnic” at your local park .Participants can eat, talk and
bring their old toys, clothes, books, furniture and other items for charitable
•Government of India, Ministry of Environment, forest and Climate Change has revised.
•Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, the new rules have indicated that the processing of solid waste
management by local bodies and some major points are including:
•The source segregation of waste has been mandated to channelize the waste to wealth by recovery, reuse
and recycle,
•Integrating of waste pickers/rag pickers and waste dealers/Kabadiwalas in the formal system should be
done by State Governments, and Self
•Help Group or any other group are formed.
•No person throw, burn, or bury the solid waste generated by him, on streets, open public spaces outside his
premises, or the drain or water bodies.
Management of waste at rural level-
Creation of awareness among key development policy makers and implementers at all levels regarding the
advantages of SLWM in rural areas and its potential in health & environment protection, recycling and reuse
of waste, generating employment, and providing energy security.
• village based action plan should be developed with the
involvement of local community
• Waste management should primarily be focused at
household level for sustainability and cost effectiveness.
Certain elements which cannot be managed at the household
level should be managed at the community level.

• All sections of rural households should have equal access to

safe disposal of waste water and solid waste management.
Appropriate technologies suited to their needs and means
should be made available to them
• SLWM should be planned and implemented following
demand responsive approaches, involving all stakeholders
from the beginning and ensuring transparency in
management and decision making processes
• Appropriate partnerships with local NGOs, Women SHGs,
and Private sector (if necessary) may be developed.
•There are many ways in which the actual construction of a drainage system
accomplished, depending on the soil conditions encountered. The most
important thing is that it perform the functions for which it is intended with a
minimum of maintence.
•To attain this end ,three conditions should be met-
•The pipe should be properly, carefully bedded and backfilled in such a
manner that there is no breakage during and after construction.
•Joints should be made with care to eliminate the excessive infiltration.
•The line should and slope should be free of irregularities that might favour
accumulation of solid waste which results clogging of pipes.
•And the main pipe should be laid in the main municipal drainage pipeline.
Sanitary landfill
•According to municipal solid waste handling rules 2016, sanitary land filling “means the final and safe
disposal of residual solid waste and inert wastes on land in a facility designed with protective
measures against pollution of ground water, surface water and fugitive air dust, windblown litter, bad
odour, fire hazard, animal menace, bird menace,pests or rodents, greenhouse gas emissions, persistent
organic pollutants slope instability
•and erosion”.
•According to CPCB (2000) on an average, 91% of MSW are dumped in landfills.

Methods for improving drainage

• Designing and constructing drainage systems require expert advice from engineers to make sure that
water flows away quickly and smoothly and is disposed of in a surface watercourse or soak away.
Drainage installed by one community should not create problems for other communities downstream,
nor should it affect ecologically important sites. Environmental considerations should be given
adequate attention: long-term changes to the environment may lead to greater health problems in the
•George Tchobanoglous, Donald R. Rowe, Howard S. Peavy Environmental engineering
International edition,Mc Graw Hill book company
•M. Balasubramanian, Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2018
•Shuchi Gupta *, Krishna Mohan, Rajkumar Prasad, Sujata Gupta,Arun Kansal, Solid waste
management in India: options and opportunities( journal)
•PAUL T. WILLIAMS, Waste Treatment and Disposal,2nd ed,John Willey and sons ltd.
•Nicholas P.Cheremisioff,Handbook of solid waste management and waste minimisation
•Iqbal H.Khan,Naved Ahsan,Textbook of solid waste management,CBS Publishers and
Distributers,Darya Ganj ,New Delhi

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