Household Waste Management
Household Waste Management
Household Waste Management
Historical perspective
Types of wastes
Wastes collection
Waste management at home
Waste management for community
Community project
Solid waste management policy and rules in India
Waste management at rural level
Construction of drainage system
Methods for improving drainage system
An increasing urbanisation, population
growth, and economic expansion are
generating a mounting quantity of waste in
many developing countries. Waste
management is one of the critical problems
in India. Currently, more than 100 million
tonnes of waste have generated from
various sectors in India. Per capita waste
generation from 0.2 kg to 0.6 kg from
varies depends on household and
economic size of the Indian population.
History of Waste Treatment and Disposal
The need for adequate treatment and disposal of waste by man, arose
as populations moved away from disperse geographical areas to
congregate together in communities. The higher populations of towns
and cities resulted in a concentration of generated waste, such that it
became a nuisance problem. Waste became such a problem for the
citizens of .Athens in Greece that, around 500 BC, a law was issued
banning the throwing of rubbish into the streets. It was required that
the waste be transported by scavengers to an open dump one mile
outside of the city. The first records that waste was being burned as a
disposal route appear in the early years of the first millennium in
Palestine. The Valley of Gahanna outside Jerusalem contained a waste
dump site .where waste was regularly dumped and burned. The site
became synonymous with hell.
Throughout the Middle Ages, waste disposal continued to be
a nuisance problem for city populations. Waste was often
thrown onto the streets causing smells and encouraging
Generation of Municipal Solid Wastes generalise is
essential due lo discarding of unwanted materials away for
disposal. It is a continuous activity which is not very
controllable. Huge quantities of municipal solid wastes are
generated in all the mega cities of the world. The volume of
municipal solid waste generated varies with the Lifestyle of
the people