BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control
PSI6000 Inverter
BOS6000 & UIR-Regulation
Hardware and Software
Klaus Klick
System overview Pg 7
Welding Sequence Pg 10
Hardware configuration Pg 13
Timer standard configuration Pg 15
Timer Name & I/O configuration Pg 17
Software communication Pg 22
Ethernet configuration Pg 23
BOS 6000 Software Pg 25
Programming page Pg 29
Icons Pg 30
Welding Sequence Pg 31
Programming exercise Pg 35
Copy Parameter Pg 36
Copy Programs / Timer Pg 37
Current Monitoring Pg 46
Extended Welding Sequence / Pressure Profile Pg 52
Electric Drives and Controls 2
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Contents Page 2
Heat Stepper Pg 53
Heat Stepper & Tip dressing Pg 55
General set-up Pg 56
Electrode set-up Pg 58
Power Unit set-up Pg 62
I/O Diagnosis Pg 63
Simulate Start Pg 66
Timer Information Pg 67
Last Weld Pg 68
Plant Layout Pg 69
Log In / Compare Pg 72
Protocols Pg 76
Overview Pg 80
Error Table Pg 81
Pre-Warning F2 Pg 83
Correction Pg 87
Electric Drives and Controls 3
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Contents Page 3
Force Calibration Pg 89
Current Calibration Pg 96
Set Up Heat Stepper Curves Pg 106
Set Up Tip Dresser Curves Pg 107
Backup Pg 108
Restore Pg 111
Help Page F1 Pg 116
How to extract spatter data Pg 118
Sheet thickness calculation and output Pg 125
System Overview
Mains Input
Current-Feedback Welding
Welding Gun
Electric Drives and Controls 8
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Overview PSI6000 Inverter and Transformer
Primary sensors
for KSR
Inverter output
500V 1000Hz to the
UIR Connections
F = Force [kN]
I = Current [kA]
t = time [ms]
Weld Current
Electrode 1
Contact-resistance Electrode-Sheet1
Sheet 1 Material-resistance 1
Contact-resistance Sheet-Sheet
Sheet 2 Material-resistance 2
Contact-resistance Electrode-Sheet2
Electrode 2
Electrode-Force F [kN]
Current I Q = R x I² x t
Electric Drives and Controls 11
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control
Hardware Familiarisation
7.) 2x PST6250.333L1
9.) Fuses
Side View
Welding controls
Electric Drives and Controls 16
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Timer Configuration PSI 6100.333L1
Interbus I/O
Serial Com
24 Volts internal /
external supply, see
next page.
Parallel I/O
External pressure
control to prop valve
Secondary current
Transformer temp
Output to the
Electric Drives and Controls
transformer 17
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
24volts Distribution
Internal links
The fans are normally located at the rear of the panel, forcing air
to be driven across the fins of the heat sink.
+24volt feedback, from the prop valve, tells the welding control
that the demanded pressure has been reached, this then allows
robot control to give the command to close the gun and allow the
weld schedule to commence.
If no prop valve is used, then +24volts and 0volts must be
supplied to pin 4 & 2 !!
Electric Drives and Controls 20
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Transformer Feedback
Software Communication is
normally via a specific
communications card, via
Interbus / Ethernet…etc.
You can also connect directly
to individual timers via the
serial port, X1
The General tab will A further Ensure that the IP address you select does not
now become visible configuration screen exactly match the IP address of the Timer, the
will appear last digit should be different
Select Properties
Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then OK
The spot number, program
and communication status is
found at the top of program
page, as well as the drop
down menu’s
Spot reference
Spot reference
Program Page
(Parameter data) Diagnosis
Electric Drives and Controls
(i/o interface)
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Monitoring parameters
are only shown, if
kA-monitoring is “ON”
The sequence screen allows
the user to see the
programmed weld Program
parameters at a glance Timer
Weld time
Squeeze Weld current Hold
Step1: Prog1 – 2
Step2: Prog3 – 5
Using the Copy feature from the main menue, you have all Options
to copy any data from the weld timers.
Regulation:- Mix or
Mix or Standard
Standard mode: the actual
current is determined by the
complete weld cycle including
any cool times
Mix mode: the actual current
is determined by the individual
weld times
0 – 31 different electrodes
can be selected, dependent
on your firmware version
If this function is activated
and a low weld current
occurs with the start signal
still high, the control will
automatically attempt to
reweld the program, if the
weld is low again a weld
fault is output.
Note:- if there is no current,
then a reweld will not be
Electric Drives and Controls 44
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
This function indicates how
many times the weld 2, cool 2
function is repeated during one
weld sequence.
Current monitoring:
Repeat factor, is the number
of consecutive welds allowed
in the conditional permissible
tolerance band;
if this occurs, the actual
figure is displayed here
Ref, kA is the
programmed reference
Act. Ref. kA is the
actual current
Average PHA is the
actual Phase angle
required to achieve the
required current
3.) 1.)
Electric Drives and Controls 49
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Spot table
Heat increase %
in the lifetime of
electrode caps
Heat stepper:-
activation on/off
Warn Wear:-
Wear factor:- Number of welds
individual welds can be before the end
given a greater or of the max-life,
lesser “weighting”, that pre-warning
Max Wear:-
dependent on the becomes active
actual wear to the tips The number of welds over which the (50)
heat is stepped (incremented)
Wear/comp:- The
number ofElectric
welds taken
Drives and Controls 53
to complete
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rights reserved
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Heat Stepper
Heat increase
% between tip
Max Wear:-
The number of welds over which the
heat is stepped (incremented)
Please note:-
The Max life is
calculated by the
(Max Wear x tip dress Tip Dress Steps:-
steps) + Max Wear The number of dress
steps (10)
i.e. (500 x 10) + 500 =
5500 welds
Dress-Request:- The
number of welds before
the max wear that the tip
Heat increase dress request output is
% between tip activated
Max Wear:-
Dress new Electrode:- The number of welds over which the i.e. 5450 welds
The weld is heat is stepped (incremented) (500)
inhibited, until the gun
is dressed,
Electric Drives and Controls 55
immediately after the
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, has
including all rightsbeen
relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
General set-up
A measuring loop check is a verification of the current sensor in the secondary circuit.
On : Measuring loop test active, sensor faults are detected. .
Electric Off : Measuring
Drives and Controls loop test not active, sensor faults are not detected. 56
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
General set-up
The Fade out time parameter is used to suppress the natural
current rise at the beginning of the weld time for current
The %I Prewarning
parameter indicates the heat
value (in scale divisions SKT)
for which an imminent %I
limitation is to be detected for
the electrode displayed.
Upper currrent limit is the
maximum programmable set
limit of the current in the
individual electrode
Bosch sensors have been
adjusted to 150 mV / kA.
When using third-party
sensors, the appropriate
transmission ratio can be
programmed using the For details on the
Toroid sensitivity parameter measuring range,
see the next sheet
Timer type:-
Software / Firmware
Start signal;
this is a signal sent from
the robot, to initiate the
start of a weld sequence
depending on the
program- /spotselection.
At the position
Start with Ignition
click once in the “On” tab
The timer will now execute
a weld
Weld current
protocols are
activated from the
Timer reference
page on start up.
If this option is
NOT selected this
page and the UIR
Monitoring page
will not show any
The information held on this page,
can be critical for
1. Wear on the caps
2. Number of remaining parts
3. Electrode status,
1. Green : - healthy
The information held on this page,
can be critical for identifying
1. Wear on the caps
2. Number of remaining parts
3. Electrode status,
1. Green : - healthy
2. Orange: - Tip dress
The information held on this page,
can be critical for identifying
1. Wear on the caps
2. Number of remaining parts
3. Electrode status,
1. Green : - healthy
2. Orange: - Tip dress
3. Yellow: - Prewarning
The information held on this page,
can be critical for identifying
1. Wear on the caps
2. Number of remaining parts
3. Electrode status,
1. Green : - healthy
2. Orange: - Tip dress
3. Yellow: - Prewarning
4. Red: - End of stepper
Electric Drives and Controls 86
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
7) If you want to
change the values,
place a tick in the box
before you type in the 9) Press the OK
new values. The button to enter the
changes will then be next screen
stored for the next time
the routine is entered.
Electric Drives and Controls 99
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Current Calibration
Communications page
shows confirmation of
the Ethernet address,
with the subnet mask.
7. Click Continue to
complete the
restore function
Electric Drives and Controls 115
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Help page F1
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications.
We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000
This screen will be shown.
Select the configuration of the data,
Spot name or program No
Select a date and time from the drop
down menu, this will be the start of
the data to be extrapolated.
Select a date and time from the drop
down menu, this will be the end of the
data to be extrapolated
If you wish all programs or spots to
shown regardless of the expulsion
status tick the box
Select update to display the data
Settings in BOSKonfigurationtool :
-Select start comment column
- Select number of columns
for sheet thickness calculation.
For 4 of these programs / Spots, the sheet thickness is given in the 1. and 2.comment .
Valid inputs are integer numbers or numbers with ‘,’ and following text
Please check
the operation
for different
Bosch Rexroth
PSQ 6000
UIR Adaptive System
2.) Voltage drop on electrodes
= Secondary voltage at gun arms
UI Current
Regulator Regulator
Reference Command
Curve Current and
Actual Current Value
Regulator Board
BOS 6000
Sensor Cable
Connect the voltage tap as close as possible to the gun tips wherever
Goal: minimise losses of feedback signal, due to contact resistance.
Sensor cable:
Max. length 100m twisted, screened 2 x 0.75²
Max. open length w/o screening and twisting: appr. 1m
a quality weld
current / voltage / resistance curves
Act. Res
Ref. Res
Bad tips
3-sheet Variation of Variation of force
welding sheet
Electric Drives and Controls
thickness 137
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We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
BOS6000 UIR : General Parameters
Single software package for the programming of weld parameters and UIR
“Robot“ mode to be
selected for
Settings for
Measurement Regulation
Parameter for
Weld & expulsion detection of
counters expulsion
% decrease of R
Time in weld
when full regulation
become active
Indication that
regulation has been
Limits for welding activated for this
current program
Activation of
monitoring for this
Indication that
monitoring has
been activated for
this programme
The monitoring
function can be
activated separately
for each of the
Upper Tol.
When a monitored
parameter has been Desired Value
activated, the actual Cond. Tol.
data points for the Lower Tol.
parameter are
displayed with the
desired value and
tolerance bands
Splash Limit
Splash Limit
Good weld parameters - KSR
Good weld parameters - UIR
Weld Failure Limit
Splash Limit
KSR parameters with current
kA increase due to heat stepper.
NO splash
Splash Limit
KSR parameters in UIR
kA Regulation, with weld splash
Splash Limit
Weld parameters in UIR
kA Regulation with NO splash
Original parameters,
very hot, to allow for
weld errors, lot of
window and
When a weld the “PSQ” tab
has been need to be
created with selected to be
“Measuring” able to see the
activated, the UIR curves
resultant curves
will be displayed
By activating the
“Stop” function, it is
possible to select
previous welds by
use of the scroll
Curves with
detected spatter
can be deleted
reference curves
can also be saved
to the PC.
reference curves
can also be saved
to the PC.
Set the
On the UIR Factor to 1
Monitoring screen,
set the monitoring
to ON for the
Current, UIP and
Process Stability
(PSF) and set the
parameters as
initial starting
• Resistance - the value displayed is the maximum resistance achieved during the weld.
• Voltage - the displayed value is the average over the duration of the weld.
• Current - the displayed value is the average over the duration of the weld.
• Phase Angle - the displayed value is the actual value required to achieve the
demanded current
• Process Stability
The resultant figure is a calculation based on Voltage, Current & the
extended weld time.
The displayed value relates to differences between the reference curve
and the actual curve. The greater the difference, the further from 100%
the resulting value.
The value for Process Stability will always be <=100
This is a quality index based on Resistance, Voltage, Current and Time.
A comparison is done after the weld between the reference curve and the
actual curve. The result is nominally in the region of 100, although a
figure up to 200 is not uncommon, and is also acceptable.
If the result is significantly less than 100, then it could be possible that
the weld may be undersize or loose.
If problems are experienced
with the UIR measuring
circuit, then by switching the
Global parameter for UIR
Measuring to OFF, the
system is deactivated for all
In this case the programmed
KSR current gets active
KSR current monitoring
limits will become active
for all programmes.
OFF to be
To use this feature correctly,
UIR and KSR parameters
must be optimised to give
good weld quality.
Electric Drives and Controls 180
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UIR: Fault Conditions
Thank You