1 PPT Glucoma Detection

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• The main objective is designed and

implemented the project using Convolutional
Neural Network.
• Our system will provide a better solution for
detecting Glaucoma in the earlier phase in less
time which will save the vision of many
• Glaucoma is a group of related eye disorders that cause damage to the
optic nerve that carries information from the eye to the brain which can
get worse over time and lead to blindness.
• It is very important that glaucoma is detected as early as possible for
proper treatment.
• In this project, we have proposed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
system for early detection of Glaucoma.
• Initially, eye images are augmented to generate data for Deep learning.
• The eye images are then pre- processed to remove noise using Gaussian
Blur technique and make the image suitable for further processing.
• The system is trained using the pre-processed images and when new
input images are given to the system it classifies them as normal eye or
glaucoma eye based on the features extracted during training.
Existing System

• Graph tracer algorithm: It is applied to the

detection of the ocular fundus vessels
• Based on vessels tracking, Cross over and
Bifurcation are measured
• Support vector machine algorithm is
implemented to classify the retinal diseases

• Wrong identification of diseases

• Only classify vessels and non-vessels

• Confusion can be occurred at the time of identify

• Accuracy is less for predicting diseases
• Can’t be implemented in real time
Proposed System
• Extracting green channel of retinal images

• Implement singular spectrum analysis and CNN classification

predict glaucoma detection
• Median filter approach is used to eliminate noises in retinal
• Neural network is used to segment blood vessels with classify
artery and vein values
• Implement Optic disc and cup segmentation to predict the
Glaucoma diseases
Proposed Block Diagram

• Correctly classify the retinal pixels from

retinal images
• Provide better accuracy

• Simple way to predict all diseases

• Vessel tracking includes all blood vessels
Tools Used
• Operating System : Windows 10
• Software Tool : MATLAB R2014A
• Processor : Any Intel x64 processor
• CPU Speed : 2.2 GHz min
• RAM : 4GB recommended
• Disk Space : 30 GB for a typical installation
• Display Resolution : 1024×768 or higher at normal size
Three Modules
On First Review On Second Review On Third Review

Input Image and Pre- Feature Extraction and Output Classification

Processing Module Training with CNN Module

Software Requirements Develop and test with Complete the software

confirmation and Installing project codes and simulation and test. Try
software and check the algorithms with different images and
codes. outputs.
Collect the existing project Preparing the coding and Report and Technical
information for documentation Documentation
First Module Implementation
• Image Preprocessing
• The aim of pre-processing is to improve the quality
of the image so that we can analyze it in a better
• By preprocessing we can suppress undesired
distortions and enhance some features which are
necessary for the particular application we are
working for.
• Those features might vary for different applications.
Input Image
• An image can be represented as a 2D function F(x,y) where x and y are spatial
• The amplitude of F at a particular value of x,y is known as the intensity of an image at
that point.
• If x,y, and the amplitude value is finite then we call it a digital image.
• It is an array of pixels arranged in columns and rows. Pixels are the elements of an
image that contain information about intensity and color.
• An image can also be represented in 3D where x,y, and z become spatial coordinates.
Pixels are arranged in the form of a matrix. This is known as an RGB image.
• Gray scale conversion:

– Gray scale image = 0.21 R + 0.72 G + 0.07 B.

– R – Red, G- Green, B- Blue

• When converting an RGB image to grayscale, we have to take the RGB values for
each pixel and make as output a single value reflecting the brightness of that pixel.
• Median Filtering:
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images." 2014 International conference on robotics and emerging allied
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2. Atheesan, S., and S. Yashothara. "Automatic glaucoma detection by using
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Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). IEEE, 2016.
3. Sengar, Namita, et al. "Automated detection of suspected glaucoma in digital
fundus images." 2017 40th International Conference on Telecommunications
and Signal Processing (TSP). IEEE, 2017.
4. Almazroa, Ahmed, et al. "An automatic image processing system for glaucoma
screening." International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2017 (2017).
5. Zhou, Wei, et al. "Automatic optic disc detection in color retinal images by
local feature spectrum analysis." Computational and mathematical methods
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