Hematopoeitic System: Nsoh Fofang Mia Bios 2021 Edited by Laouna Fru Supervised by DR Dimitri
Hematopoeitic System: Nsoh Fofang Mia Bios 2021 Edited by Laouna Fru Supervised by DR Dimitri
Hematopoeitic System: Nsoh Fofang Mia Bios 2021 Edited by Laouna Fru Supervised by DR Dimitri
proerythroblast erythroblast
Lymphoblast lymphocytes
megakaryoblasts Platelets,
1. During embryonic life
The yolk sac, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, red
bone marrow
2. After birth
Red bone marrow found in the epiphysis of the long
bones and in flat bones
Differentiation begins when they develop surface
receptors for specific stimulatory chemicals.
The process of differentiation usually includes a
decrease in the cell size and an increase in the
number of cells.
These chemicals make them commit to a particular
lineage, such that hemoblast production is stopped,
to ensure that differentiation occurs, and that
subsequent cell formation occurs in one of the three
pathways: Erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis and
Erythropoietin: produced in the kidney, stimulates
the production of RBC precursors.
Thrombopoietin: stimulates the production og
Cytokines: small glucoproteins that stimulate the
production of WBCs. The 2 most important are: IL
and CSFs
It is the process of red blood cell production
It normally generates about 2.5 million RBCs per
second (20 mL/day).
The sequence of cell trans-formations leading to
an erythrocyte is hemocytoblast → proerythroblast
→ erythroblast → normoblast → reticulocyte →
The proerythroblast is the first committed cell,
having receptors for the hormone erythropoietin
The reticulocyte is the last nucleated cell in the
lineage. Requires Fe, vits B9 and B12
It usually occurs within a duration of 7 days
Vit B12 is absorbed in the stomach with the help of intrinsic
Erythropoeisis is stimulated by:
i. Hypoxia-decreased level of O2 in circulation
ii. Anaemia-reduced amount of healthy red blood cells
iii. Hormone stimulation ( erythropoietin)
Reticulocytes: immature RBCs (about 1-2% of
circulating RBCs, possess Hb, mitochondria,
endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes) 72 hours
after their release, they become mature RBCs
From the primitive stem cell, leucopoiesis occurs
through three major pathways:
B cell progenitors, T cell progenitors, Granulocyte-
Monocyte colony forming units.
From these, the different types of WBCs develop
This is the process by which platelets, or
thrombocytes, are formed from giant cells called
megakaryoblasts, after having differentiated from
the hemocytoblast under the influence of a
hormone called thrombopoietin.
Mature platelets have a lifespan of about 10 days.
Biconcave disc-shape to maximize gaseous exchange and
increase flexibility
7-8 µm in diameter
About 90% of the cellular population
In males, 5-5.5 million/. In females, 4.5-5 million/
Possess Hb, 250 million Hb molecules/cell
no mitochondria
Formed before the cell loses its nucleus and accounts for
about 33% of its weight.
Made of a globin protein which has 2α and 2B chains
Haem containing that can reversibly bind with
Different haemoglobin chains exist
types Blobin chain percentage
HbF 2A, 2Y 2