Lecture Five Mesh Analysis: - Identify Mesh - How To Apply Mesh Analysis - Super Mesh

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Lecture Five

Mesh Analysis
Learning Goals:
• Identify mesh
• How to Apply Mesh Analysis
• Super Mesh
Identifying the Meshes

1kW 1kW

+ +
V1 V2
- Mesh 1 Mesh 2 -

Mesh: A special kind of loop that doesn’t contain

any loops within it.
Loop (Mesh) Analysis
1. Identify mesh (loops).
2. Assign a current to each mesh. The direction
can be arbitrary, but usually clockwise.
3. Apply KVL around each loop to get an
equation in terms of the loop currents. Each
loop gives a KVL equation.
4. Solve the resulting system of linear equations.
5. Also known as maxwell's analysis
Mesh Analysis (maxwell's loop)
and Kirchhoff’s currents

i1 and i2 are mesh current (imaginative, not measurable directly)
I1, I2 and I3 are branch current (real, measurable directly)
I1 = i1; I2 = i2; I3 = i1 - i2
Voltages from Mesh Currents
When applying KVL around a mesh there are three probabilities for the
component that is passed: 1.Resistor 2.Voltage source 3.Current

1. Resistor: Ohm’s law VR

+ -
+ VR - I2

I1 I1
VR = I1 R VR = (I1 - I2 ) R
Note: when writing for a mesh assume its current the dominant,
therefor VR is always positive(+) in mesh equations.
2. Voltage source: its value is directly written in the equation(whether
it is a dependent or independent voltage source)
Mesh Analysis: Example. 1
Write the mesh equations and solve for the currents I1, and I2.

Mesh 1 4I1 + 6(I1 – I2) + 2 - 10 = 0

Mesh 2 6(I2 – I1) + 2I2 + 7I2 - 20 - 2 = 0

Note the 6Ω voltage in the equations

Mesh Analysis: Example. 1
Simplifying Eq. gives,

10I1 – 6I2 = 8

-6I1 + 15I2 = 22
R*I = V
10 – 6 8
R= V=
–6 15 22

» % A MATLAB Solution
» R = [10 -6;-6 15];
» V = [8;22]; I1 = 2.2105
» I = inv(R)*V
I2 = 2.3509
Mesh Analysis: Example. 2
Calculate the current in each branch

First create loop current ,i.e I1 , I2, I3 as shown

20  20 

30  40  3 I3

30  40 
60  50  10  60  50  10 
1 I2
100V 50V 20V
100V 50V
Mesh Analysis: Example. 2
In loop 1
-100 +60I1 +30(I1–I3) +50(I1–I2) +20= 0
140I1 – 50I2 –30I3 = 80 ---(a)
In loop 2
-20 +50(I2–I1) +40(I2–I3) +10I2 –50= 0
-50I1 +100I2 –40I3 = 70 ---(b) 20 

In loop 3 3 I3

40(I3–I2) +30(I3–I1) +20I3= 0 30  40 

-30I1 –40I2 +90I3 = 0 ---(c) 60  50 

2 10 
1 I2
140 – 50 –30 80
100V 50V
R= –50 100 –40 V= 70
–30 –40 90 0
Mesh Analysis: Example. 2
Solving these equations
I1=1.65 A I2=2.16 A I3=1.50 A

I60Ω=I1=1.65A in direction of I1 20 

I30Ω=I1 – I3=0.15A in direction of I1 3 I3

ao ►+ - ►+ - ob
I50Ω=I2 – I1=0.51A in direction of I2 I30Ω
30 
40 
60  50  10 
I40Ω=I2 – I3=0.66A in direction of I2 1
I1 I2

I10Ω=I2=2.16A in direction of I2 100V 50V

I20Ω=I3=1.50A in direction of I3
What if find Vab
Vab= I30Ω *30 + I40Ω*40=19.5V
3.What if there are current sources?
• The current sources in this circuit will have whatever
voltage is necessary to make the current correct.
• We can’t use KVL around the loop because we don’t
know the voltage.
• A current source between two meshes makes what is
called a super mesh.
• A current source in an outer branch gives its value to
the mesh.
• If there are dependent sources the controlling
equation is needed for each one.
Difficulty: how to find voltage drop over a current source?
2kW Supermesh
The does not
Supermesh 2mA I3 include this
surrounds this 1kW source!
+ 2kW
12V I1 I2 4mA

1. Used when two neighbor loops have a current source between them.
2. Replace the current source with an open circuit.
3. Write the KVL equation for the super mesh created from the two neighbor loops.
4. Write the constraint equation for the currents.

2mA I3

+ 2kW
12V I1 I2 4mA
loop 1 & 3 form a super mesh
-12 +2I3 +1(I3–I2) +2(I1–I2)= 0 ---(a)
I1 – I 3 = 2 ---(b)
In loop 2
I =–4 ---(c)

Io = (I1–I2)
Summary ‫ملخص‬
• When do we solve a question using Mesh? ‫ ؟‬Mesh ‫• متى نحل السؤال باستخدام‬
For now; when you are told so.
‫ حاليا أذا طلب ذلك في السؤال فقط‬
Hints: :‫مالحظات‬
1)Assume the loop if not in the question
‫)افرض الدارات اذا كانت غير مفروضة في السؤال‬1
2)Start with the easy equations:
: ‫)ابدأ بالمعادالت السهلة‬2
• Make use of the current Sources (dependent or
not), there value is given directly to the loop ‫ث‬r‫ر المعتمدة حي‬r‫لتيار المعتمدة و غي‬r‫ادر ا‬r‫ن مص‬r‫تفد م‬r‫• اس‬
(I1=-4) or that making a super mesh by the ‫) او الذي يكون‬I1=-4( ‫ه مباشرة للمجهول‬rr‫ى قيمت‬rr‫يعط‬
controlling equation (I2-I4=3Vx). ‫لواصفة‬r‫ من خالل كتابة المعادلة ا‬super mesh
• The voltage of impedance is always positive (+), . )I2-I4=3Vx(
the voltage of voltage sources is as we enter. ‫ادر‬r‫ و فولتيات مص‬,)+( ‫ة‬r‫ا موجب‬r‫• فولتيات الممانعات دائم‬
• Write the element carrying the dependent .‫الفولتية حسب االشارة التي ندخل بها للمصدر‬
sources variable in terms of the loop variables ‫د‬r‫در المعتم‬r‫ر المص‬r‫ه متغي‬r‫ر علي‬r‫ر المؤش‬r‫ب العنص‬r‫• اكت‬
not the dependent sources variable.
.‫بداللة مجاهيل الدارات وليس بداللة متغير المصدر‬
• Write the controlling equation of the dependent
‫ادر المعتمدة بالذهاب‬rr‫فة للمص‬rr‫ب المعادالت الواص‬rr‫• اكت‬
sources, from the element carrying the
dependent sources variable and find its relation ‫د و‬rr‫در المعتم‬rr‫ر المص‬rr‫ه متغي‬rr‫ر علي‬rr‫ر المؤش‬rr‫ى العنص‬rr‫ال‬
with the loops (Ix=I5-I3) Ix=I5-( ‫لدارات‬r‫ل ا‬r‫ع مجاهي‬r‫ر م‬r‫متغي‬r‫ة هذا ال‬r‫ايجاد عالق‬
(these are not Mesh equations). .)Mesh‫) (هذه المعادالت ليست ضمن معادالت ال‬I3
• Number of equations must equal the number of ‫ل الدارات‬rr‫اوي عدد مجاهي‬rr‫ب ان يس‬rr‫• عدد المعادالت يج‬
loop added the number of dependent sources.
Example: Using mesh write the necessary equations

In loop 1
I1 = –1
loop 2 & 3 form a super mesh
I3–I2= 3
-3 +2(I2–I1) +4I2 +2(I3–I4) +4(I2–I4) +4I2= 0
loop 4 & 5 form a super mesh
I4–I5= 3Vx
4(I4–I2) +2(I4–I3) +2Iy +3I5 = 0
The controlling equations for the dependent sources (not Mesh eq.)
Vx= 3I5

HW 3.53 – 3.78 & 8.68 – 8.84

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