Authentic Materials
Authentic Materials
Authentic Materials
Samar Aal
English Language Specialist
U.S. Department of State
Types of Authentic Materials
a. Printable materials
i. Journals
ii. Novels
iii. Menus
iv. Picture cards
v. 3D printed sheets
b. Auditory materials
i. Commercials
ii. Audios
Iii. Listening scripts
iv.Voice over
c. Field trips
i. Class visits
d. Visuals
i. Videos
ii. Presentations
iii. Models
v. info graphs
vi. virtual reality
e. Real objects
i. Classroom objects
ii. Musical instruments
iii. Playground components
iv.Kitchen equipments
Advantages of authentic materials: They are effective tools to
a. Notice native speakers how they interact
b. Engage because they are attractive
c. Suitable to all styles of learners
d. Deliver the message faster than words
e. A good way to convey definitions.
f. Make students more focused
g. Make the learning situation more applicable.
By Mohamed Fayez
1. textbooks are too much, not enough time
- restructure the lesson/ time management/
- be selective in choosing what activities in the textbook
should be done in class, and what can be assigned as HW
( THE teacher’s guide definitely helps with this ) Share the
learning outcomes with the ss, and choose the assessment,
the TG also has additional handouts.
- be selective of when it is app. and necessary to use authentic
1. the limited resources:
- recycle materials, anything you have around you. do not
create if you can use something that is ready
- there are tons of ready made materials from authentic stuff
ready for you on the internet.
- Authentic materials doesn't only mean video, it means
anything you can use, flashcard, paper and pen, pictures,
3. the teacher does not know what to do:
- hold workshops and provide ts with simple
ideas of how to use Authentic mat. MODEL
for the teachers.
- T. needs to think about what fits where
- provide the teachers with ready made
- start with them from the beginning, tell
them , know..
4. The admin:
- roles as mentors to enlighten
- the admin needs to make sure the t. also uses
the textbook and not neglect the textbook.
The Video
1.use simple materials no need to complicate
2.use criteria: familiar language so it does not
overwhelm ss
3.use materials app for the lesson objective
4.achieving the obj/ fun/ engaging
5.simplify the learning process not complicate authentic material can be adapted to be
used for diff, classes/ levels RECYCLING
7.SS can bring the materials
8.Authentic materials can integrate the 4 skills
Materials Used in the
• Books and material ought to be designed
according to the needs, age and interest of
the learners ___ motivated and happy
Why Authentic Materials?
• Real-life language
• Can be adapted easily
• More engaging
• Students have easy access to it
Three Quick Steps to Adopt Materials
1. Choose a reading/ a listening passage.
2. Adapt the passage if needed.
3. Choose the activities that are appropriate for
your students’ proficiency level.
Reading Materials
• Advertisements, Caricatures, menus, flyers
• website: Voice of America, Facebook
• Short Stories
• Short poems
• Newspapers
• Complete Articles
• Longer Stories
• Literary Reviews
Adapting a Reading Passage
• Choose an excerpt
• Provide synonyms right after the word
• Omit unnecessary information
• Simplify or rephrase some sentences
Listening Materials
• Advertisements, songs, announcements
• Interviews
• TV Sitcoms, TV Shows
• Lectures
• Movies
• Debates
Adapting a Listening Passage
5. Reading: The whole passage/article. Timed reading
2. Listening: Free Note-taking
3. Speaking: Recreating the passage using notes, recording
their opinion.
4. Writing: Essays
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