Light As A Wave and A Particle

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Light as a wave and a


At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:

1. Explain the wave and particle models of light.
2. Describe reflection and refraction in terms of the wave and particle
models of light.
3. Explain propagation of light using the wave and particle models.

A. Content Standards

Light as a wave and a particle

a. What I need to know?

1. Explain the wave and particle models of light.

2. Describe reflection and refraction in terms of
the wave and
particle models of light.
3. Explain propagation of light using the wave
and particle models.
a. What I Know
Activity 1: Unwrap the Secret of Light!
Direction: Its Movie time
Watch the video clip and after watching the video answer the
questions below

Note: please refer to the rubrics below in answering the questions.


1. What is rectalinear propagation of light?

2. What evidences you can provide to

proved that light travel in an
straight path?
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Sir Isaac Newton formulated the

Theory of the Corpuscular
nature of light. He stated that
light consists of tiny particles or
corpusular emitted from a hot
boies. And these particles travel
in straight line from the source
at high speed.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Christian Huygens (1629-1695)

a Dutch physicist offered a
complete explanation of the
reflection of light by means of
Wave Theory.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

The theory state that light has a

wave motion which start from a
vibrating body and its
transmitted at high speed.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Thomas Young ( 1773-1829)

observed Interference and
diffraction phenomena of light
which can only be explaind on
the basis of wave theory.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Thomas Young discovered the

two light waves coud meet and
in such a manner that they
completely cancel each other,
Instead of producing bright
region, the two interfering
waves result in complete
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

T James Clerk Maxwell in 1860

he predicted that changing
electric and magnetic fields
could propagate through space
as electromagnetic waves and
that light itself is an
electromagnetic wave.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Heinrich Herts proved the

existence of elctromagnetic
waves when he discoveradio
wave. He found that the radio
waves he produce shared
common properties with light
such as reflection which
supported maxwell idea.
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Max Plank (1858-1947)

introduce his postulation to
explain blackbody radiation. A
blackbody radiation is a surface
or object that is capable of
absorbing all radiation falling
on it. He proposed that energy
comes in discrete units called
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Albert Einstien (1879-1955)

Theorized that light is
composed of bundles of wave
energy called photons, in
agreement with planck’s
Evolution of Discovery on Light Properties

Louis Victor de Broglie (1892-

1987) Proppsed that matter can
have wave properties and thus
reinforced the fact that light is
matter and even matter has a
dual properties.
a. What I know

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Who proposed that light is composed of particles that are

travelling in a straight line?
a. Christiaan Huygens c. Louis de Broglie
b. Max Planck d. Sir Isaac Newton
a. What I know

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Who proposed that light is composed of particles that are

travelling in a straight line?
a. Christiaan Huygens c. Louis de Broglie
b. Max Planck d. Sir Isaac Newton
a. What is it?

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

2. Which is a disturbance that travels through a medium and

carries energy from one location to another without
transporting matter?
a. crest b. photon c. trough d. wave
a. What is it?

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

3. What evidence tells that light is made up of particles travelling in a

straight line?
a. formation of shadows when light hits obstacles
b. inversion of images formed on plane mirrors
c. production of ripples when a coin is dropped to a pond
d. scattering of light rays when they reach a smooth surface
a. What I is it?

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

4. What is true of photoelectric effect?

a. Electrons from metals can be removed by photons from light.
b. The sun’s light rays travel in waves directly on the electrons of
c. It proves that light is made up of waves that can remove
electrons from metals.
d. Light energy is composed of several colors with their respective
amounts of energy.
a. What is it?

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.

Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

5. How is the specific quantity of light that can be absorbed by

electrons to produce photoelectric effect called?
a. particle b. photon c. wave d. wavelength
b. What is it?

Proper Discussion
What is light energy?

Light energy is a form of energy and is

expressed in joules. Light, in physics, is the
electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength;
nevertheless, the definition of light is
sometimes restricted to a specific range of
wavelength (about 400-700 nm) that is visible
to an unaided human eye.
How light is produced?
Light is made up of photons, which are like tiny packets
of energy. When an object's atoms heat up, photon
are produced from the movement of atoms. The hotter
the object, the more photons are produced.
Photon is the Quntum of Light
What is the properties of light

Light is electromagnetic radiation that

has properties of waves and sometimes it
behave as particle. The electromagnetic spectrum
can be divided into several bands based on the
Isaac Newton discovered
that light is made up of
coloured particles that
combine to appear white.
His theory of light was
based on his laws of
motion, as he thought of
light as a straight line
motion made out of small
particles called corpuscles.
that light
travel in an
straigh line

When light
travel in an
straight line
it behave as
a particles.
Christian Huygens, who was a contemporary of Isaac Newton,
suggested that light travels in waves. Electromagnetic waves,
including visible light, are made up of oscillating electric and
magnetic fields as shown. ... The wavelength of a wave is the
distance between successive peaks or troughs of a wave.
that light
travel in a
When light discrete
travel in quantum
motion it
behave as a
Light behaves mainly like a wave but it can also be considered to consist of tiny packages of energy
called photons. Photons carry a fixed amount of energy but have no mass. They also found that
increasing the intensity of light increased the number of electrons ejected, but not their speed. 
But light travel in a Vacuum at the speed of 299
792 458 m / s or 3 x 10 8 m/s
Einstein believed light is a particle (photon) and
the flow of photons is a wave. ... The various
properties of light, which is a type of
electromagnetic wave, are due to the behavior of
extremely small particles called photons that are
invisible to the naked eye.
Light can behave both as a wave and as a particle.
As particles, they travel in straight lines, thus,
producing shadows when they hit an obstruction.
It is also the reason why light bounces off or
reflects off of mirrors.
Refraction is also brought about by light particles when they traverse
through media or materials of different refractive indices. It is
thought that opposing forces pull the particles of light from and into
the medium resulting to changes of their direction. The photo-
electric effect is also an evidence that light behaves as particles.
When light with enough energy falls or hits a metal, electrons are
dislodged or knocked off from it to produce a positive (+) metal
surface. The amount of light energy (known as photon) contains a
fixed amount of energy or quantum that depends on the frequency
of the light.
Light also acts as a wave. It has the ability to diffract or
bend around an object. Diffraction involves a change in
direction of waves when they pass from an opening or
around obstacles along their path. Refraction happens
when light waves change direction as they travel
through materials of different refractive indices, say
water and air. Light waves also undergo interference,
the phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet
while traveling along the same medium.
Examples and
applications of
Reflection and
Refraction of Light
Reflection and refraction are phenomena that are well-
explained by the behaviors of light. When a source emits
light, its dual property can be observed in different
circumstances. Light, as waves, spread in all directions
when emitted. Upon impacting a smooth, specular surface,
such as a mirror, these waves bounce off or reflect
according to the arrival angles. The waves turn back to
front as they reflect producing a reversed image
The Law of Reflection state that the angle of
incidence θi is equal to the angle of
reflection θr and that the incident ray, the
reflected ray and the normal ray to the
surface at the point of incident all lie on
the same plane.
Snell’s Law state that a ray of light
bends in such a way that the ratio of
the sine of the anlge of incident to
the sine of the angle of refraction is
The colors of light are absorbed, Reflected,
and Selectively absorbed?
Waves can be absorbed
at the boundary between
two different materials.
When waves are
absorbed by a surface,
the energy of the wave is
transferred to the
particles in the surface.
Transmission of light
Waves can also be
transmitted at the
boundary between two
different materials. When
waves are transmitted,
they continues through
the material. Air, glass and
water are common
materials that are very
good at transmitting light.
An object appears to be
black if it absorbs all the
wavelengths of visible
a.What’s more?

Activity 4: Light Propagation:

Directions: Directions: Describe what happens to the beam of light in each of the
instances. Match each illustration in Column A with the corresponding description
on Column B. Write the letters on your answer sheet.
1. Explain how light behaves as a wave and as a particle.
2. How are reflection and refraction explained by the wave and
particle models of light?
3. State the laws of reflection and refraction.
4. What is the speed of light in a vacuum?
5. How do objects appear when all of the colors of light are
absorbed? Reflected? Selectively absorbed?
Reflection and refraction are phenomena that are well-explained by the behaviors of light. When a source emits light,
its dual property can be observed in different circumstances. Light, as waves, 1) __________ in all directions when
emitted. Upon impacting a smooth, specular surface, such as a mirror, these waves 2) __________ or reflect according
to the arrival angles. The waves turn back to front as they reflect producing a 3) __________ image. On the otherhand,
light can also arrive at the mirror surface as a stream of 4) ____________. Since these are very tiny, a huge number are
involved in a propagating light beam. Upon arriving a 5) __________ surface, the particles bounce off in different
points so their order in the beam is reversed resulting to a reversed image. A beam of light undergoes 6) __________
when it travels between two media with different refractive indices. Light, as waves, 7) __________ direction upon
passing from first medium to second medium. A small portion of each angled 8) ___________ should impact the second
medium before the rest of the front reaches the 9) ___________. This part will travel along the second medium while
the rest of the waves is still travelling in the first medium. Movement will be 10) __________ through the second
medium due to higher refractive index. Since the wavefronts are travelling at different speeds, light will 11)
___________ into the second medium, thus, changing the angle of propagation.
refraction force spread changes bend
bounce off wavefront interface reversed
particles smooth slower

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