NIDD (Non IP Data Delivery) NB-IoT-part2

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NIDD (Non IP Data Delivery) NB-

IoT Part-2

Madhan Mohan.P
Non-IP Data Overview
• CIoT brings in newer set of applications and requirements to
be supported at various network elements.One such
experiment is Non-IP data over SCEF.
• The support for Non-IP data packet is introduced from 3GPP
Rel 13 and later releases,.
• Non-IP data is only applicable for NB1 RAT.
• Non-IP data calls are supported for both tethered and
embedded use cases.
• Non-IP data packets are also sent as MO exception data to
prioritize over normal CP data.
• Non-IP Data Delivery (NIDD) is one of the prime features of
SCEF that helps transfer data between the NB-IoT devices and
the Application Server (AS) .
Non-IP Data Overview cont…
• Non-IP data over SCEF requires “Data over NAS”
support and the implementation of T6a -
Diameter interface at MME.
• A PDN Type "Non-IP" is used for NIDD over SCEF.
• MME supports temporary buffering of single MT
Data Request received from SCEF while UE is in
idle mode.
• The request is buffered till UE is paged and an MT
Data Answer is sent upon paging success/failure.
Interaction between MME and SCEF
• The UE indicates in the ESM connection request (for example: in the Attach or PDN Connectivity Request) that a
Non-IP PDN type is used.

2018 Jul 12 09:34:00.196 [A9] 0xB0ED LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- Attach request Msg
lte_esm_msg pdn_connectivity_req pdn_type = 5 (0x5) (reserved) req_type = 1 (0x1) (initial request)

2018 Jul 12 09:34:47.596 [07] 0xB0E2 LTE NAS ESM Plain OTA Incoming Message -- ESM information request Msg
prot_disc = 2 (0x2) (EPS session management messages)

2018 Jul 12 09:34:47.596 [07] 0xB0E3 LTE NAS ESM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- ESM information response
container_id = 21 (0x15) (Non-IP Link MTU Request)
container_len = 0 (0x0)

• The subscription information has a default APN for PDN Type Non-IP, which the MME uses for the first received
Non-IP connectivity request unless the UE has included an APN in the request.

+CGDCONT: 1,"Non-IP","iotnidd","",0,0,0,0
Interaction between MME and SCEF- Cont
• The MME then initiates a T6a connection towards the
SCEF corresponding to the SCEF ID indicator for that APN.
• At each PDN connectivity request, the MME decides
which delivery mechanism (SCEF based delivery or SGi
based delivery) is used for delivering the Non-IP data
between RAN and AS.
• When the MME decides to use SCEF based delivery
mechanism for Non-IP data, a PDN connection is
established towards the selected SCEF. Such a PDN
Connection is also known as an "SCEF Connection".
Connection Management
The Application Server (AS) and UE information are registered with the SCEF using
two different call flows:
• AS registration with SCEF
• UE registration with SCEF
AS Registration:
The AS registration is also called as the Non-IP Data Delivery configuration procedure.
The call-flow procedure is as given below:
1) AS registers itself for a particular UE.
2) SCEF performs authentication and authorization. SCEF may downgrade the load
information, if the specified load exceeds the local limits maintained in the SCEF’s
3) SCEF sends a Non-IP Data Delivery Information Request to HSS.
4) HSS sends a Non-IP Data Delivery Information Answer. The answer includes the
UE’s 3GPP identifier,since the request may have used an external-id. The answer
may also include load-control information, although such is not defined in the
current NIA specification.
Connection Management --- Cont
UE Registration:
The UE registration is called the T6a Connection establishment
procedure. The call-flow procedure is as given below:
1) The UE attaches, indicating a desired connection for non-IP
data. This registers the UE with the MME.
2) MME sends a Connection Management Request to SCEF.
3) If an AS has not already registered with the SCEF for that
UE, SCEF may either reject the Connection Management
Request, or SCEF may initiate the Non-IP Data Delivery
Configuration Procedure for an AS.
4) SCEF sends a Connection Management Answer.
SCEF PDN Connection Creation
MO and MT data delivery over SCEF
Log Analysis
// Attach requested with pdp_type as Non-IP or reserved
2018 Jul 12 09:34:00.196 [A9] 0xB0ED LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- Attach
request Msg
msg_type = 208 (0xd0) (PDN connectivity request) lte_esm_msg pdn_connectivity_req
pdn_type = 5 (0x5) (reserved)

// Pdn type 5 received by NB-IoT network

2018 Jul 12 09:35:11.650 [8E] 0xB0EC LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Incoming Message -- Attach
accept Msg
esm_msg_container eps_bearer_id_or_skip_id = 5 (0x5) prot_disc = 2 (0x2) (EPS session
management messages) trans_id = 3 (0x3) msg_type = 193 (0xc1) (Activate default EPS
bearer context request)

// Non IP Attach complete

2018 Jul 12 09:38:04.758 [66] 0xB0ED LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- Attach
complete Msg
msg_type = 194 (0xc2) (Activate default EPS bearer context accept)
// qapi_DSS_Start_Data_Call invoked to start the data call
dss_netctrl.c 516 L dss_start_data_call: ENTRY
dss_netctrl_netmgr.c 259 L dss_netmgr_start_data_call: ENTRY

// IP family is not specified so setting to IPv4

netmgr_service_manager.c 1064 H Data call params IP family set to [4]
netmgr_call_manager.c 385 L Setting ip family[4] in route_look_up params

// 2018 Jul 12 09:38:51.608 [9B] 0xB0ED LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- Control
Plane service request Msg
esm_data_transport user_data_container
user_data_container_len = 100 (0x64)
user_data[0] = 0 (0x0)
user_data[1] = 1 (0x1)
user_data[2] = 2 (0x2)
user_data[3] = 3 (0x3)
user_data[4] = 4 (0x4)
user_data[5] = 5 (0x5)
// 2018 Jul 12 09:39:02.710 [C6] 0xB0EC LTE NAS EMM Plain OTA Incoming Message --
Service accept Msg

msg_type = 79 (0x4f) (Service accept)

// 2018 Jul 12 09:39:02.710 [C6] 0xB0E3 LTE NAS ESM Plain OTA Outgoing Message -- ESM
Data Transport Msg
esm_data_transport user_data_container
user_data_container_len = 100 (0x64)
user_data[0] = 0 (0x0)
user_data[1] = 1 (0x1)
user_data[2] = 2 (0x2)
user_data[3] = 3 (0x3)
user_data[4] = 4 (0x4)
user_data[5] = 5 (0x5)

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