An Overview of Organic Reactions
An Overview of Organic Reactions
An Overview of Organic Reactions
1. Symmetrical
• One electron is donated to the new bond by each reactant
2. Unsymmetrical
• Both bonding electrons are donated by one reactant (polar)
How Organic Reactions Occur: Mechanisms
Radical reaction
• Process that involves symmetrical bond breaking and bond
• Radical (free radical)
• A neutral chemical species that contains an odd
number of electrons and has a single, unpaired
electron in one of its orbitals
Polar reactions
• Process that involves unsymmetrical bond breaking and bond
• Involve species that have an even number of electrons
(have only electron pairs in their orbitals)
• Common in both organic and biological chemistry
6.3 Radical Reactions
• Highly reactive because it contains an atom with an odd
number of electrons (usually seven) in a valence shell
• Can achieve a valence shell octet through:
• Radical substitution reaction
• Radical abstracts an atom and one bonding electron from
another reactant
Radical Reactions
• Radical addition reaction
• A reactant radical adds to a double bond, taking one electron
1. Initiation
• Ultraviolet light breaks Cl-Cl bond to generate chlorine
Radical Reactions
2. Propagation
• Reaction with CH4 to generate new radicals and propagate
the chain reaction
+ +
(a) (a)
(b) CH3CH2Cl (b) CH2ClCH2Cl + CH3CHCl2
Radical Reactions
3. Termination
• Two radicals combine to end the chain reaction
• No new radical species is formed
Radical Reactions
• The carbon radical reacts with O2 to give an oxygen radical
• Oxygen radical reacts with C=C bond (several steps)
• Prostaglandin H2 produced
6.4 Polar Reactions
Polar reactions
• Occur because of electrical attraction between positive
and negative centers on functional groups in molecules
• Most organic compounds are electrically neutral, they
have no net charge (in total)
Bond polarity
• Certain bonds within a molecule are polar
• Consequence of an unsymmetrical electron
distribution in a bond
• Due to the difference in electronegativity of the
bonded atoms.
Polar Reactions
• Oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, and chlorine are more
electronegative than carbon
• Carbon is always positively polarized (d+) when bonded to
more electronegative elements
• Carbon is negatively polarized (d −) when bonded to metals
Polar Reactions
Polar Reactions
Polar Reactions
Polar bonds
• Can also result from interactions of functional groups with acids or
+0.2 +0.3 +0.3
+0.1 +0.25
CH3OH2+ 整個分子帶正一價,此正電
Polar Reactions
Polarizability of the atom
• The measure of change in electron distribution around the atom to an
external electrical influence
• Larger atoms (more, loosely held electrons) – more polarizable
• Smaller atoms (fewer, tightly held electrons) – less polarizable
Effects of polarizability on bonds
• Although carbon-sulfur and carbon-iodine bonds are nonpolar according
to electronegativity values, they usually react as if they are polar
because sulfur and iodine are highly polarizable
C, S, I 的 EN 都是 2.5
Polar Reactions
Electron-rich sites react with electron-poor sites
• Bonds made when electron-rich atom donates a pair of electrons to
an electron-poor atom
• Bonds broken when one atom leaves with both electrons from the
former bond
• Substance that is “electron-loving”
• Has a positively polarized, electron-poor atom
• Can form a bond by accepting a pair of electrons from a
• May be either neutral or positively charged
Polar Reactions
Electrostatic potential maps identify:
• Nucleophilic atoms (red; negative) (electron rich)
• Electrophilic atoms (blue; positive) (electron poor)
Polar Reactions
Neutral Compounds
• React either as nucleophiles or electrophiles (depending on
• Water
• Nucleophile when it donates a nonbonding pair of electrons
• Electrophile when it donates H+ ••
O ••
• Carbonyl compound + H H
• Nucleophile when it reacts at its negatively polarized oxygen
• Electrophile when it reacts at its positively polarized carbon atom
• A compound that is neutral but has as electron-rich
nucleophilic site must also have a corresponding
electron-poor electrophilic site
Polar Reactions
(a) (CH3)3S+
(b) -CN
(c) CH3NH2
Worked Example 6.1
Identifying Electrophiles and Nucleophiles
Nucleophiles have an electron-rich site because:
• They are negatively charged, or
• They have a functional group containing an atom that
has a lone pair of electrons
Electrophiles have an electron-poor site because:
• They are positively charged, or
• They have a functional group containing an atom that is
positively polarized
Worked Example 6.1
(a) (CH3)3S+ (trimethylsulfonium ion) is likely to be an
electrophile because it is positively charged.
(b) -
CN (cyanide ion) is likely to be a nucleophile because it is
negatively charged.
Polar Reaction
• All polar reactions take place between an electron-poor site and an
electron-rich site, and they involve the donation of an electron pair from
nucleophiles to electrophiles
An Example of a Polar Reaction:
Addition of H2O to Ethylene
C=C double bond
• Has greater electron density than single bonds
• Electrons in p bond are more accessible to approaching
reactants (P orbital is larger than S)
• Nucleophilic and reacts with electrophile
An Example of a Polar Reaction:
Addition of H2O to Ethylene
• In presence of a strong acid, it is protonated to give the
hydronium ion H3O+(proton (H+) donor and electrophile).
An Example of a Polar Reaction:
Addition of H2O to Ethylene
An Example of a Polar Reaction: Addition of H2O
to Ethylene
• Formed in step two of the acid-catalyzed
electrophilic addition reaction of ethylene and
• Positively charged carbon species with only six
valence electrons
• Electrophile that can accept an electron pair from
a nucleophile
6.6 Using Curved Arrows in Polar Reaction
Rule 1 – Electrons move from a nucleophilic source (Nu: or
Nu-) to an electrophilic sink (E or E+)
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Using Curved Arrows in Polar Reaction Mechanisms
[C]c= equilibrium concentration of C raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced
[D]d= equilibrium concentration of D raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced
[A]a= equilibrium concentration of A raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced
[B]b= equilibrium concentration of B raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced
Describing a Reaction: Equilibria, Rates, and
Energy Changes
The value of Keq tells which side of the reaction arrow is
energetically favored
• Keq > 1
• Product concentration term [C]c[D]d is much larger than reactant
concentration term [A]a[B]b
• Reaction proceeds from left to right
• Keq≈ 1 Comparable amounts of both products and reactants are
present at equilibrium
• Keq < 1
• Product Concentration [C]c [D]d is much smaller than reactant
concentration [A]a [B]b
• Reaction proceeds from right to left
Describing a Reaction: Equilibria, Rates, and
Energy Changes
Equilibrium Expression (Keq)
• Reaction of ethylene with H2O
Keq and ∆Gº are mathematically related because they both measure
whether a reaction is favored
R = 8.314 J/(K . mol) = 1.987 cal/ (K . mol)
T = Kelvin temperature
e = 2.718
ln Keq = natural logarithm of Keq
Describing a Reaction: Bond Dissociation
∆H = – (Dproduct – Dreactant)
H2 + I2 2 HI
D = 436 D = 152 D = 298
Reactants are
more stable with
H < 0 higher D values
Describing a Reaction:
Bond Dissociation Energies
Connections between bond strengths and chemical reactivity
• Exothermic reactions are favored by products with stronger
bonds and reactants with weaker bonds
• Bond formation in products releases heat
• Bond breaking in reactants requires heat
6.9 Describing a Reaction: Energy Diagrams
and Transition States
For a reaction to take place
• Reactant molecules must collide
• Reorganization of atoms and bonds must occur
collide collide
Describing a Reaction:
Energy Diagrams and Transition States
Energy diagrams
• Vertical axis: the total energy of all reactants and products
• Horizontal axis: “reaction coordinate” the progress of the reaction
from beginning to end
A hypothetical transition–state
structure for the first step of
the reaction of ethylene with
• the C=C bond is about to break
• the C-H bond is beginning to form
Describing a Reaction: Energy Diagrams and
Transition States
Once transition-state is reached the reaction either:
• Continues on to give carbocation product
• New C-H bond forms fully
• Amount of energy corresponding to difference between
transition-state (∆G‡) and carbocation product is released
• Since carbocation is higher in energy than the starting alkene,
the step is endergonic (+∆Gº, absorbs energy)
Enzyme catalyst
changes the
mechanism of reaction
to an alternative
pathway which proceeds
through a series of
smaller steps rather
than one or two large
Worked Example 6.3
Drawing Energy Diagram for Reactions
Sketch an energy diagram for a one-step reaction
that is fast and highly exergonic
6.11 A Comparison between Biological
Reactions and Laboratory Reactions
• Laboratory reaction (in vitro)
• Organic liquid, such as ether or dichloromethane
• Used to dissolve reactants
• Used to bring reactants into contact with each other
• Biological reaction (in vivo)
• Aqueous medium inside cell
• Laboratory reaction
• Takes place over wide range of temperatures (typically 80-
• Biological reaction
• Takes place at the temperature of the organism
A Comparison between Biological Reactions and
Laboratory Reactions
• Laboratory reactions
• Either none or very simple
• Biological reactions
• Catalyzed by enzymes
• A large, globular protein molecule that contains a
protected pocket called an active site
Active site
• The pocket in an enzyme where a substrate is bound and
undergoes reaction
• Lined by acidic or basic groups
• Has precisely the right shape to bind and hold substrate
A Comparison between Biological Reactions and
Laboratory Reactions
A Comparison between Biological Reactions and
Laboratory Reactions
Reagent size
• Laboratory reactions
• Usually small and simple (such as Br2, HCl, NaBH4, CrO3)
• Biological reactions
• Relatively complex reagents called coenzymes
• ATP is the coenzyme in the hexokinase-catalyzed phosphorylation
of glucose
• Reduced NADH is the coenzyme that effects hydrogenation in
many biological pathways
A Comparison between Biological Reactions and
Laboratory Reactions
• Laboratory reactions
• Little specificity for substrate (a catalyst such as sulfuric acid
might be used to catalyze the addition of water to thousands
of different alkenes)
• Biological reactions
• Very high specificity for substrate (an enzyme will catalyze
only a very specific reaction)
A Comparison between Biological Reactions and
Laboratory Reactions