MIS Chapter 1
MIS Chapter 1
MIS Chapter 1
Chapter One
Introduction to Management Information System
Information System
Types of Information Systems
Why IT needed in most Organization?
Contemporary Approach to IS
Challenges of IS
Enterprise Applications
Information System(IS)
• Information:
• Processed data that have been shaped into meaningful and
useful form to human beings to make appropriate decision
• Data:
• are streams of raw facts representing events occurring in
organizations or the physical environment and have not been
• System:
• an interrelated set of components that work together within an
identifiable boundary to achieve a common goal/objective
• Information System:
• a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store,
retrieve and distribute information to support decision making
and facilitates an organization tasks. 3
Information System (Cont’d)
• IS is an arrangement of people, data, process, communications, and
information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-day
operations in a business as well as support the problem solving and decision-
making needs of management and users.
Types of Information System(cont’d)
• IS can also be divided based on the major business processes as:
a) Sales and Marketing Systems: responsible for identifying customers, determine
what they need, planning and developing products and services to meet their needs
and advertising these products and services and selling them. Ex: e-commerce
System Description Organization level
Market Analysis Identify customers & markets using Data or demographics, markets Knowledge level
consumer behavior & trends.
Types of Information System(cont’d)
b) Manufacturing and Production System: responsible for actually
producing the firm’s goods and services
Machine control Control the action of machines & Equipment Operational Level
Computer aided design (CAD) Design new products using the computer Knowledge level
Production planning Decide when and how many products should be produced Management level
Facilities location Decide where to locate new production facilities Strategic level
Types of Information System(cont’d)
c) Finance and Accounting System:
• Finance is responsible for managing the firm’s financial assets, such as cash,
stocks, bonds, and other investments, in order to maximize the return on these
financial assets
• Accounting is responsible for maintaining and managing the firm’s financial
records-receipts, depreciation, payroll to account for the flow of funds in a firm
System Description Organization level
Types of Information System(cont’d)
Training & Development Track employee training, skills & performance appraisals Operational Level
Compensation analysis Monitor the range & distribution of employee wages, salary & Management level
Human resource planning Plan the long term labor force needs of the organization. Strategic level
Levels of a Firm
• Organizations have a structure that is composed of different levels
and specialties
• The structure shows division of labor
Level of Firm(Cont’d)
• Senior management makes long-range strategic decisions about products and
services as well as ensures financial performance of the firm.
• Middle management carries out the programs and plans of senior
• Operational management is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of
the business.
• Knowledge workers, such as engineers, scientists, or architects, design products
or services and create new knowledge for the firm
• Data workers, such as secretaries or clerks, assist with scheduling and
communications at all levels of the firm
• Production or service workers produce the product and deliver the service
• Business functions(tasks) - sales and marketing, manufacturing and production,
finance and accounting, and human resources
Why IT needed in most organization?
• Four powerful worldwide changes had altered the business environment:
1. Emergence and Strengthening of the Global Economy
• To survive in the competitive world a firm need to operate globally and have a
powerful Information and Communication System.
2. Transformation of industrial, information-based services economies and societies
information knowledge
• In developed countries, industrial economics are transformed to knowledge
and information based economics. IT companies lead the world
• IS optimizes the flow of Knowledge and information within the organization,
help management maximize the firms knowledge resources and in turn
enhance productivity, quality of service, decision making and profitability
Why IT needed in most organization? (cont’d)
Challenges of IS
1. The Strategic Business Challenge
• Realizing the digital firm: how can business use IT to become competitive,
effective and digitally enabled?
• Creating a digital firm and obtaining benefits is a long and difficult journey for
most organization.
• Despite heavy information technology investment, organizations are not
realizing significant business value from their system, nor are they becoming
digitally enabled.
2. The Globalization Challenge
• How can firms understand the business and system requirements of global
economic environment?-dynamic
Challenges of IS(cont’d)