Ocular Emerg

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The key takeaways are reviewing ocular anatomy, understanding basic eye exams and differentials for red eye and common emergencies

Some common ocular emergencies discussed include hordeolum, chalazion, chemosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, pinguecula, pterygium and herpes simplex keratitis

Useful tools for examining the eye include a near vision card, penlight with blue filter, topical anesthetic, fluorescein strips, and topical mydriatic


Ocular Emergencies
 Review ocular anatomy
 Understand basic ophthalmic workup
 Know differential for:
 Red eye
 Recognize and manage common ocular

Anatomy of the Eye
 Near vision card
 Penlight with blue filter
 Topical anesthetic
 Fluorescein strips
 Topical mydriatic

Useful Tools
 Visual acuity - Snellen eye chart, counting fingers, light
 CN II – VII - Pupils, visual fields, EOMs, facial droop

 Inspection/palpation of eye and surrounding structures -

Asymmetry, proptosis, enophthalmos, orbital rim

 Lids/ducts

 Slit lamp – Anterior segment

 Fundoscopy – Posterior segment

 Contraindications to dilation – significant head trauma,

Eye Exam
suspected rupture, history of glaucoma
 Intraocular pressure - Goldman applanation tonometry,

 Perform at slit lamp
 If not available, use ophthalmoscope
 Inspect
 Conjunctiva
 Cornea
 Anterior chamber
 Iris
 Lens 

Anterior Segment
Estimating Anterior Chamber
 Measures the intraocular pressure by
calculating the force required to
depress the cornea a given amount
with a tonometer.
 IOP 10-20 is considered normal.
 In chronic open angle glaucoma, IOP
can be 20-30, and in acute angle
closure glaucoma, IOP can be greater
than 40.

 Measures both the direct and consensual
response of pupil to light.
 Step 1: Shine light in right eye. This will
cause BOTH right and left pupils to constrict
via CN III through Edinger-Westphal
 Step 2: Then swing pen light to left eye and
check to make sure the left eye
CONSTRICTS. If it constricts, this means that
the LEFT CN II is intact and is causing a
direct pupillary reflex. If it dilates, then this is a
sign that the LEFT retina or optic nerve is
damaged and is called an Afferent pupillary
defect. (APD)

The Swinging Flashlight

 Examine
 Vitreous
 Optic disc

 Retinal vessels

 Macula

Posterior Segment
 Key worrisome clinical findings (ophtho
referral needed):
 Pain: Pain in eye often indicates more
serious intraocular pathology (iritis,
 Visual acuity: if decreased, usually more
serious cause.
 Pupil: if sluggish, worry about acute
 Pattern of redness: CILIARY FLUSH
(Redness worse near cornea, usually serious
intraocular cause: iritis or glaucoma).

Algorithm for Diagnosing Red

 Injection of deep
conjunctival vessels
and episcleral vessels
surrounding the
 Seen in iritis
(inflammation in the
anterior chamber) or
acute glaucoma.
 NOT seen in simple

Ciliary Flush
Picture taken from Basic Ophthalmology for Medical Students and Primary Care Residents published by
the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Biggest distinguishing  Main differential of red
factor between emergent eye:
and non-emergent  Conjunctivitis
 Do you wear contacts? (infectious/noninfectious)
(increased risk of  Trauma, Foreign body
keratitis-corneal infection)  Subconjunctival
 Do you have any  Angle closure glaucoma
associated symptoms?  Iritis/uveitis

Eye: Key historical
Decreased vision
 Kerititis
Scleritis, episcleritis

 flashes/floaters
 Halos/N/V/Abd pain
 Any above require referral
Orbital Blowout Fracture
 Signs & Sx’s:
 Enophthalmos
 Diplopia

 Impairment of eye

movement 20 to EOM
entrapment, orbital
hemorrhage or nerve
 Orbital emphysema

 Infraorbital n. anesthesia

 CT should include axial

and coronal cuts
 Disposition - If no diplopia, minimal displacement,
and no muscle entrapment, discharge with
ophthalmology follow up within a week.
 Surgery - For enophthalmos, muscle entrapment, or
visual loss.
 Management:
 Ice packs beginning in clinic/ED and for 48 hrs
will help decrease swelling associated with
 Elevate head of bed (decrease swelling).
 If sinuses have been injured, give prophylactic
antibiotics and instruct patient not to blow nose.
 Treat nausea/vomiting with antiemetics.

Orbital blowout fracture

 Blowout Fractures

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Corneal injuries
 Abrasions, lacerations, ulcers
 Symptoms:
 extreme eye pain, relieved with
lidocaine drops.
 Visual acuity usually decreased,
depending on location of injury in
relation to visual axis.
 Inflammation leading to corneal
edema can decrease VA.
 Diagnosis: fluorescein staining
to see epithelial defect.
 Seidel’s test for aqueous
leakage to diagnose laceration.
Corneal Foreign Body

 Treatment
 Apply topical anesthetic
 Remove foreign body with
sterile irrigating solution or
moistened sterile cotton swab
 Never use needle
 Apply antibiotic ointment
 24-hour follow-up is mandatory
 Refer if foreign body cannot be
Corneal injuries

 Seidel’s test:
fluorescein is dark
orange but turns bright
green under blue light
after dilution.
 This indicates aqueous
leakage which is
diluting the green dye.
 Topical antibiotics and follow up with
 For lacerations, <1 cm, topical antibiotics and
discharge with follow up.
 If >1 cm, refer to ophthalmologist to rule out
globe rupture and for possible suture
 Avoid contact lenses
 Avoid patching

Management of Corneal
 Penetrating trauma
leads to corneal or
scleral disruption
and extravasation of
intraocular contents.
 Can lead to:
 Irreversible visual loss
 Endophthalmitis -
inflammation of the
intraocular cavities

Ruptured globe
 Signs and symptoms:
 pain, decreased vision
 hyphema
 loss of anterior chamber
 “tear-drop” pupil which
points toward laceration
 severe subconjunctival
hemorrhage completely
encircling the cornea.
 Diagnosis: positive
Seidel’s test, clinical

Ruptured Globe
Ruptured Globe
 Stop the examination
 Cover with metal eye shield or
styrofoam cup. DO NOT PATCH.
 Consult ophthalmology immediately
 Do not perform tonometry.
 CT head and orbit to evaluate for
concomitant facial/orbital injury.
 Tetanus toxoid
 Antibiotics: Cefazolin + ciprofloxacin
provides good coverage.
 Antiemetics and analgesics decrease risk
of Valsalva or movement which could
increase IOP.
 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
 Disruption of conjunctival blood vessel
 Etiology
 Trauma
 Sneezing
 Gagging
 Valsalva
 Will resolve spontaneously within 2 weeks
*If dense, circumferential bloody chemosis is
present, must rule out globe rupture

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
 Disruption of conjunctival blood vessel
 Etiology
 Trauma
 Sneezing
 Gagging
 Valsalva
 Will resolve spontaneously within 2 weeks
*If dense, circumferential bloody chemosis is
present, must rule out globe rupture
Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
 Disruption of conjunctival blood vessel
 Etiology
 Trauma
 Sneezing
 Gagging
 Valsalva
 Will resolve spontaneously within 2
*If dense, circumferential bloody chemosis
is present, must rule out globe rupture
Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Conjunctival Abrasion
 Superficial abrasions
 Treatment: 2-3 days of erythromycin ointment
 Ocular foreign body should be excluded
 Corneal Abrasion
 Tearing, photophobia, blepharospasm, severe
 Fluorescein: dye uptake at defect site
 Rule out foreign body
 Treatment:
 Cycloplegic
 Topical Tobramycin, Erythromycin, or
Bacitracin/polymyxin drops
 Contact lens wearers: Cipro, Ofloxacin, or
Tobramycin drops
 Tetanus shot
 Ophthalmology consult within 24 hours

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Corneal Abrasion
 Tearing, photophobia, blepharospasm, severe
 Fluorescein: dye uptake at defect site
 Rule out foreign body
 Treatment:
 Cycloplegic
 Topical Tobramycin, Erythromycin, or
Bacitracin/polymyxin drops
 Contact lens wearers: Cipro, Ofloxacin, or
Tobramycin drops
 Tetanus shot
 Ophthalmology consult within 24 hours

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Conjunctival Foreign Bodies
 Lid eversion
 Remove with a moistened sterile swab

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Conjunctival Foreign Bodies

 Lid eversion
 Remove with a moistened sterile swab
 Corneal Foreign Bodies
 May be removed with fine needle tip, eye
spud, or eye burr after topical anesthetic
 Then treat as a corneal abrasion
 Deep corneal stoma FB or those in central
visual axis require ophtho consult for removal
 Rust rings can be removed with eye burr, but
not urgent
 Optho follow up in 24 hours for residual rust
or deep stromal involvement

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Corneal Foreign Bodies
 May be removed with fine needle tip, eye
spud, or eye burr after topical anesthetic
 Then treat as a corneal abrasion
 Deep corneal stoma FB or those in central
visual axis require ophtho consult for removal
 Rust rings can be removed with eye burr, but
not urgent
 Optho follow up in 24 hours for residual rust
or deep stromal involvement

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Corneal Foreign Bodies
 May be removed with fine needle tip, eye
spud, or eye burr after topical anesthetic
 Then treat as a corneal abrasion
 Deep corneal stoma FB or those in central
visual axis require ophtho consult for removal
 Rust rings can be removed with eye burr, but
not urgent
 Optho follow up in 24 hours for residual rust
or deep stromal involvement

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Lid Lacerations
 Must exclude damage to eye and nasolacrimal
 Fluorescein staining in the tear layer that appear
in the adjacent lac confirm nasolacrimal
 Most require ophtho consult

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Lid Lacerations
 Must exclude damage to eye and nasolacrimal
 Fluorescein staining in the tear layer that appear
in the adjacent lac confirm nasolacrimal
 Most require ophtho consult

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Traumatic Eye Injuries
 Blunt Trauma
 Immediately assess integrity of globe and visual
 Eval depth of anterior chamber, pupil size,
monocular blindness  ruptured globe

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Hyphema
 Blood in the anterior chamber
 Spontaneous or post-trauma

 Treatment:
 Place the pt upright to allow
inferior settling of blood
 Exclude ruptured globe
 Dilate the pupil with atropine
 Measure intraocular pressure – if >
30 mmHg apply topical Timolol
 Emergent Optho eval

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Blowout Fractures
 Inferior and medial wall most at risk
 Evaluate for
 inferior rectus entrapment (diplopia on upward
 infraorbital nerve paresthesia
 subcutaneous emphysema (when blowing the
 Orbital cut CT scan
 Treatment: rule out ocular trauma and give
oral Keflex
 Isolated blowout fracture – ophtho eval in 3 –
10 days

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Penetrating Trauma/Ruptured Globe
 Severe subconjunctival hemorrhage
 Shallow or deep anterior chamber in one eye
 Hyphema
 Tear-drop shaped pupil

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Penetrating Trauma/Ruptured Globe
 Seidel’s test
 Fluourescein

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Traumatic Eye Injuries
 Penetrating Trauma/Ruptured Globe
 Penetrating Trauma/Ruptured Globe
 If a globe injury is suspected:
 Don’t manipulate the eye any more
 …Step away from the eye
 Place the pt upright
 Protective eye shield
 Administer IV cephazolin and antiemetic
 Tetanus

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Penetrating Trauma/Ruptured Globe
 Orbital CT
 If intraocular foreign body suspected
 Call Ophtho right away

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Chemical Ocular Injury
 Acid or alkali – treat the same
 Immediately flush (at the scene)
 Continue to flush until pH is normal (7.0)
 Check with urine dipstick
 Recheck pH after sweeping the fornices for
retained particles
 Measure IOP

Traumatic Eye Injuries

 Chemical Ocular Injury
 Treatment:
 Cycloplegic
 Erythromycin ointment
 Narcotic pain meds
 Tetanus
 Immediate ophtho eval if not completely normal
after initial measures

Traumatic Eye Injuries

What Do You Do?
1. Stabilize hook
2. Brief exam to document
visual acuity, pupillary
responses, visual fields
3. Protect eye from further
4. Tetanus, IV Abx
5. Pain control, antiemetics
6. Send to Ophtho!
 Crazy Glue!

Traumatic Eye Injuries

Quick Snappers
Hordeolum (Sty)
Herpes Simplex Kerititis

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