ATTY. Luie Tito F. Guia, LENTE

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ATTY. Luie Tito F.

 Campaign Finance Defined

Campaign finance involves the generation and

application of material resources to electoral campaigns. It
refers to the financial transactions that candidates and
their political parties do to inform voters of their
candidacy and persuade voters to vote for them. As such,
campaign finance refers to both legal and illegal
ways of generating and applying material resources
to electoral campaigns.
- Segundo Eclar Romero
Election Campaign or Partisan Political

•Refer to act/s designed to promote the election

or defeat of a particular candidate or

[Sec. 79 (b) Omnibus Election Code, BP 881]

To equalize the playing field in election

Minimize campaign spending

Anti-Corruption Measure

Transparency and Disclosure

Over Spending
Vote Buying and in Election Premature
Vote Selling Campaigns Campaigning

Use of State Unknown What to do with

Resources for Source of Excess
Campaigning Campaign Campaign
Funds Funds

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