6 - Swap
6 - Swap
6 - Swap
A 4% 5 yr LIBOR – .1%
Company A
Take loan @ 4% fixed interest rate.
Company B
Take loan @ LIBOR + .6%
enter into a swap contract
A will pay to B LIBOR and B will pay to A @ 4.35%
fixed interest rate
Comparative advantage
Company A
Net effect of company A will pay LIBOR - .35% (profit
from B 4 - 4.35%)
which is better then market.
Company B
Net effect of company B will pay 4.35% + .6% = 4.95%
(loss from A( LIBOR – (LIBOR - .6%))) which is better
then market.
Currency swaps
Comparative advantage.
Comparative advantage
A 5% 5 yr 7.6%
B 7% 5 yr 8.0%
Comparative advantage
Company A
Take loan @ 5% fixed interest rate in US.
Company B
Take loan @ 8% fixed interest rate in IND
enter into a swap contract
A will give loan to B in US @ 5% and B will give same
amount in IND to A @ 6.9%.
Comparative advantage
Company A
Net effect of company A will get loan in IND @ 6.9%
which is .7% better then market.
Company B
Net effect of company B will get loan in US @ 5 + 1.1%
( 8% – 6.9% ) = 6.1%
which is .9% better then market.
Generally all type of swap is
done through financial institution
and charge small commission.
That’s all for the DAY!!!