Hematologic Test Therapy
Hematologic Test Therapy
Hematologic Test Therapy
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• Hematopoiesis is defined as the formation and maturation of
Leukocytes (WBC),
Erythrocytes (RBC)
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Patient Encounter: Part 1
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Part 2
• Several days later the pt begins to spike fevers. CBC, chest x-ray,
UA, and blood and urine cultures are done to look for possible
sources of infection. The CBC results are as follows: CBC with
• WBC: 17,900 cells/mm3
• WBC differential
-Segs: 65%-Bands: 10%
-Lymphocytes: 17%-Monocytes: 5%
-Eosinophils: 2% -Basophils: 0.5 %
• Hgb: 14 g/dL
• Hct: 42%
• RBC: 4.2 × 106 cells/mm3
– MCV: 90 μm3/cell - MCH: 31 pg/cell
– MCHC: 36 g/dL
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Discussion Questions—Part 2:
• What abnormalities are noted in the CBC?
• What is a “left shift,” and what does it
indicate? Is a left shift present?
• What is the most likely cause of these
• What follow-up actions/treatments will
probably be needed as a result of these
abnormal laboratory tests?
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Complete Blood Count (CBC)
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Complete Blood Count (CBC)
• The CBC (hemogram) is an extremely common laboratory
test that provides values for:
WBCs, RBCs, Hgb, Hct and red cell indices (MCV, MCH, and MCHC)
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White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
Acute bacterial infection
Certain viruses and fungi
Inflammatory responses and tissue necrosis (burns, snake bite,
tumor, MI)
Metabolic intoxication (DM, DKA,)
• Drugs
Steroids -Lithium
• Physiologic
Pseudoneutrophilia (shift from MP to CP) due to
catecholamines and acute stress
Other inflammatory responses (neoplastic growth, or
metabolic disorders, RA, vasculitis, gout)
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Causes of Neutropenia
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Absolute neutrophil count (ANC)
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4. Monocytes / Macrophages
• Monocytes are peripheral cells in transit from the BM to
• Although not common in circulating blood, they stay about 70
hrs in blood.
• Become macrophages in tissue under influence of local
Liver, spleen, lymph nodes, microglial (CNS) cells, skin, and
• They live for several months or longer in tissues.
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• Primary role is phagocytosis, and in ingesting cellular derbis
and immunity.
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Lymphocyte count increase (lymphocytosis):
(> 4,000 cells/mm3)
Influenza -Pertussis
TB -Mumps
Cytomegalovirus infection - Lymphatic leukemia
Infectious hepatitis -Viral pneumonia
Lymphocyte count decrease (lymphopenia (<1,000
HIV/AIDS - Chemotherapy
Bone marrow suppression
Aplastic anemia - Steriods
Neurologic disorders - Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
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Types of WBC Reference values:
% (absolute count)
Eosinophils 0-6%
Basophils 0-1%
05/11/2022 2-6% 24
Interpreting the WBC
• What is the total WBC ?
– If elevated, what type of WBC is eleveted?
Is it the neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, basophils,
or monocytes?
• Marked leukocytosis is usually due to neutrophils
and lymphocytes
– If neutrphils are causing the leukocytosis, compare its %
to total WBC
• The % of neutrophils indicates the severity of
• The total WBC reflects the quality of the immune
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Case 1 : 85 yrs old female with pneumonia:
Total WBC 11,500
Neutrophils 80% (9,200), bands 5%
• Severe bacterial infection in patient with low
quality of immunity (poor prognosis).
Case 2: 5 yrs old male with pneumonia
– WBC 18,000
– Neutrophils 60% (10,800), Band 10%
• Mild infection but the child’s immunity is over
active (excellent)- good prognosis.
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Case 3: 20 yrs old man admitted following MCA
WBC 14,500 - neutrophils 75%, and
bands 1%
• Stress induced shift from marginalized pool to
circulating pool causing transient leukocytosis.
Case 4: 10 yrs old male admitted for pneumonea
– WBC 16,000 - Neutrophils 75%
– Bands 5% - Eosinophils 1%
– Lymphocytes 10% - Monocytes 3%
• Mild to moderate infection in patient with good
immunity (good prognosis) good prognosis.
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Platelet Count (Thrombocytes)
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Platelet Count (Thrombocytes)
Reference Range (150,000-450,000/mm3 SI 150-
450 × 109/L)
• Platelets are a critical element in blood clot
• The risk of bleeding is low unless platelets
fall below 20,000 to 50,000/mm3
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Increased Platelets
Thrombocytosis /Thrombocythemia is asymptomatic
• Infection
• Malignancies,
• Splenectomy,
• Chronic inflammatory disorders (e.g, R.A)
• Polycythemia vera,
• Hemorrhage,
• Iron deficiency anemia,
• Myeloid metaplasia
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Decreased Platelets (thrombocytopenia)
• Decreased platelet counts or thrombocytopenia
may lead to petechiae, ecchymosis, and
spontaneous hemorrhage.
• Due to defect in production, increased
sequestration, or accelerated destruction
Autoimmune disorders such as idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
Aplastic anemia,
Radiation and chemotherapy,
Space-occupying lesion in the bone marrow, bacterial
or viral infections, and
Use of heparin or valproic acid
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(Erythrocyte Studies)
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RBC or Erythrocyte Count
• Reference Range
Male: 4.2-5.9 × 106 cells/mm3
Female: 3.5-5.5 × 106 cells/mm3
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Increased RBC (Erythrocytosis) Decreased RBC
• 10 : polycythemia vera • Occurs in anemia
– increased production in BM Decreased production
• 20 to: Increased destruction
Living at high altitude, (hemolysis)
Strenuous exercise Blood loss
Chronic lung or heart dx
Tobacco use/ CO
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Hemoglobin (Hgb)
Normal Range
Male: 14-18 g/dL SI 8.7-11.2 mmol/L
Female: 12-16 g/dL SI 7.4-9.9 mmol/L
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Hematocrit (Hct)/Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
Reference Range
Male: 39%-50%
Female: 33%-45%
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• Increased in • Decreased in
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The rule of three
and RBC.
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• Cells with an abnormally large MCV are classified as
• An increase in MCV is associated with
Folate or vitamin B12 deficiency,
Conditions like alcoholism, chronic liver dx, anorexia,
hypothyroidism, and
Use of medications such as valproic acid, zidovudine,
stavudine and antimetabolites.
Infants and new born
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• Conversely, cells with a low MCV are referred to
as microcytic RBC
Result from IDA, hemolytic anemia, lead
poisoning, and thalassemia
• Normocytic RBCs have an MCV that falls within
the normal range
Current bleeding, anemia of chronic diseases
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Mean Corpuscular/Cell Hgb (MCH)
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Patient Case
• Mrs Y is a 71-year-old woman who presents to the Tikur Anbesa
Specialized Hospital emergency department accompanied by her
daughter. On questioning, she states that she has been
experiencing fatigue, lethargy, and generalized weakness for 2–3
• She also has been experiencing tingling and numbness in her feet
and hands, especially while knitting or manipulating small
objects. Pt denies weight loss, fever, night sweats, or vision
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Lab Result
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• What lab abnormalities are present?
• Hgb, MCV, ret., Vit B12
• Is this patient anemic, if so what type of anemia?
• Yes, macrocytic anemia
• What is the most likely cause of anemia?
• Vit B12 deficiency
• What treatments and follow up will probably be
needed for this pt?
• Vit B12 supplementation and diet rich in Vit B12
• Hgb, Vit 12 conc, resolution of symptoms
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• C.U., a 58-year-old chronic alcoholic, was hospitalized after a
barroom brawl. A CBC was ordered, and the following RBC
indices were noted: MCV, 108 μm3; MCH, 38 pg; and MCHC,
34 g/dL. How should these indices be interpreted in C.U.?
Answer: Usually, the MCH and MCV are both increased and
the MCHC is normal in macrocytic anemias associated with
vitaminB12 or folic acid deficiency.
• The MCH is increased b/c the RBCs have increased in size;
however, the concentration of Hgb (MCHC) has not changed.
• This characteristic picture is illustrated in the alcoholic
patient, C.U., who is likely to have a dietary folic acid
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Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
• Reference range:
Male: 0 - 8mm/hr Female: 0-10mm/hr
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Increased Rate
Decreased Rate
• Pregnancy
• Collagen disorders (immune • Polycythemia vera
disorders of connective tissue) • Congestive heart failure
• Inflammatory disorders
• Sickle cell, Hgb C disease
• Infections
• Acute myocardial infarction • Degenerative joint dx
• Most malignancies • Cryoglobulinemia
• Drugs (oral contraceptives, dextran, • Drug toxicity (salicylates,
penicillamine, methyldopa, quinine derivatives,
procainamide, theophylline, vitamin adrenal corticosteroids)
• Severe anemias
• Renal disease (nephritis)
• Hepatic cirrhosis
• Thyroid disorders
• 05/11/2022
Acute heavy metal poisoning 55
Coagulation Tests
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• The most common laboratory tests to diagnose the
coagulation disorders and monitor the effectiveness
of patients receiving anticoagulation therapy are:
Thrombin time
Normal: 10 to 13 seconds
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• It is used to monitor warfarin therapy. But PT Varies with
thromboplastin and test method used, INR is a better monitoring
tool for warfarin.
Liver disease
• Because the PT may vary due to the thromboplastin used, the INR
is used to standardize the PT.
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• An INR below the desired range indicates
suboptimal anticoagulation and a need to
increase warfarin dosage.
• Conversely, an INR above the desired range
indicates a need to omit and/or reduce the
warfarin dosage.
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• Pts with elevated INRs and/or bleeding may require
the administration of vitamin K, fresh frozen plasma,
or clotting factors
• To appropriately interpret an INR value and decide on
the need for dosage adjustments, pts should be
questioned regarding dosage of warfarin, missed
doses, dietary intake, alcohol intake, and
concomitant medications.
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Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
• The normal value above represents a control range for pts not
on anticoagulation therapy.
• Much like the PT, the aPTT can vary depending on the reagent
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• An aPTT below the desired therapeutic range
indicates the need to rebolus and/or increase
the heparin infusion rate
• An aPTT above the desired therapeutic
indicates the need to hold and/or reduce the
dose of heparin.
• Patients with clinically significant bleeding
may require reversal with protamine sulfate
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