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Course Design in

English for Specific

Fidah Istifadah
Linda Nuramaliyah
Rahma Sari Umaris
Widiani Norma Insani
01 Introduction of Course 04 Approaches in English for
Design in English for Specific Purposes Course
Specific Purposes Design

02 Parameters of An English 05 The Principles of English

for Specific Purposes for Specific Purposes
Course Design Course Design

03 Characteristics of English 06 Factors Affecting in

for Specific Purposes English for Specific
Course Design Purposes Course Design

Learning English for specific purposes is needed, which is designed according

to the needs of the students (et al., 2014). The term "specific" in English for specific
purpose refers to specific goals in learning English that can improve students'
understanding of what has been learned, and then enable them to use the English
they have learned. (Fitria, 2020). Further need analysis for students in learning this
English leads to ESP Course Design. In the Design Course ESP contains a specific
syllabus (what should be taught), and the method (how to be taught to students).
According to Basturkmen (2006) the function of language in the Design Course ESP
serves to convey facts and knowledge. Therefore, Important in choosing the right
course content to be used in the learning process, because by making and
considering the course design, it has taken into account both what is to be learned
by students, and the learning outcomes will be useful according to the goals and
needs of the students.
Introduction of Course
Design in English for
Specific Purposes
ENGLISH for Specific Purposes (ESP) course design has developed to become one of the
most unmistakable areas of EFL educating since the mid 1960's. Hutchinson and
Water states that ESP is certifiably not an arranged and cognizant development, yet
rather a peculiarity that outgrew various covering tends.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is considered as a recent fad in English Language
educating. Our conviction planning a fitting course that suits target ESP students will
help them to be capable in their field of study or work, however it is an extremely
difficult errand particularly for new instructors.The need for ESP courses at the
college level is of a foremost significance. Non-local English understudies need to
foster their English abilities to comprehend the language utilized in various explicit
settings like jargon, styles, registers, explicit organizations and designs. Likewise,
understudies should be acquainted with the new scholar climate by fostering their
scholarly abilities.(Mrs Amel Afia Ph.D & Prof. Naouel Abdellatif Mami, 2020).
● Course design is a series movement to design course or learning exercises.
Hutchinson and Water characterize Course design is the method involved with
deciphering the crude necessities investigation information to create "an incorporated
series of opportunities for growth to lead students to a specific condition of
information. While According to Munby,3 "ESP courses are determined in all basics
by the earlier investigation of the correspondence needs of the learners".
● Course design is a series interaction — need examination, deciphering need
investigation data, making schedule, material composition, homeroom educating, and
● Course design is the interaction by which the teachers deciphered information about
a learning need inrequest to deliver joined arrangements of instructing and mastering
abilities. There are three fundamental ways to deal with course configuration
distinguished by Hutchinson and Waters (1987).
Parameters of An
English for Specific
Purposes Course Design
According to Dudley Evans and St. John (1998: 145-154), there are a number of
parameters which need to be investigated in making decisions about course
design. The questions listed below by them should be investigated by course
designers before making on designing an ESP course.
1. Should the course be intensive or extensive?
2. Should the role of the teacher be that of the provider of knowledge and activities
or as a facilitator of activities arising from learners‟ expressed wants?
3. Should the course be pre-study or pre-experience or run parallel with work?
4. Should the material be common-core or specific to learners‟ study or work?
5. Should the course designed be worked out by the language teacher after
consultation with the learners and the institution, or should it be subject to a
process of negotiation with the learners?
A comprehensive English language needs analysis is definitely
needed in order to design an effective ESP course for teachers
training college students. We must admit that in planning a course,
ESP teachers should first be aware of the options and of the
limitations arising from institutional and learner expectations. In
some circumstances, course design may be carried out before the
course takes place and the details may be revised either during the
course or after the course has been run. Initial revisions may be
major, but thereafter the details may only need fine-tuning. In
other circumstances the teacher may be designing the course while
teaching takes place or negotiating the course with the learners
and reacting quickly to the needs as expressed at the beginning of
the course and as they change over the period of the course. It is
generally important in such situations that the ESP teacher has a
good deal of experience in both teaching, materials provision and
writing. It is also important to have a range of materials available.
Characteristics of
English for Specific
Purposes Course Design
According to Steven's (1998) ESP is divided into two characteristics, namely:

1. Absolute characteristics (language teaching is designed to meet specified

needs of the learner; related in content to particular disciplines, occupation
and activities; centred on the language appropriate to those activities in
syntax, text, discourse, semantics, etc., and analysis of the discourse

2. Two variable characteristic (ESP may be restricted to the language skills to be

learned, e.g. reading; and not taught according to any pre-ordained
Furthermore, based on the ESP characteristics according to Steven's (1998), Dudley-Evans
and ST John made slight changes to the ESP characteristics, becoming: 

2. Variable characteristics:

a. ESP may be related or designed for specific disciplines

1. Absolute characteristics:
b. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology
a. ESP is designed to meet specific needs of the learner
from that of general English
b. ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and
c. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary
activities of the disciplines it serves
level institution or in a professional work situation; it could be used

c. ESP is centred on the language (grammar, lexis, for learners at secondary school level

register), skills, discourse and genres appropriate to d. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced learners; and
these activities.
e. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system,
but it can be used with beginners
Approaches in
English for Specific
Purposes Course
We can identify five main types of course design: Language-centered
course design, Skills-centered course design, Learner-centered approach,
Learning-centered approach, and Integrated approach.

1. Language-centered course design

Hutchison and Waters states that Language-centred course design
approachis the simplest kind of course design process and one most
familiar to English teachers. It aims to draw as direct a connection as
possible between the analysis of the target situation and the content of the
ESP course.

2. Skills-centered course design

Skills-centred course design is a reaction both to the idea of specific
registers of English as a basis for ESP and to the practical constraints on
learning imposed by limited time and resources. Its aim is not to provide a
specified corpus of linguistic know ledge but to make the learners into
better processors of information.
3. Learner-centered approach
It is based on the principle that learning is totally determined by the learner even
though teachers can influence what is taught but what the learners learn is determined
by the learner alone. Learning is seen as a process in which the learners what
knowledge or skill they have in order to make sense of the flow of new information.

4. Learning-centred approach
The term learning-centred approach introduced by Hutchison and Waters. It is seen as
a process in which the learner use what knowledge or skills they have to make sense of
the flow of new information. It is an internal process, which is crucially dependent upon
the knowledge the learner already have and their ability and motivation to use it.

5. Integrated approach
Integrated Approach is an approach that integrate teacher centred learning,
learner centred leaning and learning centred approach. It is based on the principle that
learner in learning process must be guided by the teachers to learn optimally. Not all
the learning source comes from the learner, but the learning process can be processed
optimally if the all components of the learning process function well.
The Principles of
English for Specific
Purposes Course
There are several principles of English for Specific Purposes Course Design:

1. Content should lead language.

2. The exercises on the material should be authentic, as well as the material itself.
3. There should be massive exposure to content and language.
4. We need to be using authentically long texts for listening and reading.
5. Communication gaps should be massively exploited.
6. Methods should draw inspiration from content teacher.
7. Elaborate, but do not simplify.
8. Train students to handle difficult texts.
9. Consider using translation as a scaffolding for weak students.
10. A course designer should have three syllabuses: a content syllabus, a language
syllabus, and a learning/skills syllabus. The content syllabus should be related
to the way the specialists divide up the subject.
11. Students need exposure to the multiple genres within their speciality. These
genres can differ widely in language and style.
12. Ideally, another subject should be taught in English, and failing that, compulsory
readings in English should be set by the subject specialist.
Factors Affecting in
English for Specific
Purposes Course
Hutchinson and Water (1987) identified factors affecting to
ESP course design namely language description, theories of
learning and need analysis..
Phillips (as citied in Wello and Dollah) considers factors
contributing to the success and failure of ESP course as
1. The subject content embodied in the learners’ purposes;
2. The duration for ESP course
3. The weekly intensity of the course
4. The composition of the students group according to their
mother tongues
5. Age, academic background, degree of competence in
second language (if any)
6. The staff- students ratio
7. The staff teaching load
8. The organizational structure of educational institution
9. The budgetary provision for the course and
10. The availability of educational technology.
Furthermore, Wello and Dollah classified factors
affecting the ESP course into institutional time allotted
for learning English, classroom and learning condition,
and attitude of the head institution and staff, the
teachers factor, the competence of the teacher, the
confidence of the teachers in using English, teaching
strategies, the attitude of the teacher, and the learner
factor internal and external factors.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course design has developed to become one of the most
unmistakable areas of EFL educating since the mid 1960’s. Course design is a series movement to
design course or learning exercises. Hutchinson and Water characterize Course design is the method
involved with deciphering the crude necessities investigation information to create "an incorporated
series of opportunities for growth to lead students to a specific condition of information. While
According to Munby,3 "ESP courses are determined in all basics by the earlier investigation of the
correspondence needs of the learners.“ A comprehensive English language needs analysis is definitely
needed in order to design an effective ESP course for teachers training college students. However, we
can identify five main types of course design: Language-centered course design, Skills-centered course
design, Learner-centered approach, Learning-centered approach, and Integrated approach. The
principles of English for specific purposes course design, There are some criteria of teaching materials
that need to be taken into account : Materials should provide a stimulus for learning, materials should be
sequenced, materials should be authentic and supplementary materials are needed.
And the last there are factors affecting ESP course design : The subject content
embodied in the learners purposes, the duration for ESP course, the weekly intensity of
the course, the composition of the students group according to their mother tongues,
age, academic background, degree of competence in second language (if any), the
staff- students ratio, the staff teaching load, the organizational structure of educational
institution, the budgetary provision for the course and the availability of educational
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