Esp Group 4 (1) Ok
Esp Group 4 (1) Ok
Esp Group 4 (1) Ok
2. Variable characteristics:
c. ESP is centred on the language (grammar, lexis, for learners at secondary school level
register), skills, discourse and genres appropriate to d. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced learners; and
these activities.
e. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system,
but it can be used with beginners
Approaches in
English for Specific
Purposes Course
We can identify five main types of course design: Language-centered
course design, Skills-centered course design, Learner-centered approach,
Learning-centered approach, and Integrated approach.
4. Learning-centred approach
The term learning-centred approach introduced by Hutchison and Waters. It is seen as
a process in which the learner use what knowledge or skills they have to make sense of
the flow of new information. It is an internal process, which is crucially dependent upon
the knowledge the learner already have and their ability and motivation to use it.
5. Integrated approach
Integrated Approach is an approach that integrate teacher centred learning,
learner centred leaning and learning centred approach. It is based on the principle that
learner in learning process must be guided by the teachers to learn optimally. Not all
the learning source comes from the learner, but the learning process can be processed
optimally if the all components of the learning process function well.
The Principles of
English for Specific
Purposes Course
There are several principles of English for Specific Purposes Course Design: