Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance Abused
− Tobacco
− Alcohol
− Marijuana
− Heroin
− Cocaine
− Steroids
− Club drugs
a. Methylene dioxy methamphetamine
b. Gamma hydroxybutyrate
c. Ketamine
− Declining grades
− Aggressiveness and irritability
− Significant change in mood or behavior
− Giving up past activities such as sports and hanging out with new
− Disappearing money or valuables
− Sounding selfish and not caring about others
− Getting drunk or high on drugs on a regular basis
− Avoiding friends and family to get drunk
− Getting in trouble with law
− Suspension or other problems at work place or at school.
Patient Education
− Educate about the effect of medicine
− Ensure that the patient agrees to abstain from alcohol and any alcohol
containing substance
− Instruct the patient that the effect of medicine may last for several days after