L3 Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Molecules
L3 Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Molecules
L3 Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Molecules
• metallic luster
• high electrical and
thermal conductivity
• hard solids
• ductile
• malleable
•poor conductors
•often liquids or gases
•lack metallic luster
• metalloids have multiple
forms or allotropes
Covalent molecular compounds or simply covalent compounds are substances that are
formed from the chemical combination of two or more nonmetallic elements. It could be
between a nonmetal and another nonmetal, or a metalloid and a nonmetal.
In a covalent compound, atoms of the different elements are held together in molecules
by covalent bonds. Covalent bonds share their valence electrons. The force of attraction
between the shared electrons and the positive nuclei of both atoms holds the atoms
together in the molecule.
Electronegativity (EN)is the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons toward it.
Type of Bond based on Electronegativity Difference ( EN)
Ionic ≥ 1.7
Polar Covalent 0.5 to 1.6
Nonpolar Covalent ≤ 0.4
What type of bond is present between the following pairs of atoms by
determining their electronegativity difference.
Ionic ≥ 1.7
Polar Covalent 0.5 to 1.6
Nonpolar Covalent ≤ 0.4
Polar Covalent Bond
is formed when electrons are shared unequally by two atoms in a compound.
The bonded pair of atoms form an electric dipole .
Dipole means “two poles”, which means that a molecule has one positive end
and one negative end.
In this type of bond, the atom with the higher EN value becomes the partial negative pole (symbolized as
-) while the atom with the lower EN value becomes the partially positive (symbolized as +) pole.
Nonpolar Covalent Bond
Develops if both atoms equally share a pair of electrons between them.
This occurs when the bonding atoms have approximately equal EN value or
equal ability to attract electrons to each side.
B. Polarity of Molecules and Molecular Geometry
For polyatomic molecules, both the bond polarity and molecular shape
determine the overall molecular polarity.
In terms of molecular geometry, the valence shell electron pair repulsion
(VSEPR) theory would help us to determine the spatial arrangement of atoms
in a polyatomic molecule.
You can predict the shape or molecular geometry of a substance
using the following steps:
Step 1: Determine the central atom of a molecule. The central atom is the least
electronegative element.
Step 2: Draw the appropriate Lewis dot structure for the molecule.
Step 3: Count the number of bonding pairs of electrons and non-bonding (or
lone pairs) around the central atom.
Step 4: Determine the electron pair orientation using the total number of
electron pairs.
Step 5: Name the shape based on the location of the atoms
Different Molecular Shapes
Lewis Diagram
Often used to represent covalent bonding in molecules and ions.
It doesn’t matter where you put the dots. Neatly
draw them along the sides of an imaginary square
and never put more than 2 dots on one side.
• In covalent bonding, atoms share valence electrons in Remember:
order to get a full octet. • 1 line= single bond (2 electrons)
• That is every non-metal element wants 8 valence • 2 lines= double bond (4 electrons)
electrons, except for hydrogen which only want two Example:
valence electrons. No. of electrons:
4 from double bond
4 from the lone pairs
Step 3: The central atom has three electron pairs: 3 bonded
pairs and no lone pair. (a lone pair refers to a pair of valence electrons that are not shared with
another atom in a covalent bond )
Step 3: To determine the position of the bonding pairs, let us count
the double bonds as one bonding pair. Therefore, CO2 has two
bonding pairs of electron.
Step 1: ENC = 2.5, ENH= 2.1 and ENCl= 3.0. Because carbon is less
electronegative than chlorine and hydrogen is normally terminal atom, C
must be the central atom. (are those atoms which are present at both the ends. )
Step 3: There are four bonding electron pairs.