Integrity and Accountability - 17 May 2019

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Integrity and Accountability

Team members:
Akanksha Khanna - Commerce
Kishore Selva Babu - English
Nijumon K John - Management Studies
Pritha Biswas - Professional Studies 
CHRIST is a nurturing ground for an individual’s Excellence and Service Faith in God | Moral Uprightness
holistic development to make effective contribution to Love of Fellow Beings
the society in a dynamic environment Social Responsibility | Pursuit of Excellence
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➢Activity 1 – Let’s ponder and discuss

➢What is Integrity?
➢Video 1- What is Integrity?
➢Story of the New Emperor
➢Different types of Integrity
➢Importance of personal integrity
➢Importance of academic integrity
➢Video 2- Acting with Integrity
Excellence and Service
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➢What is accountability
➢Pillars of accountability
➢Self Assessment
➢Lack of accountability
➢Victim or Accountable
➢Change the Approach

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Let’s ponder and discuss

Your teacher, while evaluating your mid semester paper has made an
error in totaling your marks. While the correct totaling turns out to be 40,
the teacher has wrongly given you 45. You still haven’t discussed this
with any of your friends. What will you do in a situation like this? Would
you decide to go and speak up to your teacher and tell her about the

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You come to your classroom at 10 AM for your first lecture. There was
an elective class taking place in the same classroom at 9 AM, where
students from another programme were seated. When you arrive, you
find a mobile phone under the desk.
What would you do? Will you bother to deposit the phone to the lost and
found section of the block or make any other effort to ensure the phone is
in the hands of the student to whom it belongs?

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Radhika missed a deadline for an important deliverable her team was

supposed to have developed as a part of their CIA assignment. Rather
than throwing her team members under the bus, even though they hadn’t
delivered as promised, she took responsibility of the missed deadline.
She addressed the problems with her team and they put in place
safeguards that would keep them from underperforming again and
eventually finished the assignment. Was she correct?

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Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

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● VIDEO 1- What is Integrity?

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"The New Emperor"

An ageing emperor in the East decided on a novel way to choose

his successor. He called the city's youths to his palace. Handing out
some special seeds, he told them, "Go and plant these seeds. In a
year's time, I will judge your plants and choose the new emperor."

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Excellence and Service

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One boy named Ling took his pot home and planted the seed. Every
day he watered it but nothing grew. Even though his friends at
school were talking about their growing plants, Ling only had an
empty pot.

When the day came to return to the palace, Ling went with a
frightened heart. The emperor appeared. All the other youths had
magnificent plants. When the emperor saw Ling's plant, he
summoned him to the front and announced to the crowd, "Behold
your new emperor! He has courage and integrity for all the seeds I
gave you were boiled and useless. He was the only one not to cheat.
He will be a wise ruler over you all."

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Moral of the story

• Integrity is being true to who you are.

• Integrity is taking everything – and everyone – as a whole, not dividing
things as “yours” and “mine”, my idea and your idea, what I want and
what you want.
• Integrity is being the same person to everyone.
• Integrity is doing what you say you’re going to do; keeping your
promises; being a person of your word.

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Different types of Integrity

● Personal Integrity
● Academic Integrity

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Personal Integrity

● Taking responsibility for their actions.

● Offering to help others in need.
● Giving others the benefit of the doubt.
● Choosing honesty in all things.
● Showing respect to everyone. 
● Manifesting humility.

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Benefits of Personal Integrity

➢ Accelerates individual
performance and drives
➢ Perhaps the most
important principle of
➢ Enhances individual
➢ Clearer direction in life
➢ Increases motivation to
excel in life
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Excellence and Service

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Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. The

term was coined by late Don McCabe, who is considered to be the
"grandfather of academic integrity".

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The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic

integrity as a commitment to five fundamental values:

● Honesty

● Trust

● Fairness

● Respect

● Responsibility

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Importance of Academic Integrity

● Builds trust in people

● Provides value to your personality

● Offers you peace of mind

● Makes you happier

● Makes you healthier

● Makes you more productive

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● Video 2- Acting with Integrity

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Accountability emerges from understanding of one’s

own duties and responsibilities

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It is an obligation or willingness to accept

responsibility or to account for what one has done
or something one is supposed to do.
-Webster’s Dictionary

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● Accountability is not a form of punishment.

● The word, “accountable” means answerable for actions or
● To hold someone accountable means the person is being asked
to explain why he/she did (or didn't do) something.
● In our personal lives, we hold people accountable all the time.

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Accountability is...

Taking ownership for one’s actions

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● Being responsible for what you do

● To be able to give a satisfactory reason for it

● A willingness to answer for the outcomes of one’s choices,
actions, and behaviours
● When one is personally accountable, then we stop blaming
people and making excuses

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Who is accountable…?

• Coming late to the class … security guard?

• Not following the dress code…laundry firm?

• Using mobile phone in the class … the caller?

• Not doing the assignments on time … nobody told me, I didn’t read the mail,

I didn’t get the mail, no power, no water?

• Not taking studies/ exams seriously … friends, weather, food ?

• Using unfair means to score well in the exams … this is the first time ?

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Video 3- Lead India Campaign

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Four Pillars of Accountability

1. Responsibility - a duty that binds a person to the course of

Example: Not only the leader, but every member of a group assignment has
the responsibility to co-ordinate within the group.

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Four Pillars of Accountability

2. Answerability- being called to account for..
Every member has to answer for the status of the assignment,
whether it was good, bad or ugly.

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Four Pillars of Accountability

3. Trustworthiness- a trait of being worthy of trust and

A Team leader must be worthy of trust by the members of his

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Four Pillars of Accountability

4. Liability- being legally bound to a debt or obligation.

Being legally & morally bound - ex: Huge liability that arises
due to medical negligence (Doctor becomes accountable legally)

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Accountability vs. Responsibility

● The main difference between responsibility and

accountability is that responsibility can be shared
while accountability cannot.
● Being accountable not only means being responsible
for something but also ultimately being answerable for
your actions.

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Benefits of being Accountable to Achieve our Goals

• Accelerates our performance

• Helps us measure our success and progress.

• Keep us engaged.

• Keep us responsible.

• Validate our thoughts and ideas.

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Video 4-How leaders hold employees accountable

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Why people avoid being accountable

Fear of getting blamed

• If I am accountable then I would be blamed
if something goes wrong
• The blame triggers feelings of shame and
inadequacy… and I do not want it for me

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Why people avoid being accountable

Fear of Failure
• I tend to stay within the comfort zone/familiar tasks
because I do not want to look bad in front of others.
• I don’t want to make mistakes.

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Why people avoid being accountable

Fear of Success
• If I increase my accountability, I will need to accomplish

• I will be compelled to maintain this level of excellence

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"It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences

of one's acts."
- Mahatma Gandhi. 

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I Accountability does not only mean to point fingers, but

also means to carry out responsibility faithfully.

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Debate – 5 minutes

● Topic:

• Bangalore traffic woes – who is accountable?

• Global warming – who is accountable?

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Activity 3 - Self Assessment

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Self Assessment - Personal Accountability


Enter your score in each box. Total your scores in each column. Total all columns for your final score.

Combined Score:

>40 - High Level of Accountability 30-40 - Fairly Good of Accountability; 20-30 Medium Level of Accountability.

<20 - Low Level of Accountability Excellence and Service

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Benefits of being accountable

• Increases sincerity towards job

• Better involvement and
• Enhances leadership skill
• Helps in achieving collectively
identified goals
• Increased integrity

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Christite Accountability…

• Do not throw away your notes

• Print as Little as Necessary
• Recycle
• Bring your own cup
• Don’t use plastic straws etc.

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Every little thing YOU do really makes a difference!

• Save Electricity and Water
• Donate Blood
• Drive with Caution
• Be a Volunteer

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Youth for Parivarthan

● Founded by a Christite

● 2014 law graduate

● Already cleaned 300 spots in Bangalore city

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Excellence and Service

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Excellence and Service

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What does a lack of accountability look like?

• Lacking interest in work and in the well-being of the team

• Blaming others for mistakes and failures
• Missing deadlines
• Avoiding challenging tasks and projects; not taking risks

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What does a lack of accountability look like?

• Regularly complaining about unfair treatment by team
leaders, managers or team members – engaging in self-pity

• Avoiding taking initiative and being dependent on others

for work, advice and continual instructions/timelines

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What does a lack of accountability look like?

• Lacking trust in team members and leaders/leadership

• Making excuses regularly –using phrases like, “It’s not

my fault”

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Change the Approach

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Tips to increase accountability

• Identify and Accept Responsibilities

• Pro-Active Approach

• Inculcate a sense of ownership

• Positive Attitude

• Effective Communication

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Video 5- Conclusion

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