Bulk & Surface Properties
Bulk & Surface Properties
Bulk & Surface Properties
Properties of Biomaterials
Solid state
• Solids are distinguished from the other states of matter (liquids
and gases) by the fact that their constituent atoms are held
together by strong interatomic forces.
• The loosely bound electrons of the atoms are now tightly held in
the locality of the ionic bond.
• These bound electrons are no longer available to serve as charge
carriers and ionic solids are poor electrical conductors.
• Finally, the low overall energy state of these substances endows
them with relatively low chemical reactivity.
• Sodium chloride (NaCl) and magnesium oxide (MgO) are
examples of ionic solids.
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Covalent bonding
• The model that accounts for this bonding envisions the atoms
arranged in an orderly, repeating, three-dimensional pattern, with
the valence electrons migrating between the atoms like a gas.
• The bond strength increases as the ion cores and electron “gas”
become more tightly packed (until the inner electron orbits of the
ions begin to overlap).
• This leads to a condition of lowest energy when the ion cores are
as close together as possible.
• The extension for a given load varies with the geometry of the
specimen as well as its composition.
• It is, therefore, difficult to compare the relative stiffness of
different materials or to predict the load-carrying capacity of
structures with complex shapes.
• The normalized load (force/area) is stress (σ) and the
normalized deformation (change in length/original length) is
strain (ε).
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Stress and strain
• For materials with weaker bonds (e.g., polymers and gold), the
thiols, iodine).
. & Implant
training to perform the measurementsBiomaterial
Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical
surface composition.
• The particles ejected from the surface are positive and negative
Five water
Molecular molecules in a
dimensions network