Constitutional Provisions of GST

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GST-I (Central) (Hons 2)

GST Constitutional Provisions

Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016
Tax System in India

• Meaning of Tax: Charge by Govt. on income, commodity or activity

• Meaning of Taxation under COI
Article 366 (28): taxation includes the imposition of any tax or
impost, whether general or local or special, and tax shall be
construed accordingly;
• Direct and Indirect Taxes
- Incidence of tax (Burden to pay tax)
- Liability to pay tax
Different Indirect Taxes
Customs, Excise, VAT and Service Tax

• Customs: Customs Act formulated in 1962.

• Excise: Central Excise Act, 1944
• VAT: 1 April 2005: Implemented in 21/29 States through State
• Service Tax: Came into existence under the Finance Act, 1994

Indirect tax system had innumerable shortcomings

• To simplify the complex indirect tax system;
• To prevent cascading effect
• To reduce tax evasion
Tax Structure Before GST
Tax Structure after GST

• GST Compensation
to States
Cascading effect

• Manufacturing:
• Raw Material Sale:
• Processing: Excise
• Whole Seller:
• Retailer: VAT/CST
• Consumer
Retail Supply Chain
Article 246 -Power of Union and State to
make laws

• Article 246 of the Indian Constitution, distributes legislative

powers including taxation, between the Parliament of India and
the State Legislatures;
• Schedule VII enumerates the subject matters on which the
Parliament and State Legislature have the powers to make laws in
three lists:
• • List I (Union List);
• • List II (State List); and
• • List III (Concurrent list)
Schedule VII

• List –I (Union List): Lists subjects on which only the Parliament has
the exclusive powers to make laws
• List –II (State List): Lists subjects on which only the State
Legislatures are competent to make laws
• List –III (Concurrent List): Lists subjects on which both the
Parliament and the State Legislatures are competent to make laws
Article 246A -Power to impose GST
[New Provisions]
• 246A(1): Notwithstanding anything contained in articles 246 and 254, Parliament,
and, subject to clause (2), the Legislature of every State, have power to make
laws with respect to goods and services tax imposed by the Union or by such state
• 246A(2): Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to goods and
services tax where the supply of goods, or of services, or both takes place in the
course of inter-State trade or commerce.
• In respect of goods and services tax referred to in clause(5) of Article279A,
Article 246A will take effect from the date recommended by the Goods and
Services Tax Council.’
• Goods under 279A(5): Petroleum crude, High Speed Diesel, Motor Spirit
(commonly known as petrol),Natural Gas and Aviation Turbine Fuel
Definition of GST

• Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016

• 366(12A): “Goods and services tax” means any tax on supply of
goods, or services or both except taxes on the supply of the
alcoholic liquor for human consumption
Exclusions from GST

• Alcoholic liquor for human consumption: By Article 366(12A)

• 5 Petroleum products: By Article 246A and Section 9 CGST Act,
1. Petroleum crude,
2. High Speed Diesel,
3. Motor Spirit (commonly known as petrol),
4. Natural Gas and
5. Aviation Turbine Fuel
Amendments to List I

Entry Provisions prior to Amendment Amendment

84 Duties of excise on tobacco and other goods Duties of excise on the following goods
manufactured or produced in India except: manufactured or produced in India,
(a) alcoholic liquors for human consumption; (a)Petroleum crude;
(b) opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs (b)high speed diesel;
and narcotics, but including medicinal and (c) motor spirit (commonly known as
toilet preparations containing alcohol or any petrol);
substance included in subparagraph(b)of this (d)natural gas;
entry (e)aviation turbine fuel; and
(f)tobacco and tobacco products."
Amendments to List I

Entry Provisions prior to Amendment Amendment

Entry 92 Taxes on sale or purchase of newspaper and Omitted
advertisements published therein
Entry 92 C Taxes on services Omitted
Entry 92A Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than No Change
newspapers, where such sale or purchase takes
place in the course of inter state trade or
Entry 92 B Taxes on the consignments of goods (whether the No Change
consignment is to the person making it or to any
other person), where such consignment takes place
in the course of inter-state trade or commerce.
Amendments to List II
Entry Provisions prior to Amendment Amendment
Entry 52 Taxes on the entry of goods into a local area for Omitted
consumption, use or sale therein. (Octroi / Entry
Entry55 Taxes on advertisements other than Omitted
advertisements published in the newspapers [and
advertisements broadcast by radio or television].
Entry54 Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than Taxes on the sale of petroleum crude, high speed diesel, motor spirit
newspapers, subject to the provisions of (commonly known as petrol), natural gas, aviation turbine fuel and
entry92AofListI. alcoholic liquor for human consumption, but not including sale in the
course of inter State trade or commerce or sale in the State trade or
commerce or sale in the course of international trade or commerce of
such goods
Entry62 Taxes on luxuries, including taxes on Taxes on entertainments and amusements to the extent levied and
entertainments, amusements, betting and collected by a Panchayat or a Municipality or a Regional Council or a
gambling. District Council.

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