IOT Based Street Light System

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IOT Based Smart Street Light


• Parth Chauhan (TE-)

• Sahil Dalvi (TE3-37)

• Rohit Yadav (TE4-71)

SR NO. Author/Title/Year Work done/Concept/Idea Remarks

1) Author: - Leo Louis This paper explores the learnt how

Title: - Working working principle and to write
Principle of Arduino applications of an Arduino sketches
and Using it as a board. This also explores on for
Tool for Study and how it can be used as a tool Arduino in
Research for study and research works. its own
Year: - 2018 Arduino board can provide a IDE
quick tool in development of
VLSI test bench especially of

2) Authors: - Akshay This paper focuses on the Introductio

Balachandran, necessity of automated street n to many
Murali Siva, V. light system. Development of new
Parthasarathi, Surya a energy saving light system electrical
and Shriram K. was proposed. component
Vasudevan s and
Title: - Street circuits.
Lighting System
with Cost and
Energy Efficiency
Year: - 2015
1) Author: -Yogendra This paper explores the learnt how
Singh Parihar working principle and to use pins
Title: -Internet of
applications Node MCU. of
Things and This also explores on how it NodeMCU
Nodemcu A review can be used as a tool for
of use of Nodemcu study and research works.
ESP8266 in IoT Node MCU board can
products provide a quick tool in
Year: - 2019 development of VLSI test
bench especially of sensors.

2) Authors: -Yogendra This paper reviews the use of Overview

Singh Parihaar NodeMCU in IOT products of
Title: -Internet of and gives an overview on NodeMCU
things and how NodeMCU works.
Year: - 2019

More energy
Manually switching High Expenses consumption
on/off of streetlight

Advantages over regular streetlight system :-

Automatic Low maintenance

switching of lights cost Reduction in CO2

Wireless Energy Saving Reduction in

communication manpower
Technologies Used

• Arduino
• ESP 8266 Node MCU (Wi-Fi Module)
• Arduino IDE(for writing code)

ESP 8266 Node MCU

• ESP8266 Node MCU is an open source

IOT platform
• It’s hardware is based on the ESP-12
• It has GPIO, SPI, 12C, ADC, PWM and
UART pins for communication and
controlling other peripheral attached to
• It has CP2102 IC which provide USB
to TTL functionality.

• Arduino is open source electronics
platform based on easy-to-use
hardware and software.
• You can tell your board what to do
by sending a set of instructions to
the microcontroller on the board.
• The open-source Arduino
software(IDE) makes it easy to write
code and upload it on the board.
• IR sensor is an electronic device
which is used to detect object by
sensing infrared radiation
reflected from the object
• It’s mainly consist of a
transmitter IR LED and a
receiver photodiode
• It has wavelength from 700nm
to 1mm
• If these rays fall on some object
then that object reflect back the
IR rays which are received by
Working of IR sensor the receiver photodiode.
• LDR sensor is also known as photo-
diode resistor
• LDR is sensitive to light and its
resistance changes according to the
intensity of light falling on it
• It is made up of high resistance
semiconductor and it’s resistance
increases in darkness and decreases
in light
• It absorb the photon and allows
electron to jump to conduction band.

• LDR one end is connected to 5V

and other end is connected to fixed
resistance which is further
connected to ground
• Node MCU ADC pin (A0) which is
connected to point between fixed
resistance and one end of the LDR
• IR sensor has 3 pins, two of which
are VCC & ground and one is
output pin.

Automatic Low maintenance

switching of lights cost Reduction in CO2

Wireless Energy Saving Reduction in

communication manpower

This project IOT based street light system is a cost effective , practical , eco-
friendly and the safest way to save energy and this system the light status
information can be accessed from anywhere and anytime
The project has scope in various other application like for providing
lighting in industries , campuses and parking lots of huge shopping malls. This
can also be used for security surveillance in cooperate campuses and industries.

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