Equivalent Evaporation

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• Generally the output or evaporative capacity of the

boiler is given as kg of water evaporated per hour
but as different boilers generate steam at
different pressures and temperatures
(from feed water at different temperatures) and as
such have different amounts of heat ;
• the number of kg of water evaporated per hour in
no way provides the exact means for comparison
of the performance of the boilers.
• Hence to compare the evaporative capacity
or performance of different boilers working
under different conditions it becomes
imperative to provide a common base so that
water be supposed to evaporate under
standard conditions.
• The standard conditions adopted
are: Temperature of feed water 100°C and
converted into dry and saturated steam at
• As per these standard conditions 1 kg of water
at 100°C needs 2257 kJ of heat (539 kcal in
MKS units) to get converted to steam at 100°C.
• Equivalent evaporation is a parameter which
could be used for comparing the capacities of
different boilers.
• For comparing the capacity of boilers working
at different pressures, temperatures, different
final steam conditions etc, this parameter
called "equivalent evaporation" can be used. 
Equivalent evaporation
• It is the amount of water that would be
evaporated from water at 100 deg C to steam
at 100 deg C by the same amount of heat
which was actually absorbed by water and
steam at operating conditions (of a given
•  Sometimes it is called equivalent evaporation
from and at 100°C. 
Mass of steam generated per
hour x heat supplied to steam
in boiler 
Equivalent Evaporation = 
Heat supplied for steam
generation at 100oC from
water at 100oC (i.e. Latent
• Latent Heat of
vaporization of water is
22557 kJ/kg
Superheat cycle -
A supercritical
Rankine cycle.
Supercritical Boiler
• Steam generated above critical pressure.
• Forced circulation once-through boiler.(Latent
heat of vaporisation is zero, so water flashes
into steam)
• They operate up to 340 bar and 600 deg C
• Requires extremely pure feed water
 Critical point in water vapour cycle is
a thermodynamic state where there is
no clear distinction between liquid and
gaseous state of water.

 Water reaches this state at a critical

pressure … 22.1 MPa and 374 oC.
Absolute Pressure Saturation Latent Heat
(Bar) Temperature (K J/kg.)

50 264 1640
150 342 1004
200 366 592
221 374 0

Enthalpy of final steam
final steam being dry saturated
h = hf + hfg = hg 

final steam being wet

h = hf + x   hfg 

final steam being superheated

h = hg + cp sup.steam . (Tsup - Tsat)
• The evaporation rate of the boiler is also
sometimes given in terms of kg of steam /kg
of fuel, i.e.coal fired. The presently accepted
standard of expressing the capacity of a boiler
is in terms of the total heat added per hour.

• Equivalent evaporation (kg/kg of fuel) = 

m . (h - hw) / 2257 kJ/kg
Factor of evaporation
defined as “ the ratio of heat received by 1 kg of
water under working conditions to that
received by 1 kg of water from and at 100 deg C”

Fe = h – hf /2257 kJ/kg
Evaporative capacity of a boiler can be
expressed in terms of any of the following

• kg of steam generated per hour (kg/h)

• kg of steam generated per hour-sq.m of
heating surface (kg/h-m2)
• kg of steam per kg of fuel fired

1. Equivalent evaporation
2. Factor of evaporation
3. Boiler efficiency

=ma(h-hf)/2257 =h-hf/2257 =ma(h-hf)/C

A parameter for It is a ratio of It is a ratio of

boiler heat added to 1kg heat supplied for
performance of water at the 1kg of steam
defined as the operating generation to the
amount of water condition to that total heat released
evaporated. added to 1kg of by burning coal.
water at 100 C to
(ma = mass of steam (C = calorific value of
convert it into coal burnt)
generated per kg of coal
burnt) 100 C steam.

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