ns-3: Open Source Simulator For Wireless Network Performance Evaluation
ns-3: Open Source Simulator For Wireless Network Performance Evaluation
ns-3: Open Source Simulator For Wireless Network Performance Evaluation
Use of ns-3 for simulation of 802.11 systems and coexistence between 802.11
and other systems.
History & Context
Introduction to ns-3 simulator
- Core - User Modules
Recent Upgrades ns-3 802.11 PHY/MAC
- Improved CCA (.11a .11n/ac) & PHY Abstractions
- Link-to-System Mapping
- New .11ax MAC features
model developers
ns-3 software
Acknowledgements (Support)
National Science Foundation (NSF) – original funding for ns-3
core simulator design and implementation (2006-15)
NSF: Subsequent episodic funding for network stack modules
Google Summer of Code: 10 yrs of supporting ns-3 student projects
WiFi Alliance, CableLabs: LAA/WiFi Coexistence (2015-16)
NIST: Public Safety Extensions to LTE (2017-19)
Cisco [Malcolm Smith]
Intel [Carlos Cordeiro] 802.11ax MAC (2018-19)
ns-3 consortium
Annual Meeting
Workshop on ns-3
ns-3 Training
(Jun 18-21, Florence Italy)
Software organization
1) Several supporting libraries, not system-installed, can be used in parallel to ns-3
ns-3 Workflow
50 m
Virtual time
Submission Slide 20 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
History & Context
Introduction to ns-3 simulator
- Core - User Modules
Recent Upgrades 802.11 PHY/MAC (2015 -)
- Improved CCA (.11a .11n/ac) & PHY Abstractions
- Link-to-System Mapping
- New .11ax MAC features
Physical Layer
> End-to-end FULL PHY simulations are time Physical Layer Abstraction for ns-3
expensive > ns-3 transports packets (not symbols).
cannot be incorporated into a MAC
Layer simulation @ run-time Link layer abstraction is necessary
> For MAC and above layers, all the - Any accurate link abstraction must be
information needed at a particular state: conducted off-line and results available for
– whether packet is successfully decoded use (at run-time in ns-3) via look-up tables
or not?
*M Lacage and T. Henderson ``Yet Another Network Simulator (YANS)” Proc of w-ns2, ACM 2006.
Switch physical layer models from legacy
WifiPhy to SpectrumWifiPhy
> PHY characterization is typically conducted with symbol-level "link
simulators" for higher fidelity
e.g. MATLAB WLAN System Toolbox
> Convert Link Sim (Symbol-Error-Rate) to Block/Packet Error Rates
via Link-to-System Mapping
Effective SINR
– Packet Capture
– Potential frame drops at PLCP preamble/header
> Significant in coexistence studies
.11a .11n
> PER is a function of Signal to Noise Ratio
(SNR) for the packet.
> Packet Size and MCS (Modulation and
coding scheme) Q
7 64-QAM 5/6 65
E . Perahia and R. Stacey. 2013, ``Next Generation Wireless LANs: 802.11n and 802.11 ac,” Cambridge University Press.
S. A. Mujtaba, `` TGnSync Proposal PHY Results. IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs, 2005.
Submission 39 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
> Example
OfdmTableErrorModel (AWGN)
> For each MCS: step through SNR range in 0.2 dB increments
> Send enough packets to meet confidence interval goals
> Simulations performed in accordance with CC-59:
Ideal channel, perfect estimation, perfect synchronization, known noise
variance, no phase noise, etc.
> Table loaded at initialization, and users can replace default
tables with their own
# MCS 0
-4.00000 1.00000
-3.80000 1.00000
-0.80000 1.00000
-0.60000 0.99751
-0.40000 0.98284
-0.20000 0.93473
Sample table data, 802.11n, MCS 0,
0.00000 0.77713 1458 byte packets
0.20000 0.61598
0.40000 0.39391 First column is SNR (dB), second is
0.60000 0.23602 PER
0.80000 0.12170
> Several approaches for Link to System Mapping:
EESM: Union-Chernoff bound on error probabilities to define an "effective
> Mapping
PER for Frequency Selective Channel can be obtained from AWGN table
for PER vs SNR using the effective SNR as an input.
subcarrier SNRs
SNR-1 (ϒ1)
SNR-2 (ϒ2)
SNReff Matlab
. (ϒeff)
SNR-Nd rrorMo
empirically determined constant (ϒNd)
Transmit Power
ns-3 MAC Layer Accept or Drop Packet
ns-3 PHY Layer
Pick aTable
Realization PER
Propagation Loss Model Subcarrier SNRs:
(1 to N) SNR: ϒeff
Error Model
Number of subcarriers
R. Patidar, S. Roy, T. R. Henderson, and A. Chandramohan. Link-to-System Mapping for ns-3 Wi-Fi
OFDM Error Models. Proc. of the 2017 Workshop on ns-3, Porto, Portugal.
Submission Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
> Extendable
Replaceable PER vs SNR data file (AWGN) in given format.
Determine values for different channel realizations (must provide propagation model
underlying the realization)
[7] https://bitbucket.org/rohanpatidar/wlan7]
[7] https://bitbucket.org/rohanpatidar/wlan
Submission Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
LTE-LAA/WiFi Coexistence
Funded by Wi-Fi Alliance, CableLabs, 2015-16
- University of Washington and CTTC collaboration
Enhance ns-3 modeling capability for LTE/Wi-Fi
coexistence simulations
i. Added missing simulator features essential for starting to build
scenarios mapping to TR36.889 LAA Rel. 13 scenarios
ii. develop initial indoor and outdoor scenarios corr. to TR36.889 +
initial test plan
AP Station
LTE RRC Manager
collision detection
LTE MAC via Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) MacLow
WiFi Interference/
Access Spectrum
error models LTE PHY Phy error models
request/ Manager
PHY signals grant overhears PHY signals
(LTE and Wi-Fi) access transmissions (LTE and Wi-Fi)
• Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi uses CCA-CS at the signal level at which frame sync succeeds (around -
88 dBm)
• Wi-Fi's CCA-ED (for LAA signals) is fixed at -62 dBm
• LAA ED is separately tunable (-62 dBm default)
• LAA model defaults to a fixed defer of 43 us
• LAA CCA slot time 9 us
• CWmin=15, CWmax=1023
• LAA model defaults to 4 ms TXOP, configurable upward to 20 ms
• LAA model employs exponential CW increase
• FTP Model 1 with lambda (0.5, 2.5) can be UDP or TCP based
• UDP best effort (up to saturation level)
• Voice model
Submission Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
The highly bursty nature allows LTE LAA inefficiencies to be amortized (fully occupied
However, other traffic patterns are not so bursty
FTP based on TCP rather than UDP
Constant-bit-rate flows like voice or video
50 m
5 UEs/STAs per cell
per operator Downlink on
(20 UEs or STAs per shared channel;
operator) randomly LTE has separate
dropped licensed uplink
Same data plotted using two different x axes (distance and interference power)
Submission Slide 61 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
3GPP TR36.889 indoor scenario baseline
4 cells per operator, 10 UEs per cell (80 UEs total). Both networks Wi-Fi.
FTP Model 1 traffic load, LTE duty cycle of 0.5
802.11n SISO model at 5.18 GHz, 20 MHz (ideal rate control)
Throughput CDF from one run; in general Latency statistics measured end-to-end
networks are identical so over many runs at the IP layer
performance (sharing) will be equal
Submission Slide 62 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
3GPP TR36.889 indoor scenario baseline
4 cells per operator, 10 UEs per cell (80 UEs total). Both networks Wi-Fi.
FTP Model 1 traffic load.
802.11n SISO model at 5.18 GHz, 20 MHz (ideal rate control)
Throughput CDF from one run; typical over many runs Latency statistics measured end-to-end
performance (sharing) will be equal at the IP layer
Submission Slide 63 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
Each FTP transfer is a flow of fixed file size, and the FTP takes
a variable amount of time to complete, leading to a per-flow throughput
Submission Slide 64 Sumit Roy, University of Washington
March 2019 doc.: IEEE 802.11-19/0425r0
Coexistence (FTP/UDP)
These flows (the majority in the Increased contention from LAA
scenario) experience no contention network lowers Wi-Fi throughput
for about half of the flows
and achieve close to the MCS 15 limit
LAA limit
MCS 15 limit
MCS 15 limit
Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi LAA/Wi-Fi
Key Observations
Coexistence performance is highly sensitive to all factors that affect the channel
occupancy not only affected by the PHY-MAC layers including LAA access
parameters, but also upper layer protocols, such as TCP/UDP and RLC.
A very bursty-like traffic pattern (like FTP 1 run over a UDP-like transport) may be a best
case scenario for fair coexistence among LAA/Wi-Fi. Other less bursty traffic models, or
other transport protocols, e.g. TCP, may cause LTE LAA to occupy much more the
OBSS_PD SR algorithm
> ConstantObssPdAlgorithm: resets the PHY if OBSS frame is below the
constant threshold (attribute) and impose Tx power restrictions.
- PHY fires trace source right before payload reception stage
=> OBSS_PD algorithm registered to the trace source
- Once a HE preamble has been received, algorithm checks whether this is an OBSS
frame by comparing its BSS color with the BSS color of the received preamble.
- If this is an OBSS frame, it compares the received RSSI with its configured OBSS_PD
level value.
- Resets PHY to IDLE state if RSSI is lower than that constant OBSS_PD level value, and
is informed about a TX power restrictions to be applied.
Simulation (2)
> Use to run parametric study simulations (example: 11ax OBSS_PD SR):
1. Launch run-spatial-reuse-study2.sh - this generates a script file ”./study2.sh”.
2. Launch study2.sh script – this runs the necessary simulations (some are run in
parallel to use multiple cores).
3. Run make-data-files-study2.sh - this creates data files for plotting from the set of
all simulation results.
4. plot-study2.sh and plot-study2-ecdf.sh - this generates plots of results.
> Those scripts are related to previously described scenarios, but modification
of run-spatial-reuse-study2.sh and plot-study2.sh allows tuning of
offered load;
Number of stations per BSS;
OBSS_PD threshold (per BSS also possible);
Inter-BSS distance
Simulation (3)
> 802.11ac (study 1): average throughtput per BSS versus offered load, for various
number of stations in BSS.
Simulation (4)
> 802.11ax with OBSS_PD SR (study 2): average throughtput per BSS
versus offered load, for various number of stations in BSS.
> OBSS_PD SR enabled with threshold set to -82 dBm.
> Repository: https://bitbucket.org/tomhend/ns-3-dev-11ax
> Most of the code already merged to ns-3-dev (OBSS_PD still to be
> 11ac/ax highly tested and in very dense scenarios => make sure to
have a valid baseline after having solved all bugs that came along.
> ns-3 wifi PHY model has been extended: new reception stages,
PHY headers, thresholds reworked, …
> 11ax OBSS_PD SR implemented in ns-3, with scripts available to
run parametric studies and plot results.
OFDMA Support
o Significant logic behind OFDMA operations
Selection of receivers/transmitters, RUs, tx rates and powers,…
o An abstract base class will define the API
- Sub classes will implement different logic
o A simple round robin scheduler will be initially developed for
both DL and UL OFDMA
Thank You!!