CH 1 Schmitt - An Overview of AL
CH 1 Schmitt - An Overview of AL
CH 1 Schmitt - An Overview of AL
Edited by Schmitt
1ST Ch.:
An Overview of Applied Linguistics
By: Sarah H. Kwair
Supervised by:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Shuooq Aboodi Ali
19th safar 1443 A.H. mon. 27th September 2021
What is Applied Linguistics?
• literacy,
• speech pathology,
• deaf education,
• interpreting and translating,
• communication practices,
• lexicography and
• first language acquisition.
Besides mother tongue education, language planning and
bilingualism/ multilingualism, two other areas that Carter
and Nunan (2001) did not list are:
• authorship identification and
• forensic linguistics.
These areas exemplify how applied linguistics knowledge
may be utilized in practical ways in non-educational areas
Authorship identification uses a statistical analysis of
various linguistic features in anonymous or disputed texts and
compares the results with a similar analysis from texts whose
authors are known.
Applied linguistics is interested in cases where language goes
(Fromkin, l973, 1980) mentions that we can better understand
how the brain functions when we analyse what happens when
the speaker’s language system breaks down or does not
function properly. Even slips of the tongue and ear committed
by normal individuals can give us insights into how the human
brain processes language. On that belief Researchers are
working on language-related disorders study the speech of
aphasic, schizophrenic(1) and autistic speakers(2), as well as
hemispherectomy patients(3).
1. Aphasia is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate.
It can affect your ability to speak, write and understand language, both
verbal and written. Aphasia typically occurs suddenly after a stroke or a
head injury.
2. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by
difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by
restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents often notice signs during the
first three years of their child's life.
3. A hemispherectomy is a rare surgery where half of the brain is
either removed or disconnected from the other half. It's performed
on children and adults who have seizures that don't respond to medicine
The Development of Applied Linguistics
Early History
118th century
language learning and language use are not static, but are
constantly evolving. At the point in time when you read this
book, they will still be changing.