Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut
Group N o: 10
Market share grew from 14.9%(1979) to 18%(1983) but fell back to 15.4%(1986) due to rise of dominos
Net sales growth also increased from 12.7%(1980) to 21.9%(1983) but decreased to 11.3%(1986)
Total no. of US domestic units & total revenue were been on constant rise
The pizza market 60%
$4.3 bn
Pizza Market Segments
In 1980’s pizza market was growing fastest
$3.1 bn $4bn $5.1 bn $9bn
Pizza market contributed $9.7 billion to the $53 billion fast 40%
$5bn $7 bn
food market 30%
Three main segments – Eat – in, Carryout and Delivery 20% $2.6 bn
Trends observed – Overall pizza market expanding rapidly
10% $1 bn
due to significant increase in home delivery
$0.1 bn
In restaurant consumption share decreasing, industry 0%
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
pizza hut
Eat-in Carry-out Delivery Total
1982 to
$ 4.3 Billion to $ 3.1 Billion to $ 0.1 Billion to $ 7.5 Billion to
$ 5.9 Billion $ 9.0 Billion $ 7.0 Billion $ 21.9 Billion
Consumer base
Perception – Predominantly dinner
food, many consumers viewing it as
evening snack
Consumer sentiment – Pizza was a
personal & sensual experience,
Compromise in experience in fast –
food chain
Tastes in pizza varies based on
demography and geography of the area
Convenience crucial to consumers
increasing carryout & home delivery
Target consumer base - Rapid growth
in number of children of baby boomers
to boost demand along with nuclear
families/working couples
Delivery at Pizza Hut, Inc.
• Domino’s rapid expansion was deemed a threat and this pushed Pizza Hut into delivery market
• Pizza Hut entered the delivery market with separate delivery-only units
• These units were considerably smaller and offered no parking space
• Idea behind delivery-only units was to keep cost as low as possible because of small expected
• Occupancy cost was only 2.1% of sales compared to 6% of traditional eat-in restaurants
Expense Comparison
Traditonal Restaurant 1 Delivery Unit
0 Advertising & Promotions Occupancy cost Vehicles CSC
They introduced Delivery only units
whose occupance cost was only 2.1%
4P’s The price for the pizza was not
changed instead they changed the
of sales, compared to 6% of size of the pizza to be delivered,
restaurants. and thought that people would be
Place Major places to introduce company Price comfortable to pay for slightly
owned delvery units were well bigger pizza to be delivered, Also
developed markets where people they kept delivery to be free due to
could order using one phone number. competitive reasons
The Franchise
Unofficial & Back
Right to Deliver The Yellow Flag
door delivery
• Some franchisee delivered • Many franchise were • With increasing resistance
student mess and military base avoiding to risk their eat-in- IPHFHA and Pizza Hut kept
unofficially. restaurant business. working with yellow flag.
• Some wanted to retrofit delivery • Pizza Hut gave time to perfect • Internal assessment were
in their restaurant by back door delivery unit before it may continued to perfect the
delivery use it’s right to setup delivery delivery system.
units. • Focus was shifted from internal
clashes to Domino’s.
The Changing
The Reorganisation of Pizza Hut, 1986. Autonomous status given
to Delivery system.