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The Teaching of Tle

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I. Scope and Sequence
 Home economics
 Industrial Arts
 Agri-Fishery Arts
 Cosmetology
 Information, communication & Technology

 Training Regulations-Based
 Entrepreneur-Based
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II. Guiding Principles

A. TLE is geared towards the development of technological proficiency and is

anchored on knowledge and information, entrepreneurial concepts, process and
delivery, work values and life skills. This means TLE that works is one which is
built on adequate mastery of knowledge and information, skills and processes,
and the acquisition of right work values and life skills.

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• B. The TLE that is functional is one which equips students with skills for lifelong
learning. TLE that is concerned only with mere definition of terms is
meaningless and shallow. TLE that is focused on mastery of skills and
processes without right work values is anemic and dangerous. An effective TLE
is one that is founded on the cognitive, behavioral or psychomotor and
effective dimensions of human development. Teaching “TLE MEANS FACTS,
CONCEPTS, SKILLS and VALUES” is there entirely.

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Methods & Techniques in Teaching TLE
There are many collaborative learning methods which also can be considered as group
learning methods and popularly used in classroom-based environment. These are:
-It is often used in connection with practice lecture, discussion and experiments
-It is done by actual performance using the real object and models (Webster)

• = Suggestions for the preparation of a demonstration

– Study the materials to be taught
– Check on the availability of equipment
– Rehearse your demo
– Outline the steps on the blackboard
– Be sure everyone can hear and
– Prepare written materials
• 2. Discussion Method
=Discussion means there is difference of opinion temporarily at least concerning a
situation. Involves an interchange of questions and idea among the participant.

• Types of discussion on how to start group discussion

– Class discussion, forum and group discussion

• Techniques on how to start group discussion

– Matching partner
– Incomplete attendance
– Emotionally toned pictures
– Challenging questions
– Reaction to specific word
– Brainstorming
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• Laboratory Method
= This method utilize the principle of learning to do by
doing, thus providing for the development of
manipulative skills and managerial skills and acquisition of
motor techniques
• Three types of laboratory techniques
– Productive type
– Experimental type (procedure of
experimental/scientific method)
– Observation type

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•Lecture Method
=This method utilize “telling” as a means of instructions
Type of Lecture
– Pure lecture- demonstrate by the teacher
– Lecture discussion- interspersed with discussion by the
– Illustrated lecture- accompanied by some forms of
visual materials
•Advantages and Uses of Lecture Method
Economy of time and Attention

– Preparation and presentation

– Vitalization and Motivation
– Clarity and enrichment
– Speech habits
• It is called by many names such problem solving,
reflective thinking and scientific method
•  It means guiding students into life experiences in
which they will encounter real problem to solve and
then guiding them into the solution of these problem
and to be solved intelligently

• Steps in problem solving

– State the problem, Collect data, Organize data and
Analyze the Steps in problem solving
– State the problem, Collect data, Organize data, Analyze
the data
– Draw conclusion, Test the conclusion data, Draw
conclusion and Test the conclusion
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• The method is a significant practical unit of a problematic nature planned

and carried to completion by the student in a natural manner and solving
the use of physical materials to complete the unit of experience
• Steps in Project Method
– Purposing
– Planning
– Executing
– Judging

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Key Stage Standards
Grade Key Stage Standards
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic
knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship & ICT, Home
4 to 6
Economics, and Industrial Arts toward the improvement of
personal life, family and community.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic
concepts of selected TLE course in Home Economics,
Industrial Arts, Agriculture, and Fishery Arts and ICT
competencies common to TLE courses such as use and
7 to 10
maintenance of tools, observing, safety in the workplace,
mensuration and calculation, and interpreting technical
drawings; and gains specialized knowledge and skills in at
least one TLE that would enable him/her to obtain NC II.
The learner demonstrates specialized technical skills that
11 to 12
would enable him/her to obtain NC II.
Grade Stage
  Grade Stage Standards
The learner demonstrates basic knowledge, skills, and
values in agriculture, entrepreneurship and ICT, home
economics, and industrial arts that can help improve self
and family life.
The learner demonstrates increased knowledge, skills, and
values in entrepreneurship and ICT, agriculture, home
economics, and industrial arts toward improving family life
and community.
The learner demonstrates enhanced and expanded
knowledge in entrepreneurship and ICT, agriculture, home
economics, and industrial arts toward the improvement of
the family's economic life and the community.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and
7 underlying principles in developing fundamental skills in Exploratory
Technology and Vocational Education (EPP/TLE/TVE).
The learner demonstrates an understanding of his/her Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs), the environment and market,
and process/production and delivery of the Technology & Vocational
Education course in which he/she has specialized.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of his/her Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs), the environment and market,
and process/production and delivery of the Technology & Vocational
Education course in which he/she has specialized.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of his/her Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs), the environment and market,
and process/production and delivery of the Technology & Vocational
Education course in which he/she has specialized.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
principles in preparing a creative and innovative
business plan as it relates with marketing, operations
11 and human resource, and simple accounting and
financial plans to determine the feasibility and
variability of the business of his/her technology and
vocational specialization.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
12 principles in applying the business plan of his/her
choice based on his/her T&VE specialization.
Thanks for

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