Debreberhan university
Debre Berhan University
Department of software engineering
In our health insurance system patient or user can register and can
pay his or her annual payment using this system and renew his
service annualy.in this service the insurance can be as an
individual or family so user can easily save his time and pay his
payment by the system. This insurance is used for our country
because our people is live in low level of economy. Our system is
avoid manual system.
Background of the study
Every day health institutions save lives of many people all over the world.
However, getting health service has remained a challenge in developing
countries, like Ethiopia where hospital and the population are not The
obstacles to accessing proper healthcare and medical facilities, as well as
health education, include The relative isolation of huge sections of the
Ethiopian population from the modern sector, Rampant illiteracy, which
prevents the proper dissemination of information regarding modern
health practices Low numbers of trained health personnel in comparison
to the number of people who desperately need healthcare services,
especially during periods of famine Lack of funds to ensure the equal
distribution of healthcare and medical services, The fact that getting to
the closest healthcare service often takes several days by foot.
Background of the study
The scope of the project mainly deals with providing online registration,
Hospital manager gives privilege for kebele admin to register customer.
-if the customer is paid annually payment there well be updated
Scope of the project
The system does not support online payment for PayPal and other electronics
system, its only transaction is on banking.
It is only for Debreberhan hospital.
Language is support only English.
Significance of study
After this project is finished and properly used it gives great benefits to
-hospital manger
Significance of study
Some of the significant that the team has identified are listed out as follows
Reduce manual process and administrative cost to maintain existing system.
Reduce time, cost and redundancy of information or data.
Improving efficiency, control and security of existing system.
Any customer can get service anywhere hospital by using id.
Avoid fake identification card.
The payment of the money is properly submitted to the company without the
interferer of tiff and marauder.
Methodology of the project
Data collection
There are many techniques of data collection. Among them the team used the
following methods for collecting data.
Interviewing: by asking the subscriber of tena medihn customer we choose
this type because we can get detailed information about the current system.
Observation: By visiting health insurance website and different hospitals of
health insurance customer we observed data from customers, chairman and
hospital managers.
Document analysis: from existing document of the health insurance
collected more information about the existing system relevant to develop the
propose system.
Tool selection
Programming languages, tools and techniques will used for the development
of the system:
Sublime text
PHP (We use PHP language for the system development, and our system
(software) will be compatable on all hardware platforms such as windows &
Html, css, java script, and MySQL database.
Wamp server.
Financial Request
2 pen 2 12 24
5 cd 4 20 80
Total 31164
Software Cost
No Material Price per Unit
2 sublime Free