Module 1 (Vectors and Resultant)

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Resultant of Two Forces
• force: action of one body on another;
characterized by its point of application,
magnitude, line of action, and sense.

• Experimental evidence shows that the

combined effect of two forces may be
represented by a single resultant force.

• The resultant is equivalent to the diagonal of

a parallelogram which contains the two
forces in adjacent legs.

• Force is a vector quantity.

• Vector: parameters possessing magnitude and direction
which add according to the parallelogram law.
Examples: displacements, velocities, accelerations.
• Scalar: parameters possessing magnitude but not
direction. Examples: mass, volume, temperature
• Vector classifications:
- Fixed or bound vectors have well defined points of
application that cannot be changed without affecting
an analysis.
- Free vectors may be freely moved in space without
changing their effect on an analysis.
- Sliding vectors may be applied anywhere along their
line of action without affecting an analysis.
• Equal vectors have the same magnitude and direction.
• Negative vector of a given vector has the same magnitude
and the opposite direction.
Addition of Vectors
• Trapezoid rule for vector addition

• Triangle rule for vector addition

• Law of cosines,
B R 2  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ cos B
  
C R  PQ

• Law of sines,
sin A sin B sin C
 

• Vector addition is commutative,

   
PQ  Q P

• Vector subtraction

Addition of Vectors
• Addition of three or more vectors through
repeated application of the triangle rule

• The polygon rule for the addition of three or

more vectors.
• Vector addition is associative,
        
P  Q  S  P  Q   S  P  Q  S 

• Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

Resultant of Several Concurrent Forces
• Concurrent forces: set of forces which all
pass through the same point.

A set of concurrent forces applied to a

particle may be replaced by a single
resultant force which is the vector sum of
the applied forces.

• Vector force components: two or more force

vectors which, together, have the same effect
as a single force vector.

Sample Problem 1
• Graphical solution - construct a
parallelogram with sides in the same
direction as P and Q and lengths in
proportion. Graphically evaluate the
resultant which is equivalent in direction
and proportional in magnitude to the the
The two forces act on a bolt at
A. Determine their resultant. • Trigonometric solution - use the triangle
rule for vector addition in conjunction
with the law of cosines and law of sines
to find the resultant.

Sample Problem 1
• Graphical solution - A parallelogram with sides
equal to P and Q is drawn to scale. The
magnitude and direction of the resultant or of
the diagonal to the parallelogram are measured,
R  98 N   35

• Graphical solution - A triangle is drawn with P

and Q head-to-tail and to scale. The magnitude
and direction of the resultant or of the third
side of the triangle are measured,

R  98 N   35

Sample Problem 1
• Trigonometric solution - Apply the triangle rule.
From the Law of Cosines,
R 2  P 2  Q 2  2 PQ cos B
 40 N 2  60 N 2  240 N 60 N cos155
R  97.73N

From the Law of Sines,

sin A sin B

sin A  sin B
60 N
 sin 155
A  15.04
  20  A
  35.04
Sample Problem 2
• Find a graphical solution by applying the
Parallelogram Rule for vector addition. The
parallelogram has sides in the directions of
the two ropes and a diagonal in the direction
of the barge axis and length proportional to
5000 lbf.
A barge is pulled by two tugboats.
If the resultant of the forces • Find a trigonometric solution by applying
exerted by the tugboats is 5000 lbf the Triangle Rule for vector addition. With
directed along the axis of the the magnitude and direction of the resultant
barge, determine known and the directions of the other two
sides parallel to the ropes given, apply the
a) the tension in each of the ropes Law of Sines to find the rope tensions.
for  = 45o, • The angle for minimum tension in rope 2 is
b) the value of  for which the determined by applying the Triangle Rule
tension in rope 2 is a minimum. and observing the effect of variations in .
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Sample Problem 2

• Graphical solution - Parallelogram Rule

with known resultant direction and
magnitude, known directions for sides.
T1  3700 lbf T2  2600 lbf

• Trigonometric solution - Triangle Rule

with Law of Sines
T1 T2 5000 lbf
 
sin 45 sin 30 sin 105

T1  3660 lbf T2  2590 lbf

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Sample Problem 2
• The angle for minimum tension in rope 2 is
determined by applying the Triangle Rule
and observing the effect of variations in .

• The minimum tension in rope 2 occurs when

T1 and T2 are perpendicular.

T2  5000 lbf sin 30 T2  2500 lbf

T1  5000 lbf cos 30 T1  4330 lbf

  90  30   60

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Rectangular Components of a Force:
Unit Vectors
• May resolve a force vector into perpendicular
components so that the resulting parallelogram is a
rectangle. Fx and Fy are referred to as rectangular
vector components and
  
F  Fx  Fy
 
• Define perpendicular unit vectors i and j which are
parallel to the x and y axes.

• Vector components may be expressed as products of

the unit vectors with the scalar magnitudes of the
vector components.
  
F  Fx i  Fy j

Fx and Fy are referred to as the scalar components of F

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Addition of Forces by Summing
• Wish to find the resultant of 3 or more
concurrent forces,
   
R  PQS

• Resolve each force into rectangular components

       
R x i  R y j  Px i  Py j  Qx i  Q y j  S x i  S y j
 
 Px  Q x  S x i  Py  Q y  S y  j
• The scalar components of the resultant are equal
to the sum of the corresponding scalar
components of the given forces.
R x  Px  Q x  S x R y  Py  Q y  S y
  Fx   Fy
• To find the resultant magnitude and direction,
2 2 1 R y
R  Rx  R y   tan
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Sample Problem 3
• Resolve each force into rectangular
• Determine the components of the
resultant by adding the corresponding
force components.

• Calculate the magnitude and direction

Four forces act on bolt A as shown. of the resultant.
Determine the resultant of the force
on the bolt.

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Sample Problem 3
• Resolve each force into rectangular
force mag x  comp y  comp

F1 150  129.9  75.0

F2 80  27.4  75.2

F3 110 0  110 .0

F4 100  96.6  25.9
R x  199.1 R y  14.3

• Determine the components of the resultant by

adding the corresponding force components.
• Calculate the magnitude and direction.
R  199.12  14.32 R  199.6 N
14.3 N
tan     4.1
199.1 N
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Take Home to be submitted on
Wednesday 10am to the course
rep who will take it to systems
engineering departmental office

• An airplane travels on a bearing of 100° at an

airspeed of 190 km/h while a wind is blowing
48 km/h from 220°. Find the ground speed of
the airplane and the direction of its track, or
course, over the ground.
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External and Internal Forces
• Forces acting on rigid bodies are
divided into two groups:
- External forces
- Internal forces

• External forces are shown in a

free-body diagram.

• If unopposed, each external

force can impart a motion of
translation or rotation, or both.
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Principle of Transmissibility:
Equivalent Forces
• Principle of Transmissibility -
Conditions of equilibrium or motion
are not affected by transmitting a force
along its line of action.
NOTE: F and F’ are equivalent forces.

• Moving the point of application of

the force F to the rear bumper
does not affect the motion or the
other forces acting on the truck.

• Principle of transmissibility may

not always apply in determining
internal forces and deformations.

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1. Determine the x and y components of each of the
forces shown. Also find the resultants of the forces.

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