Emergency Provision in Indian Constituion

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Emergency provision in

indian constituion
 state of emergency in India refers to a period
of governance that can be proclaimed by the
President of India during certain crisis
situations. Under the advice of the cabinet of
ministers, the President can overrule many
provisions of the Constitution, which
guarantees Fundamental Rights to the
citizens of India.
 National emergency can be declared on the
basis of war, external aggression or armed
rebellion. The Constitution employs the
expression ‘proclamation of emergency’ to
denote an emergency of this type.
 Under Article 352, the president can declare a national
emergency when the security of India or a part of it is
threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion.
 The President can declare a national emergency even before
the actual occurrence of war or armed rebellion or external
 When a national emergency is declared on the grounds of
‘war’ or ‘external aggression’, it is known as ‘External
Emergency’. On the other hand, when it is declared on the
grounds of ‘armed rebellion’, it is known as ‘Internal
 This term ‘armed rebellion’ is inserted from the 44th
amendment. Before this term it was known as internal
 Article 355 imposes a duty on the centre to
ensure that the government of every state is
carried on in accordance with the provisions
of the constitution.
 It is this duty in the performance of which the

centre takes over the government of a state

under Article 356 in case of failure of
constitutional machinery in a state.
 This is popularly known as ‘President’s Rule’.
 Grounds of declaration: Article 360 empowers
the president to proclaim a Financial Emergency
if he is satisfied that a situation has arisen due
to which the financial stability or credit of India
or any part of its territory is threatened.
 Parliamentary approval and duration: A
proclamation declaring financial emergency
must be approved by both the Houses of
Parliament within two months from the date of
its issue.
 Extension of the executive authority of the Union
over the financial matters of the States.
 Reduction of salaries and allowances of all or any

class of persons serving in the State.

 Reservation of all money bills or other financial

bills for the consideration of the President after

they are passed by the legislature of the State.
 Direction from the President for the reduction of

salaries and allowances of all or any class of

persons serving the Union; and the judges of the
Supreme Court and the High Courts

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