Healthcare in Technology

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Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust


HEALTHCARE” Prepared by
Rachana .V. J
Priyanka . R
Shravya Manjunath
Spoorthi . V
Jeevan Gowda
1 Sandeep


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.


The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their
interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts,
engineering, applied science, and pure science.

Health Technology:

It is the prevention and rehabilitation, vaccines, pharmaceuticals and devices, medical; and surgical
procedures, and the systems with which health is protected and maintained.

 Health technologies are everywhere

 Blood transfusion safety

 Blood products are related biological

 Diagnostic imaging

 District hospital surgery

 Laboratory services

 Medical devices and equipment

 Transplantation services


 Meet basic needs for health services

 Have been proven to be cost-efficient

 Are evidence-based

 Health technologies are evidence-based when they meet well-defined

 Specification and have been validated through controlled

 Clinical studies or rest on widely accepted consensus by experts


IoT is a combination of hardware and software technology that produce trillions of data
through connecting multiple devices and sensors with the cloud and making sense of
data with intelligent tools

IoT in Healthcare is a heterogeneous computing, wirelessly communicating system of

apps and devices that connects patients and health providers to diagnose, monitor, track
and store vital statistics and medical information.

IOT Healthcare Network

 Topology

 Architecture

 Platform
 Compliance with treatment and medication at home and by healthcare providers

 Various medical devices, sensors, and diagnostic and imaging devices can be
viewed as smart devices or objects constituting a core part of the IoT.

Security Issues with IoT in Healthcare

 Healthcare devices deal with private information

 This information needs to be protected from been revealed, modified or forged

 Critical to identify and analyse distinct features of IoT security and privacy

Security Challenges:

 Computational Limitation

 Memory Limitation

 Energy Limitation

 Mobility

 Scalability

 Communications Media

 The Multiplicity of Devices

 A Dynamic Network Topology

 A Multi-protocol Network

 Dynamic Security

 Tamper- Resistant Packages

Security Requirements:

 Confidentiality

 Integrity

 Authentication

 Availability

 Data Freshness

 Non-Repudiation

 Authorization

 Resiliency

 Fault Tolerance

 Self-Healing

 Transmission of medical diagnostic data.

 Monitoring and virtual visit.

 Optimized pharma production.

 Mobile sensing.

 Therapeutic devices.

 Lower healthcare costs.

Wh y He al t hca r e Ne eds The I nt er net of T hi ngs :

 To Turn Data Into Actions

 To Improve Patient Health: 

 To Promote Preventive Care

 To Enhance Patient Satisfaction & Engagement:

 To Advance Care Management

 To Advance Population Health Management

Advantages OF IoT to Healthcare:

 Reduced Cost

 Improved Treatment Outcomes

 Real Time-Disease Management

 Minimizes Errors

 Improved Patients Experiences


 Privacy of data

 Accuracy

 Cost

 Immediate medical attention especially during times of medical emergency and

natural disasters

 No need for waiting in long queues to see a physician

 Eliminate the need to physically go to a medical facility. Tele Health reduces the
distance barriers

 Reduced documentation and paperwork

 Cost effective - The growth in Tele Health space will extensively reduce insurance
premiums and potentially reduce the time a patient has to be away from work

 Equal and comprehensive healthcare provisions to everyone by eliminating

geographical barriers
 Better communication - Communication to the primary care
doctor and specialist happens at the same time because
everyone is virtually present in the same room during

 Expanded reach to various health service providers


 Artificial intelligence in healthcare is an overarching term used to describe the use

of machine-learning algorithms and software, or artificial intelligence (AI), to
mimic human cognition in the analysis, presentation, and comprehension of
complex medical and health care data.
 Specifically, AI is the ability of computer algorithms to approximate conclusions
based solely on input data.

 The primary aim of health-related AI applications is to analyze relationships
between prevention or treatment techniques and patient outcomes.
 AI programs are applied to practices such as diagnosis  processes, treatment
protocol, development, drug development,  personalized medicine, and patient
monitoring and care.
 AI algorithms can also be used to analyze large amounts of data through electronic
health records for disease prevention and diagnosis
 AI programs are applied to practices such as diagnosis  processes, treatment
protocol, development, drug development,  personalized medicine, and patient
monitoring and care.
 AI algorithms can also be used to analyze large amounts of data through electronic
health records for disease prevention and diagnosis.

 Current research

 Various specialties in medicine have shown an increase in research regarding AI. As the
novel coronavirus ravages through the globe, the United States is estimated to invest
more than $2 billion in AI-related healthcare research over the next 5 years, more than
4 times the amount spent in 2019 ($463 million)

 Dermatology

 Dermatology is an imaging abundant speciality and the development of deep

learning has been strongly tied to image processing.

 Therefore there is a natural fit between the dermatology and deep learning. There are 3

main imaging types in dermatology: contextual images, macro images, micro images .
 For each modality, deep learning showed great progress.Han et. al. showed
keratinocytic skin cancer detection from face photographs.

 Esteva et al. demonstrated dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer from

lesion images. Noyan et. al. demonstrated a convolutional neural network  that
achieved 94% accuracy at identifying skin cells from microscopic Tzanck
smear images.

 Radiology

 AI is being studied within the radiology field to detect and diagnose diseases within
patients through Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR)

 The focus on Artificial Intelligence in radiology has rapidly increased in recent years

according to the Radiology Society of North America, where they have seen growth
from 0 to 3, 17, and overall 10% of total publications from 2015-2018 respectively.

 Screening

 Recent advances have suggested the use of AI to describe and evaluate the outcome
of maxillo-facial surgery or the assessment of cleft palate  therapy in regard to facial
attractiveness or age appearance.
 Primary care

  AI in primary care has been used for supporting decision making, predictive modelling,
and business analytics. 

 Despite the rapid advances in AI technologies, general practitioners' view on the role of
AI in primary care is very limited–mainly focused on administrative and routine
documentation tasks.

 Disease diagnosis

 An article by Jiang, et al. (2017) demonstrated that there are several types of AI
techniques that have been used for a variety of different diseases, such as support vector
machines, neural networks, and decision trees.

 To demonstrate some specifics for disease diagnosis/classification there are two different
techniques used in the classification of these diseases include using “Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) and Bayesian Networks (BN)”.
 It was found that ANN was better and could more accurately classify diabetes and

 Telemedicine

 The increase of telemedicine , the treatment of patients remotely, has shown the
rise of possible AI applications. AI can assist in caring for patients remotely by
monitoring their information through sensors.

  A wearable device may allow for constant monitoring of a patient and the ability to
notice changes that may be less distinguishable by humans.

 The information can be compared to other data that has already been collected
using artificial intelligence algorithms that alert physicians if there are any issues to
be aware of.

 Another application of artificial intelligence is chat-bot therapy. Some researchers
charge that the reliance on chatbots for mental healthcare does not offer the
reciprocity and accountability of care that should exist in the relationship between
the consumer of mental healthcare and the care provider (be it a chat-bot or
psychologist), though.

 Drug Interactions

 Improvements in natural language processing led to the development of algorithms

to identify drug-drug interactions  in medical literature. Drug-drug interactions pose
a threat to those taking multiple medications simultaneously, and the danger
increases with the number of medications being taken. 

 To address the difficulty of tracking all known or suspected drug-drug interactions,
machine learning algorithms have been created to extract information on
interacting drugs and their possible effects from medical literature.

 Ethical concerns:

 Data collection

 In order to effectively train Machine Learning and use AI in healthcare, massive

amounts of data must be gathered .Acquiring this data, however, comes at the cost
of patient privacy in most cases and is not well received publicly.

 Automation

 According to a recent study, AI can replace up to 35% of jobs in the UK within the
next 10 to 20 years.

 However, of these jobs, it was concluded that AI has not eliminated any healthcare
jobs so far. Though if AI were to automate healthcare related jobs, the jobs most
susceptible to automation would be those dealing with digital information,
radiology, and pathology, as opposed to those dealing with doctor to patient

 Bias

 Since AI makes decisions solely on the data it receives as input, it is important that
this data represents accurate patient demographics. In a hospital setting, patients do
not have full knowledge of how predictive algorithms are created or calibrated.
Therefore, these medical establishments can unfairly code their algorithms to
discriminate against minorities and prioritize profits rather than providing optimal

 There can also be unintended bias in these algorithms that can exacerbate social
and healthcare inequities. Since AI’s decisions are a direct reflection of its input
data, the data it receives must have accurate representation of patient
demographics. White males are overly represented in medical data sets. Therefore,
having minimal patient data on minorities can lead to AI making more accurate
predictions for majority populations, leading to unintended worse medical
outcomes for minority populations. Collecting data from minority communities can
also lead to medical discrimination. For instance, HIV is a prevalent virus among
minority communities and HIV status can be used to discriminate against
patients. In addition to biases that may arise from sample selection, different
clinical systems used to collect data may also impact AI functionality.

Augmented reality in Health care

 Save lives by showing defibrillators nearby

 Google glass to help new mothers struggling with breastfeeding

 Patients can describe their symptoms better through augmented reality

 Motivating runners through zombies

 It assist surgeons in the OR

 Teaching kids about the human body

 Nurses can find veins easier with augmented reality

• Virtual reality is a new technology used in the welfare of medical science. The high
end interactivity and absolute immersion of virtual reality play the role of a natural
fit in healthcare and medical business.

• The application of Virtual reality is mainly for medical and surgical training. By
virtual reality application,the developers can build some smart and life saving

• The medical professionals can use those solutions during an operation. It tends the
surgery towards success and quick recovery of the patient.

• Therefore, the virtual reality application made a huge change in medical science as
well as the healthcare business. The medical institutes always try to apply virtual
reality in their treatment and training procedures.
Application Of VR In Healthcare & Medical:

 In Medical Training

 For Mental Illness Treatment

 Diagnostics

 Surgery

 In Physical Therapy

 Pain Management

 Human Simulation

 Medical Marketing



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