Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
The expected EPS is simply a weighted average of each
possible EPS, where the weights are the probabilities of
each possible outcome.
Example: Calculate Variance and Standard deviation of EPS for Ron’s Stores
σ2 = 0.10(1.80-1.28)2 + 0.20(1.60-1.28)2 + 0.40(1.20-1.28)2 + 0.30(1.00-1.28)2
= 0.0736
σ = 27.13%
• Skewness: a measure of a distribution’s symmetry, is the standardized third
• E{[X − E(X)]3} = E[(X − μ)3]
Positive Kurtosis
Negative Kurtosis
The Normal Distribution
The Normal Distribution
• Many of the random variables that are relevant to finance and other professional
disciplines follow a normal distribution.
• It is completely described by its mean, μ, and variance, σ2, stated as X ~ N(μ, σ2).
In words, this says, “X is normally distributed with mean μ and variance σ2.”
• Skewness = 0, meaning the normal distribution is symmetric about its mean, so
that P(X ≤ μ) = P(μ ≤ X) = 0.5, and mean = median = mode.
• Kurtosis = 3.
• A linear combination of normally distributed independent random variables is
also normally distributed.
• The probabilities of outcomes further above and below the mean get smaller and
smaller but do not go to zero (the tails get very thin but extend infinitely).
Confidence interval
• A confidence interval is a range of values around the expected outcome within
which we expect the actual outcome to be some specified percentage of the
• A 95% confidence interval is a range that we expect the random variable to be in
95% of the time.
• For a normal distribution, this interval is based on the expected value (sometimes
called a point estimate) of the random variable and on its variability, which we
measure with standard deviation.
Confidence interval
• A standard normal distribution (i.e., z-distribution) is a normal distribution that has been
standardized so it has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1
• N~(0,1)
The standard normal distribution
That is, $9.70 is 1.85 standard deviations above the mean EPS value of $6. From the
z-table, we have F(1.85) = 0.9678, but this is P(EPS ≤ 9.70).
P(EPS > 9.70) = 1 − 0.9678 = 0.0322, or 3.2%
The Lognormal Distribution
• The lognormal distribution is generated by the function ex, where x is normally distributed.
• Because the natural logarithm, ln, of ex is x, the logarithms of lognormally distributed random
variables are normally distributed.
• The lognormal distribution is skewed to the right.
• . The lognormal distribution is bounded from below by zero so that it is useful for modeling asset
prices that never take negative values.
Student’s t-Distribution
• Student’s t-distribution is similar to a normal distribution, but has fatter tails (i.e.,
a greater proportion of the outcomes are in the tails of the distribution).
• When small samples (n < 30) from a population with unknown variance and a
normal, or approximately normal, distribution.
• When population variance is unknown and the sample size is large enough that
the central limit theorem will assure that the sampling distribution is
approximately normal
Student’s t-Distribution
• It is symmetrical.
• It is defined by a single parameter, the
degrees of freedom (df) (the number of
sample observations minus 1, n − 1, for
sample means.
• It has a greater probability in the tails
(fatter tails) than the normal distribution.
• As the degrees of freedom (the sample
size) gets larger, the shape of the t-
distribution more closely approaches a
standard normal distribution.
• The Chi-Squared Distribution
• The F-Distribution
• The Exponential Distribution
• The Beta Distribution
• Mixture distributions
• Covariance is the expected value of the product of the deviations of
the two random variables from their respective expected values.
• Covariance measures how two variables move with each other or the
dependency between the two variables.
• Cov(X,Y) and σXY.
• Cov(X,Y) = E{[X − E(X)][Y − E(Y)]}
• Cov(X,Y) = E(X,Y) − E(X) × E(Y)
• EXAMPLE: Covariance
Assume that the economy can be in three possible states (S) next year: boom, normal, or
slow economic growth. An expert source has calculated that P(boom) = 0.30, P(normal) =
0.50, and P(slow) = 0.20. The returns for Stock A, RA, and Stock B, RB, under each of the
economic states are provided in the following table. What is the covariance of the returns
for Stock A and Stock B?
E(RA) = (0.3)(0.20) + (0.5)(0.12) + (0.2)(0.05) = 0.13
E(RB) = (0.3)(0.30) + (0.5)(0.10) + (0.2)(0.00) = 0.14
• Covariance is difficult to interpret because it depends on the scales of X1 and X2.
Thus, it can take on extremely large values, ranging from negative to positive
infinity, and, like variance, these values are expressed in terms of squared units.
Correlation makes it easier to interpret.
• Correlation measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.
• Correlation ranges from −1 to +1 for two variables (i.e., −1 ≤ Corr(X1, X2) ≤ +1).
ρ = 1: two variables are perfectly positively correlated
ρ = -1: two variables are perfectly negatively correlated
EXAMPLE: Correlation
Using our previous example, compute and interpret the correlation of the returns for Stocks A
and B, given that σ2(RA) = 0.0028 and σ2(RB) = 0.0124 and recalling that Cov(RA,RB) = 0.0058.
• Population mean μ
• Population variance
Sample moments
• The use of the entire number of sample observations, n, instead of n − 1 as the divisor
in the computation of s2, will systematically underestimate the population parameter,
σ2, particularly for small sample sizes cause the sample variance to be a biased
estimator of the population variance.
• Using n − 1 instead of n in the denominator, however, improves the statistical
properties of s2 as an estimator of σ2
• EXAMPLE: Estimating the mean, variance, and standard deviation with sample data
Assume you are evaluating the stock of Alpha Corporation. You have calculated the stock
returns for Alpha Corporation over the last five years to develop the following sample
data set. Given this information, calculate the sample mean, variance, and standard
Data set: 24%, 34%, 18%, 54%, 10%
Quantitative Analysis
Reading 21
Stationary Time Series
Time series
• Time series is data collected over regular time periods
• Example: monthly S&P 500 returns, quarterly dividends paid by a
company, etc.).
• Time series data have trends (the component that changes over
time), seasonality (systematic change that occur at specific times of
the year), and cyclicality (changes occurring over time cycles).
Covariance Stationary
• To be covariance stationary, a time series must exhibit the following
three properties:
1. Its mean must be stable over time.
2. Its variance must be finite and stable over time.
3. Its covariance structure must be stable over time.
• Log-linear model
• Non-linear
• log-quadratic model
• Seasonality in a time series is a pattern that tends to repeat from year to year.
• Example: monthly sales data for a retailer. Because sales data normally varies according to the calendar,
we might expect this month’s sales (xt) to be related to sales for the same month last year (x t−12).
• Specific examples of seasonality relate to increases that occur at only certain
times of the year.
• Example: purchases of retail goods typically increase dramatically every year in the weeks leading up to
Christmas. Similarly, sales of gasoline generally increase during the summer months when people take
more vacations.
• Weather is another common example of a seasonal factor as production of agricultural commodities is
heavily influenced by changing seasons and temperatures.
• Seasonality in a time series can also refer to cycles shorter than a year.
• Example: Calendar effects (January effects)
• An effective technique for modeling seasonality is to include seasonal dummy
variables in a regression.
Unit roots
• We describe a time series as a random walk if its value in any given period is its
previous value plus-or-minus a random “shock.” Symbolically, we state this as
yt = yt−1 + εt.
• If it follows logically that the same was true in earlier periods,
yt−1 = yt−2 + εt−1
yt−2 = yt−3 + εt−2 and so forth
y1 = y0 + ε1.
• If we substitute these (recursively) back into yt = yt−1 + εt, we eventually get:
yt = y0 + ε1 + ε2 + … + εt−2 + εt−1 + εt.
That is, any observation in the series is a function of the beginning value and all the
past shocks, as well as the shock in the observation’s own period.
Random walk theory
• Random walk theory suggests that changes in stock prices have the same
distribution and are independent of each other.
• Therefore, it assumes the past movement or trend of a stock price or market
cannot be used to predict its future movement.
• In short, random walk theory proclaims that stocks take a random and
unpredictable path that makes all methods of predicting stock prices futile in the
long run.
Unit roots
• A key property of a random walk is that its variance increases with time. This
implies a random walk is not covariance stationary, so we cannot model one
directly with AR, MA, or ARMA techniques
• A random walk is a special case of a wider class of time series known as unit root
• The most common way to test a series for a unit root is with an augmented
Dickey-Fuller test