FC Sce Creed
FC Sce Creed
FC Sce Creed
August Comte
- Determinism – everything has sufficient causes
- father of sociological positivism
6. It is the study of formation of the skull in relation to the
behavior of the criminal.
a. entomology b. penology
c. phrenology d. criminology
Victimless crime
- crimes with no private offended party
- crimes with no complaining victim
- a.k.a. public order crime
examples: prosti, gambling, drugs, traffic violation
Who shall file the complaint ? = state, government, “p.p.” –
9. The principle that events including criminal behavior that
has sufficient causes.
a. atavism b. narcissism
c. determinism (Comte) d. positivism
1. anxiety – excessive worry
2. depression – excessive sadness (Melancholia)
3. psychastenia – Mania (desire) and Phobia (fear)
4. Obsession – uncontrollable thinking
11. What is a person who kills 3 or more in a separate event?
A. mass murder B. serial killer
C. homicidal D. spree killer
CR = CV x 100,000
CR = 24,000 x 100,000
= 1,600
18. If the 128 murder cases in City of Malolos represent
40% of the total murder cases in the province of Bulacan,
what is the total value for murder cases province wide?
a. 120 b. 420
c. 430 d. 340 (nearest)
3 branches of criminology
CRIME (criminogenesis)
P – PENOLOGY – penal science
33. An act or omission in violation of the public law
commanding or forbidding it.
34. Crimes are committed either by dolo or deceit or by
a. Culpa b. intent
c. Fault d. both a and c
35. The following are the elements of Dolo or deceit,
a. Intelligence c. Freedom
b. Intent d. Negligence (CULPA)
3 elements of DOLO
I – intent
F – freedom – affected by duress (uncontrollable fear and
irrestible force
I – intelligence = insanity & imbecility
Face = physiognomy
Body = somatology
59. According to Sheldon, the three “somatotypes” or body
built which have relationships to personality characteristics
are the following, EXCEPT:
a. Ectomorph – thin asthenic
b. Extomorph
c. Endomorph – fat pyknic
d. Mesomorph – muscular athletic
RA 8353 – yes!
Object vagina
(finger / bote/ pinay vagina)
64. According to Lombroso, these are physical
characteristics that distinguish born criminals from the
general population and are throwbacks to animals or
primitive people.
a. physical deviations
b. distinguishable traits
c. atavistic stigmata – at least 5 – born criminal
d. ape-like appearance
66. The concept that conduct norms are passed down from
one generation to the next so that they become stable within
the boundaries of a culture.
a. heredity b. inheritance
c. cultural transmission d. DNA
67. Group of urban sociologists who studies the
relationship between environmental conditions and
a. classical school - freewill b. chicago school
c. neo-classical school – freewill is not absolute
d. positive school – crime is a product of scientific factors
Normal Sex
1. Hetero Sexual – opposite sexes
2. Marital Affair
3. Purpose – reproduction
4. Position – missionary
As to choice of partner
1. Child – pedophilia
2. Old – Gerontophilia
3. Animal – Bestiality
4. Object – Fetishism
5. Same Sex – Homosexuality
6. Dead – Necrophilia
7. Blood related – incest
8. Self – autosexuality
As to expression
3. Sadism
4. Masochism
5. Oralism (mouth)
a. felatio – irrumation
b. cunnilingus – licking of vagina
c. anillism - licking of anus
1. SODOMY – “BUGGERY” – anal sex
2. Frottage – kis kis gang
3. Uranism “KFC”
4. Partialism – being attracted to a specific body part
74. A sexual relationship between persons closely related
by blood.
a. Incest
b. sadism
c. Masochism
d. Rape
75. These are violent acts directed toward a particular
person or members of group merely because the targets
share discernible racial, ethnic, religious or gender
a. Violent crimes
b. hate crimes
c. Copy-cat crimes – idolization and imitation “Gabriel
d. victimless crimes
76. A term to denote a premeditated, politically motivated
violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by
subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended
to influence an audience.
a. Rebellion
b. piracy
c. Terrorism
d. little war
88. A term that used to describe motorists who assault each other.
a. road rage b. predation
c. hate crime d. serial murder
Predation – looking for a weaker person to victimize
Predator – dominant animals
Prey – weaker animals
89. This theory argues that intelligence is largely
determined genetically; that ancestry determines IQ; and,
that low intelligence as demonstrated by low IQ is linked to
behavior including criminal behavior:
a. Nature Theory b) Psychological theory
c) Strain Theory d) Labeling theory
94. This school on crime causation emphasized economic
determinism and concentrated on the need for the quality
among all citizens. They provided statistical data which
claimed to show that variations in crime rates are associated
with variations in economic conditions.
a. Cartographic School (SCL – STATISTICS,
CLIMATE & LOCATION) – Adolphe Quetelet
b. Socialist School
c. Psychiatric School
d. Chicago School – Crime and Environmental Condition
95. “Manie sans delire” (madness without confusion) This
was the term used by Philippe Pinel describing the
personality that is characterized by an inability to learn
from experience, lack of warmth, and no sense of guilt
better known as:
a. psychotic personality – “H.I.D.”
b. psychopathic personality
c. neurotic behavior – mild mental disorder
d. dementia praecox – other term for Schizophrenia”
96. A police officer’s frustration in the realization of his
ambition and goals in life both as an officer of the law, and
as a private citizen, can push him to a life of crime, as
pointed out in this particular theory.
a. Disorganization Theory – “OMUBIPU”
b. Culture Conflict Theory “ Thorsten Sellin – UC vs
Lower Class Culture”
C. Differential Association Theory – “ALICSI” – Edwin
d. Strain Theory
97. Crimes which occur per 100,000 population per month.
It is the theoretical basis which determines the peace and
order situation.
a. index crimes b. crime rate
c. non-index crimes d. crime statistics
Positivism = Treatment
119. Refers to the circumstances which attendant in the
commission of a crime serve to increase the penalty,
without however exceeding the maximum of the penalty
provided by law for the offense.
a. Justifying b. Exempting
c. Mitigating d. Aggravating
Lowering = mitigating
Lower / increase = alternative
No criminal liability / no civil = justifying
No criminal but with civil = exempting
120. Those wherein the acts of the person are in
accordance with the law, hence he incurs no criminal
a. Exempting – Art 12
b. Aggravating – Art 14
c. Justifying – Art 11
d. Mitigating – Art 13
Alternative – Art 15
JEMAA – Art 11 – 15
121. Mr. A committed loitering within the vicinity of
Manila City Hall on January 14, 2011. June 14, 2011, a city
ordinance was passed punishing loitering within the
vicinity of Isetan Recto. Can A be held liable for his act of
a. Yes, for there is a law passed punishing it
b. Yes under the principle of retroactive effect of criminal
c. No, for the act was done prior to the effectivity of the
law. (prospectivity / irretrospectivity)
d. No, for A did not loiter again.
122. Having spent half of his life in the study of the causes
of crime and true to his dedication to his lifetime works,
upon his death he willed his brain and body to the Institute
of Anatomy at the University of Turin in Italy to be further
studied. To this, he was named the “Father of Modern and
Empirical Criminology”.
a) Cesare Beccaria b) Edwin Sutherland
c) Cesare Lombroso d) Jeremy Bentham
123. Which of the following is NOT included in the
components of criminal justice system of the United States?
a. Law enforcement b. Corrections
c. Prosecution d. Courts
124. Refers to any person below 18 years of age or those
over but unable to fully take care of themselves from
neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination due to
some physical defect or mental disability or condition.
a. child
b. wards – child under guardianship
c. physically disabled d. youth
RA 6809 – CHILD BELOW 18
RA 7610 – CHILD (BELOW 18 & 18 ABOVE –
125. Act or omission which may not be punishable if
committed by an adult but becomes unlawful when they
are committed by a child or a person of tender year or one
who is in need of supervision or assistance.
a. crime b. status offense
c. delinquency d. felonies
127. Under the law, they are the one responsible for
preventing the child from becoming addicted to
intoxicating drinks, narcotic drugs, smoking, gambling or
any harmful practices.
a. DSWD b. Parents (parental responsibility)
c. state d. police
128. The civil personality of the child is deemed to have
been commenced upon:
a. birth of the child
b. when the child celebrates his first birthday
c. from the time of his conception
d. upon reaching the age of majority
2 types of neglect
Food , water, clothes, shelter = Physical neglect
Love, care, attention = emotional neglect
140. Is the mass obligation which the parents have in relation to the
persons and property of their an unemancipated child.
a. Paretal authority b. Patria Potestas
c. Parens’ Patriae d. Parental Responsibility
4 – penal colonies
1. Iwahig
2. Sablayan
3. DaPeCol
4. San Ramon
3 – regular prisons
5. NBP
6. CIW
7. LRP
165. Employers shall provide an opportunity for education
to all working children up to this level:
a. elementary b. college
c. secondary d. vocational
4. 27 y/o
5. Age gap – 16
6. Diplomatic relationship
7. Residency = 3 years
190. This refers to the document issued by the court
signifying the approval of the application for adoption:
a) decree of adoption b) petition for adoption
c) annulment d) rescission
Petition = application
Cancelled adoption rescission
Annulment vs divorce
Neurosis – singular
Neuroses – plural
Psychopathy (abno)
A – ANTI SOCIAL –loner – introvert – schizoid
B – brutality & cruelty
NO – conscience, no sense of guilt, no remorse
239. Hydrophobia is fear of ________.
a. Water - aquaphobia
b. Darkness – nyctophobia
c. Snakes – ophidiophobia
d. deep water
Sigmund Freud
Containment is the 1st step in hostage taking negotiation
(crowd control)
What is the last resort? = assault
270. The cardinal rule to follow in a hostage taking
situation is,
a. commanders should not negotiate, negotiators should
not command (division of labor) – cause confusion
b. open the communication at once
c. negotiate
d. ask for demands
Male: (3)
1. Pre Mature Ejaculation – fast to ejaculate
2. Retarded Ejaculation = taking to long to ejaculate
3. Erectile dysfunction – failed to erect
4. Orgasmic Dysfunction – failure to reach climax
5. Dyspareunia – painful coitus
6. Arousal Insufficiency (frigid) – numbness; dry;no natural
7. Vaginismus – vaginal spasm, vaginal lock
285. The best approach in negotiating with a Paranoid
Schizophrenic hostage taker is:
a. to accept their beliefs as being true
b. to try to convince them that their beliefs are wrong
c. to show them that they are just crazy
d. to try to bluff or trick them
286. The following are reasons, why common criminals are
easy to negotiate, except:
a. fears of police assault and punishment
b. criminals are usually rational thinkers
c. they are familiar with police operations and tactics
d. their ultimate desire is to surrender
287. In the field of terrorism, the most common tactic used
A. Kidnapping C. Bombing
B. Assassination D. Extortion
288. A personality disorder characterized by
suspiciousness, hypersensitivity, envy, excessive self
important, and argumentativeness, plus a tendency to
blame others for one’s own mistakes and failure and to
ascribe evil motives to others.
A. Paranoid Personality
B. Dependent Personality
C. Schizoid Personality
D. Borderline Personality
Personality Disorders
1. Schizoid = “loner”
2. Schizotypal = “magic & superstition”
3. Narcissism – excessive self adoration / importance
4. Paranoid – over suspiciousness; hypersensitive
types of paranoia
a. persecutory – “feeling always blamed”
b. jealous paranoia – “irrational jealousy”
c. erotic paranoia – “GGSS”
d. exaltic paranoia – “hero ; god; super power”
5. Histrionic – dramatic; immature
6. Avoidant – afraid of rejection
7. Borderline – Drastic moodshift
8. DEPENDENT – no self reliance
289. A personality disorder characterized by an inability to
form social relationships and can be classified as “loners”.
A. Paranoid Personality
B. Schizoid Personality
C. Dependent Personality
D. Borderline Personality
290. A personality disorder characterized by instability,
reflected in dramatic mood shifts and behavior problems.
Such individuals are frequently described as impulsive and
A. Borderline Personality
B. Compulsive Personality
290. A personality disorder characterized by instability,
reflected in dramatic mood shifts and behavior problems.
Such individuals are frequently described as impulsive and
A. Borderline Personality
B. Compulsive Personality – mania
C. Passive-aggressive Personality hostile / stubborn
D. Anti-social Personality
291. When the disorder is characterized by chronic mental
and physical fatigue and by various aches and pains, it is
considered as:
A. Anxiety Disorder
B. Somatoform Disorder – psychosomatic disorder
C. Dissociative Disorder
D. Amnesia
1. CONVERSION DISORDER – fake blindness and
other sickness
2. Hypochondriasis – overreacting to a simple sickness
292. In general, hostage takers are emotionally tense,
when trapped expand a great deal of emotional physical
and psychic energy, hence:
a. swift and precise attack will be one advantage for the
b. shortening the time will pressed him to surrender
c. prolonging the passage of time shall wear them down
– “delay the moment”
d. aggravating their stress will lead them to surrender.
293. Considered as a “mortal sin” in hostage situation.
a. giving all the demands of the hostage taker
b. acting that would prejudice the lives of the hostages
c. deceiving and bluffing the hostage taker
d. saying “no” to the demands of the hostage taker
294. They serve as stimuli-producing action that satisfies a
a. interest b. perception
c. motives d. drives
Difference Kidnapping HT
5 pillars = CICL
345. A category of delinquency which may be credited to peer
pressure or pure curiosity on the part of the young person.
A. Social – aggressive
B. Accidental
C. Neurotic – preoccupied feelings
D. Asocial – cold, brutal, no conscience
346. Putting a child under duress to consent to engage in an
A. Coercion
B. Cruelty – deed or word with degrades youth’s dignity
C. Molestation – sexual abuse
D. Abuse – maltreatment of children
347. It asserts that lower class youths with limited legitimate opportunity,
join gangs and pursue a criminal career to achieve alternate means universal
success goals.
A. Culture conflict
B. Social development model
C. Containment theory
D. Differential opportunity – Lloyd Ohlin
348. Under the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”, which among the
following refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as,
having committed an offense under Philippine laws?
A. Juvenile Delinquent
B. Child in Conflict with the Law
C. Minor Offender
D. Youth Criminal
Note: CICL will used in the entire process
CJS Nomenclatures
Law Enforcer = Suspect (CICL)
Prosecutor = Respondent (CICL
Court = Accused / defendant / appellant (CA & SC) - CICL
Correction = Convict, prisoner, Inmate “PDL” -CICL
Community = Law Abiding Citizen
349. It is devoted and focused on curbing the problem on
delinquency through undertaking preventive programs,
policies and activities.
A. Philippine National Police – WCPD
B. Department of National Defense
C. Local Government
D. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
350. It refers to one with no proper parental care or
guardianship, whose abandonment is for a period of at
least six months (OLD LAW).
A. Neglected Child
B. Deserted Child
C. Unattended Child
D. Abandoned Child
Low IQ = retarded
368. Duty of any head of a public or private hospital upon
any knowledge of a child who have been treated or suffered
from abuse.
A. Report to the DSWD within 48 hours upon discovery
of abuse
B. Report the incident to the family
C. Report the incident to the law enforcement authority
D. File a case in court in behalf of the child
369. Aside from the child, who may file a complaint against
any violation of R.A. 7610?
A. Parents or guardians
B. Ascendants or collateral relatives within the 3rd degree
of consanguinity
C. Barangay Chairman Officer or DSWD or at least any
three responsible citizen
D. All of the choices
372. View that youth can move in and out of delinquency and that
their lifestyle can adjust and embrace both deviant and conventional
values. (Neutralization Theory)
A. Swift
B. Drift – David matza and Gresham sykes
C. Coast
D. Waft
373. A child who is bound to travel abroad alone may do
so with a permit or clearance issued by:
A. The parents
B. The guardians
C. Department of Social Welfare and Development
D. Any of the choices
PD 603
- DOMESTIC – parental consent
- ABROAD – permit from the DSWD
374. This refers to children who are unable to cope with
their family life and chooses to leave the family home.
This is a direct result of feeble-mindedness, disagreeable
home conditions, broken homes and misdirected fancy for
A. Vagrancy – act ; Vagrant = person
B. Cheating
C. Lying
D. Stealing
375. What is a child caring institution that provides care for
six or more children below six years of age twenty-four
hours a day, except those duly licensed to offer primarily
medical and educational services?
A. Nursery
B. Detention Home
C. Day Care
D. Maternity
376. It refers to the totality of the circumstances and
conditions, which are most congenial to the survival,
protection and feelings of security of the child and most
encouraging to the child's physical, psychological and
emotional development.
A. Anti Youth Exploitation Measure
B. Special Protection of Minor
C. Restorative Juvenile Justice
D. Best Interest of the Child
Doctrines related to children
Psychosis or neurosis
379. It refers to a series of activities, which are designed to
address issues that caused the child to commit an
offense. It may take the form of an individualized treatment
program, which may include counseling, skills training,
education, and other activities that will enhance his/her
psychological, emotional and psychosocial well-being.
A. Diversion – alternative for formal court proceedings
B. Rehabilitation
C. Probation
D. Intervention – process of solving the behavior
With discernment = DIVERSION
Exempted Intervention
396. It refers to a principle, which requires a process of
resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the
victim, the offender and the community. It seeks to obtain
reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender,
the offended and the community; and reassurance to the
offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society. It also
enhances public safety by activating the offender, the victim
and the community in prevention strategies.
A. Restorative Justice
B. Rehabilitative Justice
C. Reformative Justice
D. Reintegrative Justice
Due process
- Art 3 sec 1, 1987 Constitution
- Uniform procedures
- “we hear before we condemn”
402. This concerns to the obligations of the community to
individuals and requires fair disbursement of common
advantages and sharing of common burden.
a. Prosecution b. justice
c. equality d. trial
- Linking pillar
- Evaluation pillar
- Screening pillar
- Lawyer of the state
412. This document is required by the Prosecutor’s Office
before it can entertain a complaint on a case covered by the
Barangay Court.
a. Certificate of Non-Settlement
b. Certificate of Non-arbitration
c. Certificate to file action
d. complaint affidavit
PD 1508 – Katarungang Pambarangay
1. All cases with penalty of 1 year below
2. All cases with fine of not more than 5,000 pesos
Cases not covered by barangay
1. Cases of more than 1 year of penalty
2. Cases of more than fine of 5,000 pesos
3. One party is a public official
4. Victimless crimes
5. One party is the government
6. Both parties are living in different cities
413. It refers to the study of the various agency of our
government in charged of processing law violators to
ensure the protection of the society and maintenance of
peace and order.
a. Criminology b. Criminal Justice
c. Victimology d. Sociology
414. Refers to the person who is being implicated to the
commission of a crime and subject of an investigation of a
a. Convict b. respondent
c. Accused d. suspect
415. Is the machinery of the state which enforces the rules of
conduct necessary to protect life and property and to maintain peace
and order?
a. Criminal Justice System
b. b. Criminology
c. Criminal law d. Criminal jurisprudence
Criminal Jurisprudence = Court Decisions
Machineries state
- Tool - government
- Means - nation
- Instrument - society
- Linking process - community
- - country
416. It is that degree of proof requires in criminal case
which would convince a reasonable mind based on moral
certainty but which nevertheless does not preclude the
possibility of error.
a. Preponderance of evidence
b. Clear and convincing evidence
c. substantive evidence
d. proof beyond reasonable doubt
99% - sure – Guilty
1 % - doubt
Judgment = Not guilty
417. A negotiation between the defense counsel and the
prosecutor, aimed at reaching an agreement whereby the
prosecutor uses discretion to obtain from the judge a
lighter sentence in exchange for the defendant’s
entering a guilty plea.
a. Arraignment – formal reading of charges (appraisal of
b. preliminary investigation
c. pre-trial
d. plea bargaining – plea of guilty to a lesser of offense
Answer to arraignment = PLEA
Judicial power
1. Power to apply the laws
2. Power to settle cases
3. Judicial independence and judicial review
421. A body of civil authority tasked to maintain peace
and order, enforce the law, protect life, liberty and
property and ensure public safety.
a. police b. prosecution
c. Court d. corrections
Municipalities = MTC
Cities outside NCR = MTCC
Courts in NCR = MeTC
430. What is that term which refers to the wise use of one’s
own judgment in a given situation without referring to
your superior due to the eminence of the situation?
a. Police resourcefulness b. Police discretion
c. Police integrity d. police prudence
433. Sworn statement, subscribed by Offended party, any
peace officer of public officer in charge of enforcement of the
law violated filed either to the court or to the office of the
a. Complaint b. Information
c. Pleadings – answer to an accusation
d. Affidavit – sworn statement
Cases of ombudsman
- Public officer (tauhan ng gobyerno)
- Cases related to their official function
SC – 14 + 1 = 15
CA – 68 + 1 = 69
SB – 14 + 1 = 15
CTA – 5 + 1 = 6
460. This court has jurisdiction over crimes committed by
high-ranking public officials (with salary grade of 27
above), which can only be committed because of their
a. Court of Justice b. Court of Appeals
c. Sandiganbayan d. Court of Tax Appeals
461. It a writ order of the court bearing its seal and the
signature of the judge directing the jail or prison authorities
to receive the convicted offender for service of sentence.
a. Commitment Order b. Mittimus
c. warrant of arrest d. habeas corpus
462. Is that branch of the criminal justice system charged
with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of a
convicted offender.
a. Penology b. Probation
c. Correction d. Criminology
Summary of PCR
- Goodwill
- Cooperation
- Mutual trust
- Trust
- Confidence
- Good image
524. What program is concerned with creating a favorable
public image of the police?
a. police relations c. Press relations
b. Community relations d. Public relations
1. I believe in God
2. I believe in respect for authority is a duty
3. I believe in selfless love and service to people
4. I believe in sanctity of marriage and respect for women
5. I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over
materials things
6. I believe in wisdom of truthfulness
551. The sum total of the dealings between the police and
the people it serves, and whose goodwill and cooperation
it craves, for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.
a. police community relations
b. police public relations
c. human relation
d. community relation
552. An established usage or social practices carried on by
tradition that has obtained the force of the law.
a. customs c. traditions
b. mores d. values
Secrecy discipline
CDI = omerta -code of silence
557. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Non-partisanship c. Humility
b. Morality d. Perseverance
572. This is responsible for new products, new knowledge
and new ways of undertaking projects.
A. Manufacturing C. Developmental
B. Research D. Experiment
573. The first and the most important step in conducting a
research project.
A. Determining the appropriate research method
B. Collection of Data
C. Identification of a research problem
D. Formulating hypothesis
578. The purpose of this part of research is to give readers the
context of the present research.
B. Method of Research – chapter 3
C. Review of Related Literature – chapter 2
D. Conclusion – chapter 5
579. These are inferences, deductions, abstractions and/or
generalizations based on findings.
A. Presentation of Data C. Conclusion
B. Introduction D. Recommendations
Suggested solutions to the problem = recommendation
580. These are addressed to those concerned to help solve
the problem, guided by the research findings.
A. Presentation of Data C. Conclusion
B. Introduction D. Recommendations
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